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Hotfix 13.9.1


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Can someone explain to me what this exactly means?


Do i or do i not consume stamina now when sprinting? Or does it just mean stamina only regenerates when i'm in mid air or standing still? Which would be the same as before.

No, stamina kept being consumed when you were "sprinting" in mid-air, as in you sprint and jump while holding down the sprint button.

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Really @(*()$ stupid DE, really really @(*()$ stupid..... This gives us older players absolutely nothing to do for another entire week as you guys continue to hold out on us again. I wouldn't be so &!$$ed if you didn't promise over a month ago that the update would be coming "soon". If you said "sometime in the future" rather, it'd much less of a surprise. With all these current rumors of PWE floating around, that they'd be merging with DE... I was upset because I assumed that this would ruin the game. However, with recent events I can't help but to think that they'd do a better job managing their updates than this.


Vor's prize was listed as 'coming soon'. if you think DE's version of soon is less than a month you are sorely mistaken. By 'soon' DE means as fast as they can, while continuing to make the game better than ever.

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