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August 8Th: Community Hot Topics!


Community Hot Topics August 8th  

2,131 members have voted

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Regarding the mastery test delay, I do feel that it is a bit long. But would reducing it to say 12 hours honestly help? If you reduced the delay to 1 or 2 hours wouldnt that feel relatively cheap/pointless?




My problem with the current mastery system is that it is currently a "do a mission involving scenarios that may not exist in the game, pass it once by skill or luck and never do it again" type of thing. Realistically anything players only do once in the entire game is a waste of content.


As such I would change the mastery system to something more like a certification system. (Many professions require the worker to get recertified to demonstrate competance.)


So, make the unlocked missions available through a training room/console in the dojo, allow the player to train in a mission, (unlimited use, but not quite as hard as the full test,) or to take the test for real, (1 hour cooldown?) and to be certified at a specific level you must pass the test three times, (increasing difficulty?) with no failures. This would show sustained competance, reduce the delay, allow reuse of the content, and still give the player some downtime/risk for failing a test.


In return, for passing the certification, the player gets a booster of some sort based on the test they just completed, to increase affinity from that activity for a certain amount (say three hours?) of in game time. Primary/secondary/melee weapon kills, hacking, stealth kills, perhaps long wall runs/climbs etc.

They would also perhaps get access to a higher quality of alert, having proven themselves to be more competent. (Allowing DE to add in some harder versions of existing missions for players who want them.)


Every so often, every couple of months or so, the Lotus could ask the player to take one of the tests again to maintain their certification. (And gain the booster again.) If the player fails a certification then they would at least temporarily have to put up with a lower quality of alert.




I would also like to see more missions like the stealth/wallrunning mastery tests in game.




While Im talking about stealth missions, and the lack thereof, please consider giving bonuses at the end of a mission to players who demonstrate skill during a mission, ie high number of headshots, a long time with the sirens off, stealth kills, high number of parkour moves/kills. Not random stuff like collect 4 energy orbs. Have that in if you want, but reward player skill. And if a player meets the criteria for multiple bonuses then they should get them all, ie a huge bonus if they stay off the sensors, never miss and kill everybody by stealth headshots. It might just make playing the game as a Space Ninja viable.

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Removing unwanted kubrow


Send them to the Lotus so she can put them into stasis or something. If you just release them into the wild they'll die from DNA degredation within a matter of days. (Yes I know they're not real, humor me :)


Vote to Kick


Is a bad idea. It will be abused and is not friendly to new players. Many of the longer or more difficult game types allow you to get rewards every five minutes (defense/survival.) Simply leave at those times and form another squad without the afker, troublemaker, or individual that does not have the necessary skill or gear. Vote to kick goes directly against the cooperative nature of the game in my opinion.


Auction House


I'm more a fan of personal stores. Give people the oppurtunity to put up a banner based on a personal badge (subject to the same approval process as clan badges or allow them to pick from a list of generics for free) or clan badge and let them sell they're wares that way.


Hallowed Ground


I've heard variations on this idea but I'll put it down in case I'm not remembering correctly. Make Hallowed Ground a radial buff/debuff that buffs armor and melee damage for friendlies and puts a corresponding debuff on enemies. Increased lvls increase the strength and radius of buff/debuff.




Increase the speed of the projectiles and make it so that there is a an instantaneous shield restore along with with the health regeneration. A max lvl renewal should restore 100% of shields and can be decreased in 25% intervals to lvl 0 for a base of 25% of shield strength immediately returned. Health regeneration doesn't need to be touched imo.

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It would be nice if we could sell our kubrows to a pet vendor. it would be a nice chance to introduce an NPC vendor. 

He could guarantee to find our kubrows good homes, and pay us credits based on how 'rare' the kubrow is.



Friendship Doors:


Turn them into one man cipher doors.



Auction House:


Im mostly against the idea of an auction house. It will do nothing but saturate the market and drive prices down. It will be a credit sink, undercutters will render most posts useless. It will encourage plat horders, bots. Farming rare mods with three alt accounts, with one person and four computers.. All four accounts receiving items worth plat and posting them low. 


