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Warframe Coming To Xbox One, Did Cross Play Just Go Out The Window?


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They can't even handle managing Ps4 on a proper level and now they announce Xbox version.


Right. As if that's going to go well.

being opened up to a potential userbase of millions of players is literally the best possible thing ever to happen to a game. stop complaining. more money means more content and the studio continuing to be funded for years

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How so? like how, if warthunder can do it why can't Warframe do it? Is it because Warthunder has dedicated servers or something?

or more money to throw at them... or had planned this for years. Lots of reasons come to mind. Its never as simple as one things. Also I believe Warthunder's(Gaijin's) rewards might have a small say in what is a real heavy hitter that Sony will look to with a shine in their eyes.

Edited by Arlayn
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The problem with Microsoft is that because of their own regulations and rulings they won't allow cross platform games, so Warframe couldn't run in sync with PC. While PS4 has no regulations or rulings so it's possible to have the PC and PS4 versions in sync.

Basically Microsoft will need to decide to change their rulings, to even make cross platform gaming for Warframe possible.

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The cross play element is really up to Sony as I understand it.  The only alternative would be to hold the PC players at the same patch mark that Sony has released up to.


Which might actually be a good idea, but would place Warframe's release schedule into Sony's hands.


No, that's not a good idea.

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They said it in one of the livestreams, I think it was the first after PS4 was introduced, but I can't be sure.

I don't think they ever said it. They said it was before ps4 release, and then it sorted dropped off the radar. Though they announced the update release day last week this time instead of it just going live whenever it cleared cert, so maybe something is up.
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They what? WHY?

I mean. Microsoft is, besides EA, the most bullsh** company. Why would I team up with that company...

I can already see all those people whining about the founder/exclusive gear all over again.....


As if some current PC and PS4 players don't?

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As if some current PC and PS4 players don't?

Your right with that. But do we really need even more people repeating the same stuff over and over thanks to their inability to read the forum rules/simply post a comment instead and rather create threads with the same topic around 5345634643643 times....

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  • 2 months later...

Final Fantasy XIV has cross play. Warthunder has cross play. Really makes you wonder where DE is dropping the ball.

Saying its just Sony's certification period is not cutting it for me.

There was something I read about other games being able to give updates server-side. Warframe has no dedicated servers, so...

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Someone doesn't know what "exclusive" means.


Regardless, any certification process will complicate updates and probably work against cross platform play. I'd like to see it happen, but it seems unlikely at present. I'd REALLY like to share my account across platforms, but I'm not holding my breath.


Presently, I'd settle for simply being able to copy my account to the XB1. Guess we'll see what transpires in the months ahead.

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There was something I read about other games being able to give updates server-side. Warframe has no dedicated servers, so...

Uhm...warframe has game servers just like every other game that needs servers to run multiplayer or any kind of online services? Also you can't do everything that the game needs done through the servers. Yes games can give small fixes with small server side changes. But you just can't make vast differences in restructuring code or adding new scripts, unless someone can shed some light on this and color me wrong. But i'm 90% sure that you can't.

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Satinpuppies, on 27 Aug 2014 - 6:14 PM, said:

Uhm...warframe has game servers just like every other game that needs servers to run multiplayer or any kind of online services? Also you can't do everything that the game needs done through the servers. Yes games can give small fixes with small server side changes. But you just can't make vast differences in restructuring code or adding new scripts, unless someone can shed some light on this and color me wrong. But i'm 90% sure that you can't.


Warframe runs on a peer-to-peer networking system. As a result, there are no dedicated servers for gameplay.

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Warframe runs on a peer-to-peer networking system. As a result, there are no dedicated servers for gameplay.

Oh derp, i didn't read what he said right, before i opened my fat mouth. *facepalm*

wait what. why? Dedicated servers should be a thing but i don't really see it being necessary.

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As far as I know there are quite a few contractual hurdles on both Sony and MS contracts which make cross-platform play pretty much impossible. 

Not even Blizzard budged them to allow cross-platform play on Diablo 3. DE is so much smaller, so there are your chances to get an exception to that rule.



And, there are those pesky desynced clients, which also rule out cross-platform play, unless PC updates slow to catch up with teh consoles. It'd be 3 times the work for every update, and sooo much trouble.


Soooo, not gonna happen. 

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