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Why Do Players Use Lasers During Void Defense?


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This constantly frustrates me during any Void Tower Defense. I always give a heads up when we start by typing "No lasers please" but no matter how many times you explicitly tell them not to. They still (or always one guy) use them even after killing several teammates numerous times.


I can understand low ranking players doing it once since they might not know better. Still it took about one game for me and my friends during our very first void defense mission back in the day to understand that it was not a good idea killing each other. The only place I can find a use for them is for soloing missions.


So am I just extremely unlucky with who I encounter or is this a persistent problem for you guys as well?





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You're right that it's not a good idea to kill each other.  You're wrong to think that the solution is to avoid using lasers at all.  The solution is to stay behind the consoles, instead of in front of them.


Now, if you're getting jerks that like to fire them off between waves and fry people that are trying to loot, that's a different story entirely.

Edited by Suzaku4489
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I usually only play void with friends, so I don't really run into this problem. We use lasers sometimes, sure, but we give a heads up before we activate them. We even have identifying names for which specific laser is going off.


We do it because it's amusing to watch a laser cut a swath of destruction through an oncoming wave of Corrupted.

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This constantly frustrates me during any Void Tower Defense. I always give a heads up when we start by typing "No lasers please" but no matter how many times you explicitly tell them not to. They still (or always one guy) use them even after killing several teammates numerous times.


I can understand low ranking players doing it once since they might not know better. Still it took about one game for me and my friends during our very first void defense mission back in the day to understand that it was not a good idea killing each other. The only place I can find a use for them is for soloing missions.


So am I just extremely unlucky with who I encounter or is this a persistent problem for you guys as well?



the better question is why arent you BEHIND  the lasers/cover like you are supposed to instead of running off and getting pwned out in the middle of the open field

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the better question is why arent you BEHIND  the lasers/cover like you are supposed to instead of running off and getting pwned out in the middle of the open field


Because believe it or not, some warframes are better used in the open.

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The lasers are put there for a reason...if you get hit by them then thats your fault really for venturing outside and not getting to high ground fast enough lol.

Not enough telegraphing they're starting up so you can know they're running. :P


As for venturing outside; Radial Disarm.

On everything that lives.

Edited by Sidathe
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the better question is why arent you BEHIND  the lasers/cover like you are supposed to instead of running off and getting pwned out in the middle of the open field


When was the last time you had a pub game where all 4 never ventured outside the perimeter and everyone is 100% in tune with each other??? Please do tell because I have never ever seen a single game where that has happened.


"Powerful / efficient when used correctly" seems to be the common denominator in the replies here. Obvious they come in handy when dealing with level 50's enemies but who needs lasers at wave 1-20???? Furthermore as I specified in my original post I always give a heads up when we start by typing "No lasers please. For the simple reason to avoid being lasered in the back without notice.

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Because believe it or not, some warframes are better used in the open.



hate to tell you... but a Frame with 50m max range (and thats ALL of them) can all be used while standing right next to the pod. safely. Run and gun is a fallacy on a lot of our maps.


but by all means keep hamstringing your cell while you run off

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If it's a troll, ignore them so you don't team with them again.  Since it's hard to tell if the lasers have been activated, I'd suggest being aware of where you're standing.  The lasers don't go through the pillars or that planter/couch thing and they don't touch whatever is in the middle lane.  Stick to those areas and you have a better chance of not getting cut.

Edited by Noamuth
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When was the last time you had a pub game where all 4 never ventured outside the perimeter and everyone is 100% in tune with each other??? Please do tell because I have never ever seen a single game where that has happened.


"Powerful / efficient when used correctly" seems to be the common denominator in the replies here. Obvious they come in handy when dealing with level 50's enemies but who needs lasers at wave 1-20???? Furthermore as I specified in my original post I always give a heads up when we start by typing "No lasers please. For the simple reason to avoid being lasered in the back without notice.



if the choice is


save the wave by lasering that Rhino off by himself     OR

Mission Failed


what do you think is gonna happen, especially with newer players who might not know how to handle a huge pack of Corrupted Heavies in their face?

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if the choice is


save the wave by lasering that Rhino off by himself     OR

Mission Failed


what do you think is gonna happen, especially with newer players who might not know how to handle a huge pack of Corrupted Heavies in their face?

The OP isn't talking about a situation like this, they're talking about players that use lasers to troll the team.

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