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De, Please Please Do Not Do Business With Perfect World (Mega/hyper/ultrathread)


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If DE is at negotiations with PWE it is being carry as a secret for at least 1 or 2 weeks. Not fresh new. Prob most devs know about but not allowed to talk about (yet).
Its really sad to see such good game turn into shreds. If this negotiation completes it will be The End of Warframe. Game Over Tenno.

My feelings

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I feel heartily disappointed... The main reason I was drawn to Warframe was the game itself, but Digital Extremes and the people who make it up, the Developers we get to see and hear from (which no other company that I know does), and the Community have been what have actually kept me here the longest. DE is the absolute ANTITHESIS of most all gaming companies, and the worst of those companies is generally wrapped up as and embodied in Perfect World Entertainment.


If this actually happens I'm sorry to say that I'll be gone. I just can't watch this game and company be turned into a pay-to-win shell of what it is now. I'd rather leave before it happens and have good memories of the people and game that Warframe is now than watch it die a slow death as PWE sucks it dry for every sent they can squeeze out of it without care for what it is and the people who love it.

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The issue is that they have 40 days to decide on the agreement. Looking back, PWE has ruined several games they touched, much like SEGA and Three Rings Design. 


PWE will cripple warframe. 


It wont be Warframe, it'll be Chicken Factory Frame MMORPG.


Why does PWE own a chicken business anyway?

Edited by Ambrangelle
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This is a good point, but it makes one of a few assumptions:


1) that the 'outstanding shares' in question will be of large enough volume so as to permit Sumpo and/or PWE a controlling or sufficiently influencing stake in Digital Extremes as a whole


2) that stipulations in an eventually binding agreement shall give Sumpo/PWE direct influence over any part of the development of Warframe as a contiguous entity


3) that somehow the Schmalz folks (head honchos at DE) will permit Sumpo/PWE to destroy Warframe.


We have access to no knowledge on any of these points.



Valid points, however in my eyes, them (DE) being willing to enter into a deal for any amount of shares sold to pwe would first of all mean that DE would at least have to field their ideas and give them some merit or risk losing their investment. and second of all indicate that DE is at some level willing to voluntarily "give up" some of the (not sure if this is the right wording but..) creative freedom theyve had up until now.

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The thread started about 7h ago.


Now we are at 150+ pages on.


If DE doesn't get the message i don't know what will.


It's even moving so fast, that it's messing up the notification system. I have never ever had more than 25 notification at any one time, but right now, it says I have 28.

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page 155 as I write this post. Wow, so much concern from our community !


Megathread Hyperthread Ultrathread added to title





As DE has worked on Unreal tournament before, I'd say it's fitting to say :
Double thread, multi-thread, ULTRA-THREAD ! MO-MO-MO-MOOOOONSTER THREAD !

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Who said PWE already touched Warframe? The company is trying to buy DE's stocks. It's business stuff I'd rather not get in to. I doubt DE's already sold. Again, until we receive confirmation, there is no way to tell.


Then again... DE got changed to DE Ltd... OH GOD NO PLEASE GOD

Ltd is business stuff where they go from being a private company.

To being a private company that can sell stocks.

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I would rather DE just file IPO and take the company public instead of getting acquired by PWE. I'm sure they could raise a comparable amount to whatever PWE is offering them.


I've seen what PWE does to games and it's nothing but a Pay-to-Win crap fest.

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This is a good point, but it makes one of a few assumptions:


1) that the 'outstanding shares' in question will be of large enough volume so as to permit Sumpo and/or PWE a controlling or sufficiently influencing stake in Digital Extremes as a whole


2) that stipulations in an eventually binding agreement shall give Sumpo/PWE direct influence over any part of the development of Warframe as a contiguous entity


3) that somehow the Schmalz folks (head honchos at DE) will permit Sumpo/PWE to destroy Warframe.


We have access to no knowledge on any of these points.


I feel this post needs more visibility. Right now people are panicking without having all the facts.


This could be "meh" or it could be sky is falling, but right now we have no way of knowing until such a time as there's an official statement of some sort.

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