The only way i can see this working is:


Each Planetary Hub has it's own unique auction board. Players would have to be 'in that specific hub' in order to view the items on that specific hub's auction board. Players would be charged a fair amount of credits per duration of time to have items posted. Credits for posting would be non-refundable. There would need to be a limit on the duration of time one can post items to reduce the market saturation at any given hub (example 1k creds per 20m with a limit of 3hrs). 


     *** On the term 'auction *** It would be nice if the player could set a base bid, and the max bid wins the item at the end of the posters duration. This would feel more like an active economy, get it while its hot sort of thing. Each buyer limited to one bid per item. 


ALSO: What will become of trade posts at that point? Only for direct player to player transaction? that will look bleek, maybe a go to before posting in the auctions... I dunno..


On vote kicks:


Frame hate. Rank hate. Mastery rank hate. 


Idle kick for the win.

Edited by T4LCOMX
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The concept for renewal blends really well with oberons paladin theme, you use the power and a small orb tracks down you squadmates and heals a set amount of their health over the course of a few seconds.The issue with this is that one the projectile is slow, two it only heals a max 458* health to your squad members, and three it doesn't last long enough. Healing over time can be as effective as direct healing but only if done right. Hot shines as in combat healing creating a sort of extra health. It's sets itself about from direct healing because you can use it then leave it going straight back to combat yourself, also because it increases survivability. However Trinity's direct healing would still be superior in situations such as everyones health being on the brink and needing help now. 


 With that said Renewal would more effectively utilize this archetype by changing its mechanics. By increasing the projectile speed, increasing the duration of the skill, tweaking the health heal per second, making the skill last indefinitely, and allotting Renewal a set amount of total health it can heal it will become a lot more viable. Essentially it would work like this; When cast orbs will fly out to all squad members and companions, over the course of 60sec Renewal will restore health whenever it is damaged, renewal will heal a total of 1000* health. To prevent abuse renewal can only be used if it's not active on any squad members(excluding companions), or the cooldown has passed(90sec).


- Hallowed Ground


Hallowed ground has arguments from both sides of the power spectrum, utility and damage. Some people want it changed to something different, while others like the utility in that you can set it down and kill enemies in two places at once. My opinion is that it should have both. Hallowed ground was intended as a sort of defensive, crowd damaging tool doing neither very well.


 The main issue it faces in terms of doing damage is the fact that unless you put it in front of a doorway enemies rarely stay in long enough to die. Here's were utility can come in. Hallowed ground would do well with having two effects added to it a short stun upon stepping into the field and a slightly longer slowdown effect similar to a cold proc. Also having a good chance to proc radiation. For example: upon stepping into the sanctified ground enemies are paralyzed for 3* seconds and slowed for 5* seconds after regaining movement, enemies also have a chance to have radiation inflicted upon them reducing their ability to target you.


 This is how I feel Oberon can get closer to DE's imagined paladin archetype. He'll still be able to do a bit of everything but with this he'll be just a bit better at it. Now put Smite/Reckoning on the chopping block so we can put feedback on those too. Also I feel like 6 hours would be better for mastery tests, but there are a lot of good suggestions for mastery timing so I'll leave it at that.


*: Mock Values

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So first off when i got Oberon i had no clue what his HG(hallowed ground) was actually for. it felt like they took the ground burning effect we all feel is missing from embers fireblast and gave it to the wrong frame!. that being said it would be much better suited as a hard cc for oberon. Sonething i feel the frame is lacking in.


While Oberon's 4th skill may dunk the world.. thats it. average damage with a minor interruption of enemies actions. THEN WHAT?! if they survive they continue where they left off. not to say there aren't people spamming 4 as if its a 2nd nova. but it would be cool if HG(or possibly reworked to something new) would give oberon a nice and unique utility edge

Edited by Celestias
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Failed mastery tests: I like the idea that the delay between re-taking the mastery test should be dependent upon the mastery rank you're trying to achieve.  The higher the rank, the longer the wait.  Also, a description of the type of test would be helpful, so that you can equip the right frame and mods accordingly.


