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New Warframe Confirmed (Mirage) Megathread


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im liking what im seeing but am worried,
that if its power are controlling  the environment Awesome,

but if its based on unbroken canisters, not awesome at all,
think about it, enemies all around, you smile and use the power,
canisters turn into bombs and explode pink confetti and kill everything,
cool right,... problem 1,... most people break canisters on sight,...
problem 2, use it once and the power is not use less, in that area..

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 I'm really hoping it wont just be a Harlequin frame. For me that alone is kinda lackluster considering all the possibilities DE hasn't covered.


 At the very least I'd like it to be like Oberon with a dual theme.


On the other hand, a Harlequin concept is actually rather unique and unseen in most games. A concept like this gives them total freedom and zero expectations that need to be fulfilled. After all, the only word you could really give to Loki's powerset is "Trickster", and just look how well he turned out.

There's always time to make one of those other possibilities after this one.

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Like I said, Harlequin is the most appropriate word for this frame. Trickster/Joker/Jokester is too generic, and Jinx doesn't quite fit at least the one power we know of. If it's called something, I'd rather it be Harlequin than anything else (it even looks like a Harlequin, which is pretty specific). But if not that, Jinx (not Jynx) is better than Trickster or Joker.

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She looks too organic to be anything else but parasitic or infested, or mabye both.Mabye her near death experience was being consume by the infested but the technocyte virus didnt overtake her because she had tenno dna like how emeber was burned but when she was infected she became a pyrokinetic. Only part missing with ember is how she got exposed. Lol, poor nekros he obviously had to die before he got his powers, lol.


Ember didn't get burned by anyone. Ember was one of the children that burned kaleen. But i'm sure someone's going to jump in here and tell me how I'm wrong...

no where in my post did I say ember was purposefully burned but its obvious in her codex that she wasnt a kid. She was a young woman but not a damn kId

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