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[U15 Megathread] Archwing/syndicates/limbo (It's Here Edition)


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Well, i must say that...


Limbo represents the end of warframe for me.

When i saw Hydroid i thougth... "uhm a pirate tenno (i don´t like pirates, but, fine, well), a bit out of theme... Space ninjas, pseudonazi-clones, über-capistalist, disney-pixar-aliens: ok, it´s a pìrate, at least it´s a kind of warrior".

When I saw Mirage I thougth... "wtf! a clown, a f*****g clown. Ok, a lot of pleople likes harlequins, ok it´s out of the warframe thematic integrity (at least in my mind, i concede that), but it´s only one frame, it´s... tolerable".


I was hoping for this uptade to make something of warframe: a game for adults. i was mistaken, it´s my fault. I was whising for lore, scfi lore. I see syndicates and it feels like something that would improve the game, not only the repetitive gameplay, THE GAME ITSELF. I was hoping for a plot, for a chance to play the game and say: "now it has a universe, a background, from that great explotable basics that warframe initiali had"; but no. WE HAD LIMBO instead. A circus mage. Out of any consistency, he reminds me that this is a kids game and i´m not a kid. Again it´s my fault, the videogame industry it´s bussines and they have their target costumers.


Ok, i´m out of this product. I only need to say this because i used to like the early warframe concepts and now i feel frustraded with the unused posibilities of the ruined (and unseen) lore.


Grineers were one of the best enemy concepts i saw in years in videogames, despite the plane use of the evil clones, their desing was excellent and i must congratulate their designer/s. But now warframe is lost in a circus filled with lots of clowns, mages, pirates, trains and children.

Have a nice day with the kids DE.

See you SOON.

I'll respect your opinion, but I really do think you should stay until U15 actually comes out to quit the game. Right now... Let me just see if

When I saw Mirage I thougth... "wtf! a clown, a f*****g clown. Ok, a lot of pleople likes harlequins, ok it´s out of the warframe thematic integrity (at least in my mind, i concede that), but it´s only one frame, it´s... tolerable".


Mirage is, technically, a light-based frame. She's very flashy and kinda OP, but I don't think her design violates thematic integrity as you see it.

I was whising for lore, scfi lore. I see syndicates and it feels like something that would improve the game, not only the repetitive gameplay, THE GAME ITSELF. I was hoping for a plot, for a chance to play the game and say: "now it has a universe, a background, from that great explotable basics that warframe initiali had";

I want lore too. We've got a great universe and DE is not really into exploiting it. Why don't you write some fanfiction, then? Or would you rather not put hammer to anvil?

but no. WE HAD LIMBO instead. A circus mage. Out of any consistency, he reminds me that this is a kids game and i´m not a kid. Again it´s my fault, the videogame industry it´s bussines and they have their target costumers.

It's an odd-looking frame, I'll give you that. Funny thing is, Mirage looked dumb but she had an awesome lore based quest that required knowledge of mythology. Again, wait until you've tried the whole product before you pass judgement.

There's definitely some frustration to be had on how DE is going for more of an over-the-top style of gameplay and art design. Warframe did have potential to be dark and gritty, but I think that, right now, dark and gritty isn't really that cool anymore. DE is going in a particular direction that still has potential to leverage lore, and you can do something about it. That's why there's a feedback section.

And a kids game? Look, if DE wanted to make a kids game they wouldn't have put things like Valkyr in. I can understand that you feel like Warframe is heading into a less serious direction. I can see the things, and extrapolate your feelings from them.

But for the love of God, try the game when it comes out in like 15 hours and the updates live. Don't judge now.

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Thematically, I am not sure what to think of the new frame.


I will hold off judgement until I see the full thing and play him a little, but to me, this guy does not give me a sense of 'Void Sorcerer' and instead feels like 'Robo-Copperfeild'.


This tongue-in-cheek, lighthearted approach to recent designs makes me question if Warframe is caring less about taking itself seriously. In comparison to the serious, grim-dark nature of the early game, the only sense of conflict or human drama is coming from our enemies or peripheral NPC's to what is essentially our story.