Friendship doors: I'm in favour of a 10 second timer for rushers, which can be cancelled by a 2nd player.  Not too long of a wait, but still gives slower players a chance to catch up.


Vote to kick: I voted no, but I don't often see (or notice) leechers or AFKers.


Hallowed Ground: It deals Radiation, but as others mentioned, it should also proc radiation.  Say, a 10% chance?  I also agree with the comment that it should eliminate procs that your own frame has sustained.


Renewal: Double the health regained but keep the duration the same (thus increasing regeneration speed), and allow health regeneration to apply to players who were at full health when the ability was cast, but had lost health at some point during the ability's duration.  Also allow the ability to affect companions.

Edited by N64Gamefreak
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Remove unwanted kubrow: I posted this idea in another thread, might as well post it here. So a couple days ago red text said something about "Scientists improving the DNA stabilizers" Slowing the degeneration of DNA giving kubrows longer life. (Yes I am aware this is a joke but keep reading) Lets say these "Scientists" developed a stabilizer that cures DNA degeneration but has the unfortunate effect of making a kubrow behave feral thus making them unfit for duty. You would then release the kubrow on earth where it may live out the rest of its life. No putting it out of its misery, no releasing it just to have it deteriorate a couple days later. As for how you get this cure, sure you can buy it from the market like a regular stabilizer, or you could have a blueprint and you would have to get plant extracts from earth (Scanning plants with the codex scanner) to craft it. Just an idea that popped into my head the other night.

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What do you think is the best way to remove unwanted kubrow?

-Option to sell for credits (with random assortment of resources) and also the option to sell them to other players (but unranked, no forma, no cells)



What is your opinion on doors that require multiple players to unlock?

-These can be irritating when the other players are sitting at the spawn, so as an alternative, allow holding down the key to open the door for 15 seconds, and then the door will open. If you have another player, then it will open instantly like normal.



Do you think the option to "Vote to Kick" is a good idea?

-This is a tough one because on one hand, it would be useful for AFKers, but on the other, people will definitely abuse it.

So, how about if a person is idle for 4 minutes, then the voting to kick them is then available. This won't stop all AFKers, but it will help on some.



Do you like the idea of an auction house that is accessible in public player hubs?

-No. This will ruin the platinum economy.

Just up the amount of slots in one trade from 3 to 4, as that is the only change that is needed for trading.

Edited by xSean
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The best way to get rid of Kubrow IMO is to sell it. Leaving it behind is kinda cruel, we all know, what will happen to a kubrow, if he will not get his DNA stabilizers...


I couldnt care less about doors, they are fine. If there is an idiot to rush ahead of a team, its his problems. Usually people say in chat - "rush plz" and we all know what to do. 


As I remember, we already had vote to kick option before, it was removed. It should be restored.


And last but most important - DE - add AH! We need an adequate way to trade, not like wild market we have now.

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I chose "Other" or some such in the following topics because I believe I have, perhaps, found better solutions to them.




Double Doors

An idea I had on double doors was the timer, like many have mentioned. My ideas are only that the timer´s time varies depending on the number of players in the match. 2 players-30s, 3p-45s, 4p-60s, or something like that. I also would consider a bigger timer, that can be shortened by solving puzzles on the door switches. 10 second reduction on the timer for every puzzle or so.


Auction House ?!?

After reading a ton of forum posts about them I don't think that an auction house would do good to the economy of the game. Personally I like the Trading Post idea, a Trading Post where you can put your offers so people can view them at their leasure, like the Steam market, would do good to this game. We could put Darvo in charge of it, that way we would not have to listen only to the Ship and the Lotus.


Hallowed Ground

I think it should have BOTH utility and damage in the following way.

