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Well she honestly doesn't seem to care about us all that much, but that's a different point. I'm still trying to figure out what her endgame is by keeping the factions at each other's throats.

But she did wake us up for restoring the 'balance'. If the 'balance' is what you conjectured, then she would probably care a bit more about us so we can continue to fuel the turf war (whether or not the (dwarf) planets like it or not is another matter). 

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Doesn't explain how he got it at all. So, how could you come to the conclusion that excal was first when we have no idea when the stalker got his? My conclusion is that he was an experiment. Explains the angst and motivation to slay the tenno.

It specifically says in the Codex that, of the warframes created, the Excalibur frame was the first. Not, the Excalibur frame was the first, after stalker. It says Excalibur was FIRST.

Also flemming is right, Stalker was not a Tenno, he maybe a void twisted, technocyte immune being, however he is not Tenno. The warframes were made for the tenno, meaning however stalker got/made his suit, it happened AFTEr Excalibur (as his was the first EVER made) and most probably after The Betrayal.

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You want to know what the Stalker's weaponry is? I think it's Tenno. Why? Because the design of his Hate is the same design, but slightly modified, of the Kama.


Kama.png DEStalkerScythe.png


Either that, or he made his weapons to be styled similarly to that of the Tenno.


It's Tenno design, alright. Besides, the Tenno are the only ones to use bows and throwing knives.

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It's quite simple, if you don't agree with me stop replying. Cause I'm not gonna stop, could give a damn about the loosey goosey interpretations you've given me on the codex entries.


Nobody can tell me how the stalker got his frame.


Can't cite anything. I can't either. But we're going to relentlessly point out that 'he was the first' as the gospel and just accept it rather than try to understand the story that was told through snippets of text in the codex.


I didn't ask for a crusade to prove me wrong, I wanted to demonstrate how open ended and dumb the lore was in this game, how detremental the adherence to said lore was, and how open to interpretation the lore can be. And the simple awnser is the stalker, because nobody can clearly tell me how he came to be, how he got his frame, how he became the man he was.


You sir, have failed to understand the entire purpose of posting on a forum.

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It's clear he hates (or at the very least dislikes) the Tenno. It would make sense he'd want to separate himself from them as much as posssible.


Well then I chalk it up to being DE. They wanted weapons that looked like twisted versions of Tenno stuff.

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Don't give up guys, someone has to teach this person that they are being ignorant. I would type a huge reply about it but it would take a while and make you (DirkDeadEye) look even more idiotic then you'r making yourself look. I'm not going to ditch all effort to disprove your statements that lack logic or reason and just insult you, that would be rude.

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Don't give up guys, someone has to teach this person that they are being ignorant. I would type a huge reply about it but it would take a while and make you (DirkDeadEye) look even more idiotic then you'r making yourself look. I'm not going to ditch all effort to disprove your statements that lack logic or reason and just insult you, that would be rude.


You're one of those dudes I mentioned before who were like YEAH!.

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Don't give up guys, someone has to teach this person that they are being ignorant. I would type a huge reply about it but it would take a while and make you (DirkDeadEye) look even more idiotic then you'r making yourself look. I'm not going to ditch all effort to disprove your statements that lack logic or reason and just insult you, that would be rude.


Just no. I love talking about lore, please don't try and turn this thread into an argument (again) 

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It specifically says in the Codex that, of the warframes created, the Excalibur frame was the first. Not, the Excalibur frame was the first, after stalker. It says Excalibur was FIRST.

Also flemming is right, Stalker was not a Tenno, he maybe a void twisted, technocyte immune being, however he is not Tenno. The warframes were made for the tenno, meaning however stalker got/made his suit, it happened AFTEr Excalibur (as his was the first EVER made) and most probably after The Betrayal.


No, did not say the first warframe.

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And Stalker. Never forget the Stalker. 


And probably the Orokin troops, but that is a really, really weak conjecture. 


Blades seem to be an orokin specialty. It's been said that the sentients turned their technology against them, so I'm assuming they started using "low-tech" weapons instead.

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And Stalker. Never forget the Stalker. 


And probably the Orokin troops, but that is a really, really weak conjecture. 

Speaking of Orokin, aside from gameplay and resource constraints and in-office planning on DE's part, I wonder what the reason within the lore is for there not being a whole slew of Orokin constructs. It is clear the Corpus revere the Orokin technology. We've seen where they get the idea for Ospreys, but what about the MOA?

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So what is the Lotus's exact view on 'balance'? My theory is that she wants lots of minor powers squabbling against each other instead of two (or three, if we count the Infestation) major powers causing havoc within Sol.

I think she wants the whole non-violent "we are one" type of system. Hence why we as soldiers went into cryosleep because we were no longer needed.


You want to know what the Stalker's weaponry is? I think it's Tenno. Why? Because the design of his Hate is the same design, but slightly modified, of the Kama.


Kama.png DEStalkerScythe.png


Either that, or he made his weapons to be styled similarly to that of the Tenno.

Ceremonial weapons perhaps for execution of tenno/orokin/people who just stole a warframe, traitors. Either that or these weapons were twisted/corrupted by the stalker's feelings hence their name.

Edited by Postal_pat
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Not knowing where Stalker got his frame or powers does not negate everything else that we know. Your problem, DirkDeadeye, is that you cannot accept when you're wrong.


I don't care about being wrong. I said a while back the worst thing about being wrong is learning something, which is a good thing. Being convinced im wrong is a different story.

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Not sure if you're aware, but the classical definition of "(object 1) != (object 2)" is "(object 1) is not equal to (object 2)"


So what he was actually saying was a Tenno does not equal a Warframe.

hmm cheers i used to =/= for that.

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No, did not say the first warframe.


Honestly, who was the first Tenno is irrelevant. Stalker's not a Tenno. Who came first, Stalker or Excalibur, is also irrelevant. Why? There's no way Stalker would have had a warframe before the Tenno, and being in the service of the Orokin Empire as a Guardian, there's no way that he would have been allowed to have a frame before the fall of the Orokin. That's called discipline and order. So he would have had to have gotten his frame after the Tenno killed the Orokin.

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Speaking of Orokin, aside from gameplay and resource constraints and in-office planning on DE's part, I wonder what the reason within the lore is for there not being a whole slew of Orokin constructs. It is clear the Corpus revere the Orokin technology. We've seen where they get the idea for Ospreys, but what about the MOA?

The Corpus's own design (the MOAs, not the Ospreys)? 


After all, my take is that while the Corpus revere Orokin technology, they still create their own robotics, without Orokin influence. 

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I think she wants the whole no violent "we are one" type of system. Hence why we as soldiers went into cryosleep because we were no longer needed.


If she wants a "nonviolent" system, why is she essentially keeping the war between the grineer and corpus going?


Edit: 100th post! Woot! 

Edited by vaugahn
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Speaking of Orokin, aside from gameplay and resource constraints and in-office planning on DE's part, I wonder what the reason within the lore is for there not being a whole slew of Orokin constructs. It is clear the Corpus revere the Orokin technology. We've seen where they get the idea for Ospreys, but what about the MOA?


There's probably a boat load of ideas - but not enough man power or resources to develop them with so many other major projects going on currently. Rome wasn't built in a day, as they say.

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The Corpus's own design (the MOAs, not the Ospreys)? 


After all, my take is that while the Corpus revere Orokin technology, they still create their own robotics, without Orokin influence. 

I like to think of the Corpus as imitative not innovative.


It just fits them, I think. My opinion though.

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