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De's (Small) Step Toward Pw-Like Business Strategy


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No it is not better, especially behind long grind walls. That is what they-who-shall-not-be-named do with their shooters.

Those are examples that a player can earn a game changer without gambling/shelling out real money. Sure, you can not pay money to get it, but you just pay some time. There is no free lunch in this world. Everything comes at a price. You either pay money to get it, or pay time to get it. It is just making both these options on equally lucrative standings the most difficult part. 

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Why doesn't it make sense? You can change the color of your frames and sentinels because they're, according to the game's lore, equipment. You cannot change the Kubrow colors at will because Kubrows are, according to the game's lore, living beings. 


You also cannot change your warframes' gender. Why can't you customize their gender in a space ninja game? 

You can't change their gender because that would require an entirely new set of animations, graphics etc. they tried earlier, but decided not to do that.

However, it is already possible to change color of your kubrow and pattern, you just can't choose which you want. This means they already have a library for each and every combination for the pet and that means they can let us access that library like with warframes and sentinels. They just choose not to because this gives them more money.


Think of it like going to the store to buy a fillet of beef. You can see that they have every kind of meat, but instead of giving you the fillet of beef, each time you buy one they will give you a random piece of meat.

I am sure that after some time you would want to punch them and tell them you want the fillet of beef and not whatever random piece of meat that happens to be picked.

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so, are you telling me that the OROKIN, a ultra-super-advanced culture with ultra-super-advanced weapons and genetic knowledge, were unable to modify the kubrow dna for have a specific color (pink, green, purple, blank, yellow)? are you kidding me? we have  space suits with the powers of the gods, a immense structures that deform space and time (solar rails)..but apply the colors to pets, how you want, it's impossible?




AND, at last, the 4 sad color that we have are behind a plt RNG wall...good move DE, really -.-. If this not change and something else come out with this useless mechanic or become like this, i quit. PWE or not PWE, this is the worst feature from when i started to play this game


sorry for my bad english

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Those are examples that a player can earn a game changer without gambling/shelling out real money. Sure, you can not pay money to get it, but you just pay some time. There is no free lunch in this world. Everything comes at a price. You either pay money to get it, or pay time to get it. It is just making both these options on equally lucrative standings the most difficult part. 

That same excuse can be applied to most PWE games.

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It's called enticement. Similar to in many action games (e.g. Prototype) you have all your abilities unlocked in the prologue so you get a glimpse of what the game has to offer but all those abilities are taken away when the game properly starts and you have to earn them during the course of the game. 


Another example is that you also get a Seer BP drop after you beat the first boss but you don't get the Orokin Cell required to build it until you reach Saturn. So Seer is for mid-level players even though you get introduced to it right from the beginning. 


Similarly, you can't have kubrow until you obtain Argon, which is barred from new players until they can do T1 missions. 

Games like propotype doesnt have paid shop and such thing even happened in warframe, during prologue you were given all powers at beginning just to be taken a minute later.


And no not really, every boss in game have small chance to drop orokin cell instead of mod and that was always in the game, though chance was higher before drops 2.0

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That same excuse can be applied to most PWE games.

Or any other game, if you really want to talk about it (Runescape, The Last Stand: Dead Zone etc.). Some of them are successful as the formula is carefully constructed to fit the game.


Look, it is just money vs. time/commitment. Is that really a bad thing? You have to pay up something to get your desired item. 

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If they start doing it for things other than cosmetics then I would agree that it was a bad thing.  That is not the case here, and I am not going to buy into the slippery slope argument. Personally, I don't think they should have given the ability to change their looks at all, but since they did, the scambler is the best option.

No, letting us CHOOSE the color and pattern we want for a higher plat price would be the best option. RNG is never the best option, especially for premium currency.

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I totally agree. I bought each color pellet (they cost much more than 10 plat), so let me use that! Give me the choice to customize my dog as i want! Why I should pay 10 plat for EACH customization that might not like me! I already spent alot of plat in colours let me use those! Are you so money grabber?

Edited by DLz47
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@DE: I was very satisfied with the Rhino Prime Access. I was worried that the 125€ may be wasted (you can get two AAA games on release for that), but it actually made me enjoy Warframe even more, since I didn't have to worry about slots and potatoes. Also, I was finally able to colour my frames more to my liking (Ice really has the best blue colour).


Despite me still having 75% of the Platinum from the Rhino Access, I consider buying Loki Prime. However, if the business DE does with PWE influence Warframe in any negative way (and I'm not expecting anything positive except maybe access to the chinese market) OR stuff like this here happen, I'll have to pass.


Mod/Keypacks let you keep what you get, even if it is worthless to you. I don't buy them and would not recommend them, but I also often forget they exist, since you can farm the mods or buy them directly from other players.

THIS is plat-payed RNG with no viable alternative. Remove it and never add such a mechanic again, and I'll forget this and consider throwing more money at you.

Warframe is one of the best F2P-games out there, the first and so far only one that I invested money in. And honestly, it's fun supporting you. Don't destroy the trust I and many other people have in you guys.

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Today it's cosmetic for Kubrow. Tomorrow will be parts of Warframes you can't obtain without a mistery box.




on that note:


Yea, maybe in the far future DE will start charging a montly fee, use that money to make more constant updates, and keep all the freeloaders that want "everything for free now" out of the game.

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I totally agree. I bought each color pellet (they cost much more than 10 plat), so let me use that! Give me the choice to customize my dog as i want! Why I should pay 10 plat for EACH customization that might not like me! I already spent alot of plat in colours let me use those! Are you so money grabber?


What part of "optional" do you not understand when applied to the concept of coloring your Kubrow? There could be just as easily be ZERO options to change color, which again, would have ZERO IMPACT on your gameplay.