It should do DoT like it has, give all things on your side an armor boost based on Oberons armor (buff his armor a little too!), halve the shield recharge delay while allies are on the HG, and make the zone a little bigger (10x20). Now those are the parts we all have asked it to do, but here are the interesting additions:

 -the effects of HG will linger on all targets for 3s

 -every time an enemy is killed by HG the length and width of HG sould increase by +10% of original damage (up to 20 times)

 -every time an enemy is killed by HG the damage it dwals should increase by +10% of original damage (uo ro 20 times)

 -every time an enemy is killed by HG the duration should increase by +10% of original (no maxium limit)

 -re-casting the skill while standing on the HG should increase the duration by 30-40% and increase the damage and size of it in the aforementioned ways (+10%)



Increase the time of healing effect to 16 seconds, with power that would vary in the following way:

 -during the first second the target would be healed by their unranked base health (75/80/100/125/150)

 -after that they would be healed 4% of their current max health per second

The Renewal projectile itself should also be faster, players shouldn't be able to "outrun" them (fastest Loki speed is 1,63?!). The thought of Renewal removing status effects every 4 seconds is very tempting. Also the Renewal should affect pets. As for special cases...:

 - healing shouldn't stop if a target hits full health during Renewal, perhaps they could be even OVERHEALED!

 -if the targets health goes down to zero while under the effect of Renewal, then 50% of the time left on the skill should be added to the bleedout timer



Note that on Oberon's abilities the following parts shouldn't be afflicted by mods.

HG:  -The increase percents

        -the max limit of power-ups (20)


       -the status effect removing time intervals (it could actually use Natural Talent)

      -the Bleedout increase precent

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What do you think is the best way to remove unwanted kubrow?


Removing a Kubrow should be like any other Sentinel, just sell it off



What is your opinion on doors that require multiple players to unlock?

They stop the Rushers so leave them alone, in fact Rushers should have handicaps just like race meetings to slow them up


Do you think the option to "Vote to Kick" is a good idea?

No, it allows lower ranked players to join in



What do you think should be Hallowed Ground's primary purpose?


Oberons Hallowed ground should act like Frost or Vauban's defensive capability and as such is much too weak and needs

beefing up .


Oberon's renewal ability is too slow and low powered.


In fact i have said it before - Rank Oberon to 30 then bin it its useless !

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I voted no on the auction house entirely. Reason being, although everyone in the community is going 'YES YES YES'. It prevents haggling and creates a system of under-cutting that will be taken advantage of by farmers everywhere. This disadvantages newer players who may not be able to sell items for the amount of plat required to potato, get new slots etc. etc.


As I have mentioned in previous posts discussing the auction house concept. It will not hurt farmers like me who have multiple copies of every rare and who are merely looking to move stock. Indeed, if implemented, I will be able to clear my stock at a much faster and more reliable rate, but the impact will be felt by those who are poor in terms of plat.


While I do like more business, I am against something that will take fairness away from the game.


A marketplace would be more appropriate...but if we have to stay logged in to sell, it becomes the same kind of problem as the Trade Chat.


So finding the balance between the two is difficult and for that reason I would recommend just keeping trade as is.




Vote to kick is troll-bait, forget about it.

Edited by Semshol
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I just realized with the Kubrow release..... our genetically modified Kubrows can't live on their own without genetic drugs being pumped into their systems.  So releasing a Kubrow into the wild is condemning them to be alone as they turn into dead dna sludge.  


I say you have to craft an item that will stabilized their dna, but will wipe their minds so to speak so they can peacefully live in the wild when released.

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Auction House ?!?

After reading a ton of forum posts about them I don't think that an auction house would do good to the economy of the game. Personally I like the Trading Post idea, a Trading Post where you can put your offers so people can view them at their leasure, like the Steam market, would do good to this game. We could put Darvo in charge of it, that way we would not have to listen only to the Ship and the Lotus.



Lol and Steam "Trade post" is not an auction-like for sure :D


The only differense, is that Steam uses static price instead of "highest bidder" 


BTW good alternative will be EVE online system -  you can post offers both from sellers and buyers, where 2 bids (offer and demand) meets each other. 


