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Who Is Forrol?


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I don't see any discussions on this, so I thought I'd bring it up. Before we discuss though, watch the video of the Vor's Prize Teaser if you haven't:



So after watching, you'll have noticed a line by the Queens: "Take the rails to Pluto! Forrol is in command now, CAPTAIN Vor!"


So who do you think this Forrol person is? Is he another Grineer Admiral? Or is he Corpus? I theorize that this 'Forrol' is a high ranking Corpus who took Pluto over from the Grineers, it'd explain why the queens are so angry at Vor. Remember that Pluto is Corpus-controlled right now and they're trying to repair the Outer Terminus solar rail, I suspect that Forrol will replace Ambulas as the Pluto boss.

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I've always thought it was Boril, and I just assumed that Bori was the guy that got Nervos-ed at the beginning of the Tutorial/"The Call" Trailer.


You know I don't think Vor would electrocute/execute a superior commanding officer for just being disrespectful to him, Vor is too loyal to the Grineers to do that. I don't think the guy in the trailer is the person the Queen mentioned.

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You know I don't think Vor would electrocute/execute a superior commanding officer for just being disrespectful to him, Vor is too loyal to the Grineers to do that. I don't think the guy in the trailer is the person the Queen mentioned.


Considering at the end of the conversation between Vor and the Queens, where Vor scowled at the transmitter, perhaps Vor was getting a little more rebellious? He gets angry at the Queens not allowing him to capture the Tenno, thus he goes to the rail where Forrol/Boril is, knocks him out, and takes the "prize" as his own as one last attempt at stealing a Tenno. He fails, gets killed by said Tenno, and is later revived in the Void.

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You know I don't think Vor would electrocute/execute a superior commanding officer for just being disrespectful to him, Vor is too loyal to the Grineers to do that. I don't think the guy in the trailer is the person the Queen mentioned.

I think that vor just doesn't care at all. I don't think that the grineer hierarchical structure is the same as the one we have currently.

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I don't see any discussions on this, so I thought I'd bring it up. Before we discuss though, watch the video of the Vor's Prize Teaser


First, thanks for bringing this up in a thread


Second, the name "Forrel" sounds more like "Vorel" as in VOR - EL ... 

If you listen closely in that same sentence is the first time The Twin Queens actually address Vor by his proper name and when they do, "Vor" comes out sound more like "FOR"

While the Grineer are clones, the similarity of names may indicate a much closer link between Vor and this other person


Third, it may be important to note that when The Twin Queens tell Vor who is "in charge now", presumably in reference having the Tenno wiped out, they SIMULTANEOUSLY DEMOTE Vor  ... implying in they are naming the new (supreme?) commander of the Grineer forces/fleet

Additionally, given how ethnophobic the Grineer are, naming a Corpus to head ANYTHING would seem unlikely, particularly something so vital to The Twin Queens


Fourth, since Vor does not have the Void Key in this scene, there are other events which must transpire BEFORE the Vor's encounter with newly revived Excalibur


Consequently the Grineer commander that Vor dispatches with an electrocution device is probably NOT Forrel/Vorel


Last thoughts ...

We focus on the Tenno as the center of the story, but in reality it is the VOID ...


1. Discovery of the Void was a turning point in the Orokin Empire, establishing transdimensional travel, creation of the Warframe and maybe how the Sentinels were encountered

2. The Void is the source of the Tenno/Warframe power

3. According to the resurrected Vor, control of the Void is singularly the most important thing in their universe


So obtaining the Void Key would have greater significance than even eliminating the Tenno


Even though we commonly think that it is the Tenno Excalibur as "Vor's Prize", maybe it is the Void Key which is really the PRISE ...

After all, the Key revives Vor and places him in the Void, apparently immortal

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Even though we commonly think that it is the Tenno Excalibur as "Vor's Prize", maybe it is the Void Key which is really the PRISE ...

After all, the Key revives Vor and places him in the Void, apparently immortal

While your points do make sense, it seems odd that we'd have a quest regarding his "prize" that he'd had for presumably years now, and have the quest focus so heavily on the connection between the player (Excalibur) and Vor.

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(edit) ... it seems odd that we'd have a quest regarding his "prize" that he'd had for presumably years now


Odd indeed ... it would mean that DE is chronologically shuffling the story line back and forth

This is a risky plot device ...

Risks audience confusion

Risks audience disinterest


BUT, it may be a necessary risk in order to effectively fill in the gaps ...


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JUST for $hit$ and giggle$ I thought a transcript of the clip in question might be useful to get non-tin foil thinking caps warmed up ...

So ...


DE Trailer:  "Vor's Royal Audience" ...


SCENE:  Empty Grineer cruiser bridge, deep space, location unknown

               Bridge is full of Grineer monitors (like seen on three tiered areas), no special equipment visible

               A wide view port spans the breadth of the large chamber

               Through the transparent port the surrounding space has a thin dark green hue

               Small asteroids can be seen to the left


               Vor enters from the back striding with measured steps upon his three-toed clawed biomechanics, his mechanical right 

               arm swings easily in counterbalance to his natural left

               His signature grimace permanently frozen on his pasty sagging but puffy and aging face which is framed by featureless

               black armor, the head cowling spreading like a cobra's hood

               The left corner of his mouth has a large patch of skin missing with a hardened brown eschar covering its rawness ...

               His right ocular prosthesis glows dimly but his left gleams with hardened intensity


               There is no Void Key, no Janus Key affixed to his left breastplate


               He approaches the front console, genuflects upon his right mechanical knee and places his fleshed left hand upon the

               cold left knee and then places his cold right hand atop the left

               He first looks ahead at the bridge console and then bows his head low, diverting his eyes to the floor even though none

               are there in body, then lifts his face back up to look forward


               Vor has entered space occupied by royalty ...


THE TWIN QUEENS:  (speaking in a doubled voice/voice over) "We tire of failure.  WHO put their FAITH in you Admiral?"  (with the last word the voices soften, assuming the intonation of asking a question, but is there a trace of tenderness perhaps even affection as well?)


VOR:  (defiantly shakes his head and grits his teeth even tighter) "YOU did."  (then in muted anger and resignation, bows his head once more, his shoulders sagging wearily)  "I have a Life Debt." (traces of self reproach mixed with fatalism)


THE TWIN QUEENS:  (unperturbed or ignoring Vor's brief insolence) "To be paid with Tenno blood."


VOR:  (looks up again) "I understand." (sighing in resignation)


THE TWIN QUEENS:  " (missing/unintelligible passage) - do not always - (missing).  Do not STUDY them.  CRUSH these eggs BEFORE they hatch." (now in a higher, more imperial tone) "THIS, We command."


VOR:  "Yes, my Queens.  (Grineer speech - unclear - Kxoss opqi [?])"  (bows head once again, unconsciously falling back into automatic courtly protocol)


THE TWIN QUEENS:  "Take the Rails of Pluto.  Forrel/Vorel(?) in in command now, CAPTAIN Vor." (the emphasis like a twisting blade admidst soft entrails) 


VOR:  (lifts head, disgustedly grimaces and grits his teeth hard yet again, making a low throaty growl of frustration and indignant fury)

Edited by ElHefe
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