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10p is nothing really, and is a cosmetic, how it affects your game play?, if your complain is about the random color, thats other story

It's something, and that is what he's complaining about, obviously. 


10 platinum isn't that much, but I guess it would be kind of cool to have a pattern purchase method in all honesty, instead of having to have a random choice.

"isn't that much" assuming you're from a wealthy country with a good job or well payed family. 


watch this from the point i'm linking you





too lazy? there is something called imprints you can use them to create the kubrow you want the most.


besides 10 plat is the easiest thing to get, farm any prime part and sell it. Kubrow mods are also selling well atm

Get out, trading plat is tedious and not fun. 


I was trying to keep the feeling like kubrow are a living entity rather than a gun that I can paint. 

Have you ever seen marked sheep? 



I don't think colouring animals is an issue here. 

Edited by Innocent_Flower
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If I could pay 75 plat for a color pallet of the available blacks, whites, browns, oranges, and blondes that the kubrows currently have available (or even 150 for two pallets that cover them all), I would in a heartbeat. I wouldn't even be against a markup to 100 a piece for kubrow sets, since they're special. Moreover, I'd gladly pay 40 for the specific pattern I want, akin to immortal skins but on a much larger scale. I have absolutely no intention of paying for one color scramble. At all. Ever. There's nothing wrong with the system used for the colors of Warframes, Weapons, and Sentinels.Kubrows having a separate but identical system, while not as good as just letting them tap into the colors of everything else, would work perfectly fine. More people would actually go for it, and, except for a few rare cases, they would spend more in the process. You might as well already have my 240 plat if that's what it costs, but you're getting none until I have some kind of gurantee.


Paying for cosmetic things, and paying for a chance at cosmetic things are two very different things. The gumball analogy is completely wrong here. When you pay for a gumball, you get a gumball, and all gumballs are essentially the same. Moreover, what you get is within a well-defined and very limited set. The nigh-infinte combinations of kubrow colors? Not so much. Let's say I want a black kubrow with yellow somewhere on its legs. Nothing but that is a win. Everything else is a complete failure. Is it remotely worth it to pay anything to get that? No, simply on the grounds that it will never happen. With a gumball, at least I get a wad of gum to chew if I don't get a purple one. With a kubrow? I get something I still don't want to look at.


Let's use that analogy backwards.


There are stores that sell boxes of gumballs. Yes, they are intended as refill packs for other stores. Yes, they do get used like that. No, that doesn't stop people from buying them for personal use. Is it more expensive to buy one of those if all you want is one single color? Yes, yes it is. You're paying for however many colors you don't want while only getting the one. That's what buying a color pallet is, paying a lot for a lot, but only using a few.


Actually? Y'know what? Keep the scramblers. No reason that store can't have gumball machines set up and use their own stock to fill 'em. Just let us buy the boxes/palletes. I'd much rather pay a large amount for something guranteed than a small amount for possibly nothing, but other people might feel different


i agree 100%

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What part of "optional" do you not understand when applied to the concept of coloring your Kubrow? There could be just as easily be ZERO options to change color, which again, would have ZERO IMPACT on your gameplay.

Did I talk about gameplay? Maybe you are the one that does not understand! We are talking about colors that we already bought and we can not apply on Kubrows. We are talking about cosmetics that we should purchase EACH time instead of one time (like the others skins/colours/accessories) and We are talking about the fact that they are totally random when all the other cosmetics are not. Thinks before open your mouth! Cosmetics doesn't affect gameplay, I know, thanks Sherlock! But We are talking about the fact that Kubrows customization should be like all the other customization options! And, btw, yes, earn 10 plat is easy (and quiet boring) but why should I spend 10 plat EACH time I want to change my Kubrow's colours? Do we pay 10 plat EACH time we want change warframe/weapons/sentinel/accessories colours? Last time i check (10 mins ago), we don't!

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I made a topic like this, not knowing it was already discussed. Im glad I'm not alone, truely. I hope DE will look at this and make the appropriate decision of removing the feature asap. It does not belong here.

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I made a topic like this, not knowing it was already discussed. Im glad I'm not alone, truely. I hope DE will look at this and make the appropriate decision of removing the feature asap. It does not belong here.

Thus far, [DE]Rebecca and [DE]Pablo commented on this thread, though it can't be said their analogies or comments about the topic were encouraging...specially [DE]Pablo's.


Let us hope this thread doesn't get derailed or locked.

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For as much as i love my color pallets and i want to customize my Kubros, Thanks but no Thanks, i dont want to see the circus in Warframe where Purple Kubros with green makeup run along walls, jump through Embers rings of fire or from high places into Hydroid`s puddle.

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I've suggested this in other places.  They can put out a specific Kubrow color pallet.  It doesn't have to have crazy colors in it.  And it would be specifically for kubrows only.  DE(L) makes money on selling the pallet.  People wanting to customize their pets get what they want.  Those who are opposed can ignore the whole thing and use the in-breeding roulette wheel.

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Because it is an appropriate analogy.

No, no it's not. It's a textbook straw man argument.


If someone really can't tell the difference between an emotional attachment in real life and an npc in a game ... well, I won't say more.

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Good morning, everyone. I am back to ride the white-winged bird known is Justice into RNG-customization's backside.


You also cannot change your warframes' gender. Why can't you customize their gender in a space ninja game? 

Can't actually customize Kubrow gender either.


Also, concerning your Warframe = equipment claim, I've fairly sure the frame serves as a sort of "skin/fur" for the Tenno, according to the lore. It's pretty much in the same boat as the Kubrow's fur when you think about it.


Edit: Woo, grammar! Gonna need that coffee already!

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