There are alot of different ways to control the market in WF, truth is - ITS A MUST now. Current state of trading is good for kids, who can spend hours sitting in trade chat. I prefer to play instead of roam in chat "KUBROW RAKSA LOTUS 1000000P!!1111"

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For the doors that require multiple people, I believe they should be pulled out and replaced with the timed survival-esque moments from the suspicious shipment alerts.


Around 30 seconds of a couple waves of enemies, it would be more entertaining and make rushers have to pause for their teammates. Hell it may even add entertainment value in solo mode.

This, I loved those little events, It was intense!

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About unwanted kubrow:

I like 1st and 2nd option, but how about donate them to clan for later use? Maybe.


About the doors:

Maybe give player alternate way to go through the door or player must solve hard cipher to open the door.


About Vote Kick:

Please don't, just don't. People will abuse it. That's just door of Hate.

Edited by ZackNeutron
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Mastery Tests on PS4:

So far they haven't been terribly hard, but I can't wall run worth jack squat no matter what I do (considering there is NO direction change allowed and launching like a rocket in a can't see where I'm going or directing fashion is kind of fun, but no control) so I'm not looking forward to any form of running in R8 when I get there. Knowing it's only one shot a day is rough.


Perhaps gauge the test that is being taken and allow a few tries depending what it is. For instance, you have NO idea what you're getting into in each test (pretend one does not look online as a warning). You might just fail the first time since you weren't ready in equipment/abilities and what you were allowed to use or not. Perhaps a minimum of 2 tries for the 'easy' tests. For the ones the community deems very hard, maybe 3-4 tries. Either that or shorten the time between times. Maybe once an hour, or every two hours so somebody can make a second attempt in the same sitting. Completing a test doesn't bring the next rank on any faster, you still have to get out and earn the EXP to open the next one.



Doors that require 2 players to unlock


Well, I'm mixed on this one. I do understand that those that have played levels over and over again are out there farming and want to get from point A to point B as fast as possible. Though I am now doing some farming, I still don't find the need to bypass the level as fast as possible. I had this happen the other night and I aborted the mission and regrouped. I had two friends with me, one low level one higher power and we went to a mobile defense. I left the option to 'online' since it never hurts to have a fourth come in and help with the waves of enemies. We came into the mission and a 4th showed up instantly, grabbed the boom box (okay the control thing you put into the computer) and sprinted off as fast as they could leaving the rest of us barely taking our first step into game. Not interested in playing with that style. So I aborted, we went in again and I grabbed the box. A 4th showed up and it worked a little better. They had to wait a bit for a few teammates who went the wrong direction and for the life of them couldn't find their way back. The random player had to wait at one of these doors, and started shooting at me to show their impatience (I don't blame them really). Eventually I did leave my two lack of GPS teammates and went off with the random to battle. Eventually my team showed up, all went well. But if it hadn't been for that door there'd have been nothing left to do for the rest of us. That player that takes the level into their own hands and doesn't let you participate gets old. I do believe there needs to be a mechanism to stall them, or not have something important happen until all players cross the line. 


This line doesn't have to be big and obvious so people won't be a jerk about NOT crossing it. If one is to fight a boss, perhaps all the players just need to be in the same room for it to get going, not a door. It'd still serve the same purpose.


Releasing/Removing Unwanted Kubrow:


I don't have the option of Kubrow yet, but I'm not sure it will be something I do when it hits PS4. Can't afford a virtual pet with the credits I don't have very often. As for their release, you can have a 'release kubrow' option and a little message after that saying 'you have released your kubrow onto a small planet untouched by Grineer or Corpus. The properties of the water seems to have stabilized their DNA. There they will run free with the wild kubrows.'


The simple option to delete them or sell them would be OK too. It is not a real animal so PETA isn't going to come after you. Just because you delete them from your game does NOT imply you killed them.


Vote to Kick


I think it'd get abused, and how would you do it in game? Usually you can't judge a teammate until you get into a level. Would you have to play with them for the level and vote kick before next level? I think having elitists out there won't help either. "I don't care if they're an awesome player with kick butt weapons and use of their utility, they're ONLY rank 5..." I can see that being bad. It's easy enough to regroup with friends after a mission if you don't want somebody with you.


