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Captain Vor - De Need To Explain The Time Line Here... Vor Can Time Travel?


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My feeling is that the game itself and the game's storyline are not yet properly integrated. Vor and cloning aside, no one has noticed that Alad V is running around even after we've killed him on Jupiter? As far as I'm aware, the Corpus don't use cloning technology so why he can still instigate events makes even less sense.

Edited by Ryme
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The question one should ask is why vor, and lech krill went to phobos in the first place. what is in those ruins that is so important, that they had to go personally to oversee operations.

 A captain and a lieutenant sent to oversee the creation of a new colony. Seems like a legitimate military action to me. They did even send a general...

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Given that from the start with "The Call," we know Vor can pull himself together (*rimshot*) after his death through the use of his key. As pointed out earlier, he now calls it "Janus" which is the name of a Roman god who represents beginings, gateways, etc.


My take on the matter is that, regardless of how canon The Call is now, Vor still gets an extra life from the key when needed. So, in essence, while he does die on Mercury, he's resurected by the key offscreen and is back in action in time for Phobos. Then he gets killed again, only to have his key do its thing once more.


However, as he's been carrying this thing around for some time, and could have been killed any number of times only to be saved by the key, in the end the key IS a gateway such in the idea Vor's abuse of it has led to the energies to do more than just keep cheating death as it's now gotten to his mind (which is implied in the Arid Fear entry in how he's 'beginning to turn his vew on mysticism'). "The Rebirth" shows him walking around and showing off his new disco-stomach with Grineer grunts kneeling in awe, so I have to think that the constant (ab)use of the key to cheat death caused a gradual change into what he is now and before he just jumps into the Void to take English 101 (anybody else notice he's the only "corrupted" enemy who speaks in a fluent language, much less with the best accent of any grineer in the game?). Heck, when you face him in a T4 mission and kill him, he outright states that death is nothing to him now and he'll just come back.


Lech Krill is explained much in the same way, since presumably he got rezzed the same time Vor did, but as he was only exposed the one time to the key's energies, he's unaffected when you see him again on Ceres.


The question one should ask is why vor, and lech krill went to phobos in the first place. what is in those ruins that is so important, that they had to go personally to oversee operations.


IIRC Phobos is a Grineer settlement that had things going on that the Grineer didn't want the Tenno/Lotus finding. They ended up paying Alad V more money then what they needed too on the materials that the whole Sling-Stone affair was about because he'd learned of Phobos through his scouting to make sure there weren't any more Fomorians. The extra money was to basically buy Alad V's silence about Phobos, so he sent the scouts into the void to hide.


Obviously, like every single other thing Salad does, it bit him in the rear like a rabid, vegetarian razor-toothed vice grip.


In the "Arid Fear" codex entries, Vor even mentions Alad was an idiot for doing such a thing. So after some more 'mysticism' flavor text on his part, he says he's taking Krill to go defend Phobos from the inevitable Tenno onslaught.

Edited by Luster-Purge
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I do hope DE goes back at some time and really smooths out the continuity of some things...though I've never fought him, apparently Vay Hek does not actually die when you defeat him.  Alad V made mentions of his death being "nothing but rumors and exaggeration" in the Suspicious Shipment alerts.  Though that does not exactly explain how he survived, it does show that DE has something in mind and the game does not entirely ignore that you've killed the same guy many times over.


So I hope DE continues with this trend, and reworks most if not all of the bosses so it makes sense that you would have the ability to defeat them again.

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Vor was dead the whole time and only the player could see him.



Lol.  This is true in some ways...


but my theory is that it's all because of...



can I pull a eve-online pod pilot that even you die you reawaken in a clone body aware what happened before you died and can continue again. So your fighting the failed soul in a new body wanting to kill you again..


or he isn't aware of his failure because he reawakens and becomes a broken record....


but with his key he has... it makes him able to be revived again and again because tenno don't take his bloody key from his cold dead corpse.

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Alad V made mentions of his death being "nothing but rumors and exaggeration" in the Suspicious Shipment alerts.


I am curious just how exactly he managed to survive Mag throwing him out window into the gassy expanse of Jupiter.  I mean, if the trailers are now the set in stone story of Warframe, then that is what happened to him when the Tenno caught up with him and ripped Zanuka apart.

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though I've never fought him, apparently Vay Hek does not actually die when you defeat him.


Haven't fought him myself, but I watched some online videos that showcased the battle. Essentially, once you defeat his armored up form, his core drone body pops out and darts off into the sky Team Rocket style (minus the lightcatch and the 'blasting off again' line).


I am curious just how exactly he managed to survive Mag throwing him out window into the gassy expanse of Jupiter.  I mean, if the trailers are now the set in stone story of Warframe, then that is what happened to him when the Tenno caught up with him and ripped Zanuka apart.


Well, there's also the issue of how he keeps sending Hunter Zanuka after you regardless if you've actually killed him at all or not (including reports that this happened DURING the Shipment alerts, so Alad had two different collars and backgrounds and more than one Zanuka given the frankenpet was in the 'lab room' on those maps half the time in a glass case), but despite that I have to assume off of what DE has shown that Alad's not-death has something to do with the eventual return of Golem J3, since that's clearly a Corpus...thing attached to the new model and the two have had some sort of connection ever since the original J3 stand-in was replaced by Alad following Gradivus. Heck, he even used infested back then since from what I've read (wasn't a player at the time) he's the reason Bek gave his position in return for clearing out his ships.

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The Grineer are all clones, so there couldn't be any timeline error.

No they are all clones but then each clone has a name and grows.


There is not multiple copies of Vor... DE has never eluded to this being a thing.


Also if you want I will explain what being a clone is genetically. That does not make them the same person or even look the same. 

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If you discount the cinematics (and vor on phobos too i guess) the timeline works cos vor isnt killed in the tutorial, then you kill him on mercury (im pretty sure his death animation is him cut in half and in two pieces on the floor as well) and then hes in the void held together with orokin superglue.


Cant really explain him being on phobos tho.



(Also discounting the cinematics makes alads timeline work too, you kill zanuka and knock out/ wound alad, then he comes back using a snazzy new infested life support collar).

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Also while I am here I just want to point out that a genetic copy of someone will not BE the same person unless Grineer also have the ability to copy and imprint memories from one clone to the other (SCIENCE!), which they also have never eluded anything about. So until otherwise disproved there is only one Captin Vor.

Spaarti cloning flash-memory implantation. 

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I think of this game's lore just like I think of Tf2's. Each level is based in a certain point in the timeline.


Like in tf2, badwater is in the very begininning days of the war, while the last halloween map, both brothers of the teams are dead, and the war is basically over.


In mercury, you kill vor, then he gets revived by his key.


The one on phobos, I like to think of as a clone.

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After U14 and Valk fix.  We need Lore 2.0.  Seriously, this is getting pretty out of hand .-.   


Matter of fact Lore 2.0 should be released equally with the HUD/Ship/Kubrow update.   They need to expand on the Vor confrontation, what happen before/after the confrontation, how and where we got the ships, where did we get the Kubrows.....I bring Kubrows up because they will be available (soon) on the ships...so all of this has to go hand n hand.......


Side note....I think we need more cutscenes for lore

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