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"a Lone Tenno Is Raiding This Ship For Supplies"


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I'd like this.   Me: "Oh sweet, Prime Parts and Rare mods galore!"  


Lotus : "What did you find Tenno, you need to share it with the distraction team"


Me : "Uncommon 5 Fusion core!  Go tell everyone they can take it and bail if they want."


Lotus : "Are you sure that's all you found Tenno?"


Me: "Um yeah, just a cpl of uncommon 5 fusion cores, and no prime parts or rare mods"


Lotus : "I can  see you stuffing them all in your Carrier, Tenno"


Me : "Fine I'll share a few with you, if you just go tell everyone all we got were some uncommon fusion cores and let me keep the rest"


Lotus : "We have a deal Tenno, I'll go give everyone the news"


Me: "Wait, let's keep the cores!  Just give them these ammo drum mods."


Lotus : "Good idea Tenno"

Edited by Beas7ie
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Honestly yeah, this sounds like a good idea. Unique solo missions where you have no one to rely on and you could be running around trying to get loot and trying to be stealthy, or a race against the clock. Unique tiles, cool searching mechanics and whatnot.

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Or rather, a pure stealth based mission with a "if detected the mission will be a failure" setting, having to actually raid supply rooms. Few patrolling enemies but still enough to get you busted if you act rashly. Wondering what would actually make it intriguing rather than a simple 'get in, hack this and get out' mission. Or hell, just revolutionize the current survival missions with an exception of a 5 man lobby, one being the lone invader. Everything would be interactive between both sides, you could see the reinforcements being sent to deal with the guys that are distracting for you and have to avoid them and once you hack through some storage rooms, if the distraction team doesn't do well enough of a job, the enemies become aware something is wrong and increase patrols in your areas. Would need two separate maps within one session though so I'm not sure how it would all work out.

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I'd like to see a mission where two cells worked together, like one would be holding off enemies to distract them while the other tenno carried out an objective. And their actions would each affect the other cell, like if the distraction team didn't do their job properly then more enemies would attack the raid team or if the raid team destroyed the objective the enemies would get easier for the distraction team.

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This was actually the mission before they turned it into survival. Of course, it was a bit more barebones because there wasn't any real skill involved, but you can imagine why when the other side of the area has a team of tenno fighting for their lives.

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This is hilarious, but I love the hacking sessions. The MR test that included some off-beat versions of hacking that one never sees anywhere else would be much appreciated to see popping up in these. Provide enough containers to hack, and people would run out of cyphers, leaving it as a pure puzzle mission, while allowing for folks to actually use the Intruder Mod. No enemies needed, if the hacking consoles are difficult enough. Just cameras, laser barriers, turrets, difficult parkour and obstacles courses, all built into one mission. It'd be like combining several Mastery Rank tests, even, into one really fun session! ^_^

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That bastard Tenno who does the supply raiding always keeps the good stuff and gives us crap.  It'd be nice to be on that side for once.


To be honest, I'm with Team Greed whenever there's a chance to do so.


But what if the lone Tenno is raiding this:




And doesn't get anything but space fleas and other nasty stuff? Then you'd consider yourself lucky to be on the choking side of the fence.


But apart from that I'd like to have more mission variety and if they are actually connected somehow.

Edited by MeduSalem
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This could work, though I'm not sure you would have to be stealthy or sneaky since the distraction team has full aggro and every enemy is after them.


So if you were the lone operative and suddenly got overwhelmed and you died, then the distraction team wouldn't have any further rewards to look foward too.


I think it would just be you in an almost open world like tileset where your exploring every part of the ship excluding the areas the distraction team can explore.




But there's always that chance of coming across a player playing the lone Tenno who ends up trolling the distraction team by not finding loot and such, so every 5 minutes the distraction team won't get rewarded with anything.

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A Tenno approaches one of many locked doors and plants a device that cuts the door open slowly, only doing so gets the attention of ALL the bad guys.  There's a bunch of these doors, and as time goes on, the bad guys keep getting tougher.  Kind of like a mobile defense, only the enemy successfully destroying the object doesn't instantly fail the mission.  Instead, the Tenno just plant another and start all over, or DE could feel generous and let them simply pick up where they left off, but then it would have to take some time to plant (maybe "hack" it into place, to make planting skill based?)


Crates inside the rooms can be hauled out to extraction for rewards like credits (they're BAAAAAACK!,) fusion cores, mods, and item parts, and each crate slows the Tenno to a crawl.


You really don't think an entire army would cut off the life support in a portion of their ship and go chasing after a cell of Tenno, leaving the rest of their ship unguarded, would you?


To be honest, the idea was inspired by Payday 2, which in my opinion does the "survival against hordes of guys while getting $#!% done." thing right.

Edited by Littleman88
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To be honest, I'm with Team Greed whenever there's a chance to do so.


But what if the lone Tenno is raiding this:




And doesn't get anything but space fleas and other nasty stuff? Then you'd consider yourself lucky to be on the choking side of the fence.


But apart from that I'd like to have more mission variety and if they are actually connected somehow.


There's good stuff in the garbage you just have to look.  And the warframes protect the Tenno from the muck and fleas so it's K.  For one thing that's a S#&$ ton of scrap metal.  Also there may be some rare stuff in there.   In Family Guy they found a couch that they kept.  

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There's good stuff in the garbage you just have to look.  And the warframes protect the Tenno from the muck and fleas so it's K.  For one thing that's a S#&$ ton of scrap metal.  Also there may be some rare stuff in there.   In Family Guy they found a couch that they kept.  


Well sounds like we should have a tileset based around that theme... A garbage planet where Corpus and Grineer tend to throw their old stuff away.

Edited by MeduSalem
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