Trading Posts/Auction Houses


I haven't used official trade chat, every time I look it is very busy and I tend not to be able to catch whats going on. It would be nice if I could put something up for auction, and not worrying about inviting a player into the Dojo to do the trade in person. Make it like Ebay. I can put an item up and offer my price, if somebody buys it, they have to complete their end of the transaction before the item is handed over. 


For an auction house: have a place that looks very much like your inventory screen. Players go into it like they go into the market. Have items listed under their proper category and what is needed to buy it. Platinum/credits/desired mod.

Edited by (PS4)Folkeye
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Just the things I feel strongly about:


Doors that require two players should be hackable running on the same timer. That way, if a rushing player is fast enough, they could open the door on their own without waiting for a n00b. It also requires more skill than 2 players simply hitting a button at the same time and makes the door make more sense whilst playing solo.


The cooldown on Mastery Rank tests being 24 hours is a bit long. 8-12 seems more reasonable.


Vote to kick should be an invite only option for the host (Void/Derelict/Node). Not available on online public pick-up games. And it should not be able to activate once the objective is complete (defense/survival/interception/assasination) or partially complete (sabotage/extermination/espionage).


It isn't a question of if players need an auction house. WE NEED AN AUCTION HOUSE. And honestly, for as much grief as it will get me, we need to remove plat trading. It keeps DE from getting the revenue it needs, and that revenue is the source of progress. The AH should be credit only.


Hallowed Ground should work like it is intended in fantasy: a aura based debuff for foes and a buff for allies. If, for example, Holy Ground moved with Oberon giving allies added radiation to all attacks with a shield buff, while debuffing enemy shields and increasing radiation dmg to them, that would be cool.


I think Renewal gets so much grief because people think it is supposed to be on par with trinity's heals. Trinity is a healer, her heals should never be comparable to any other frame's supplemental heal ability. I think having it activate on party members immediately (no travel time/not affected by range) would help make it more effective. As well at full rank heal a standard 65% of max hp, mitigated by power strenghth (so with Intensify and Blind Rage, it would be possible to heal at 100+% over time).

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Just the things I feel strongly about:


Doors that require two players should be hackable running on the same timer. That way, if a rushing player is fast enough, they could open the door on their own without waiting for a n00b. It also requires more skill than 2 players simply hitting a button at the same time and makes the door make more sense whilst playing solo.


The cooldown on Mastery Rank tests being 24 hours is a bit long. 8-12 seems more reasonable.


Vote to kick should be an invite only option for the host (Void/Derelict/Node). Not available on online public pick-up games. And it should not be able to activate once the objective is complete (defense/survival/interception/assasination) or partially complete (sabotage/extermination/espionage).


It isn't a question of if players need an auction house. WE NEED AN AUCTION HOUSE. And honestly, for as much grief as it will get me, we need to remove plat trading. It keeps DE from getting the revenue it needs, and that revenue is the source of progress. The AH should be credit only.


Hallowed Ground should work like it is intended in fantasy: a aura based debuff for foes and a buff for allies. If, for example, Holy Ground moved with Oberon giving allies added radiation to all attacks with a shield buff, while debuffing enemy shields and increasing radiation dmg to them, that would be cool.


I think Renewal gets so much grief because people think it is supposed to be on par with trinity's heals. Trinity is a healer, her heals should never be comparable to any other frame's supplemental heal ability. I think having it activate on party members immediately (no travel time/not affected by range) would help make it more effective. As well at full rank heal a standard 65% of max hp, mitigated by power strenghth (so with Intensify and Blind Rage, it would be possible to heal at 100+% over time).

How exactly does people actually requiring plat in order to trade keep DE from getting revenue? I'd imagine there are more plat purchases being made since that came into play.

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Vote to kick could be rage inducing, trolling, terrible garbage.  Please put very good limits on it.  No vote to kick after a certain point, etc.  People going through a whole mission and then getting trolled at the end.. 


Just please don't add this crap.  

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