This direction leaves me a little disappointed, but again, it's early days and the release is not out yet. I'll have a better idea after I have played it.

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Well, i must say that...


Limbo represents the end of warframe for me.

When i saw Hydroid i thougth... "uhm a pirate tenno (i don´t like pirates, but, fine, well), a bit out of theme... Space ninjas, pseudonazi-clones, über-capistalist, disney-pixar-aliens: ok, it´s a pìrate, at least it´s a kind of warrior".

When I saw Mirage I thougth... "wtf! a clown, a f*****g clown. Ok, a lot of pleople likes harlequins, ok it´s out of the warframe thematic integrity (at least in my mind, i concede that), but it´s only one frame, it´s... tolerable".


I was hoping for this uptade to make something of warframe: a game for adults. i was mistaken, it´s my fault. I was whising for lore, scfi lore. I see syndicates and it feels like something that would improve the game, not only the repetitive gameplay, THE GAME ITSELF. I was hoping for a plot, for a chance to play the game and say: "now it has a universe, a background, from that great explotable basics that warframe initiali had"; but no. WE HAD LIMBO instead. A circus mage. Out of any consistency, he reminds me that this is a kids game and i´m not a kid. Again it´s my fault, the videogame industry it´s bussines and they have their target costumers.


Ok, i´m out of this product. I only need to say this because i used to like the early warframe concepts and now i feel frustraded with the unused posibilities of the ruined (and unseen) lore.


Grineers were one of the best enemy concepts i saw in years in videogames, despite the plane use of the evil clones, their desing was excellent and i must congratulate their designer/s. But now warframe is lost in a circus filled with lots of clowns, mages, pirates, trains and children.

Have a nice day with the kids DE.

See you SOON.



really? where have you been for that last ... several updates?


Nova - mage-y thing, not ninja

Valkyr - Berserker, not ninja

Necros - Necromancer, not ninja

Zepher - flight type, not ninja

Oberon - Paladin - not ninja


I can go even further back if you want with Mag, Ember, Volt, Saryn, Vuaban and I think you get the point, if not, you should. You and every one else complaining about Limbo 'not being Ninja enough' Have not been paying attention. 'non ninja' Warframe aren't a new trend, it goes back a long way, like a REALLY long ways, closed beta in fact.


If you can't accept that, *shrugs* don't let the door hit you on the way out then.

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...I love the concept of Limbo, but I agree with those thinking that making an actual top hat was a bit too far.

In fact, I think Zephyr was already bad, but her only in terms of visual/design. Going completely apart from the rest, from sleek, stylish, and simple to what feels like the sketching of a kid brought to life.

But Hydroid was too far on all senses of the word. Not only being cheap and cliche looking, but also bearing even more cliche and unoriginal skills.

This frame's concept and looks I liked so far tho. I just think making him an actual, removable top hat was a bit too far. Even for our already absurd winged-power-armored-futuristic-ninja-soldiers-with-pets standards.

(BTW I'm really sad with his color set. it doesn't look golden-ish or even yellow and white-y, like Void tilesets, enemies and stuff...)

Quoting my opinions on Limbo from the other thread, for my reply to the conversation here.

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Quoting my opinions on Limbo from the other thread, for my reply to the conversation here.


I have to agree. It's the top hat that kills it for me.


Remove that top hat, and I can justify the design as a mage. Specifically adding it however was purposefully designed to have that tongue-in-cheek add to the theme.

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Thematically, I am not sure what to think of the new frame.


I will hold off judgement until I see the full thing and play him a little, but to me, this guy does not give me a sense of 'Void Sorcerer' and instead feels like 'Robo-Copperfeild'.


This tongue-in-cheek, lighthearted approach to recent designs makes me question if Warframe is caring less about taking itself seriously. In comparison to the serious, grim-dark nature of the early game, the only sense of conflict or human drama is coming from our enemies or peripheral NPC's to what is essentially our story.


This direction leaves me a little disappointed, but again, it's early days and the release is not out yet. I'll have a better idea after I have played it.

I think Baron Samedi.

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I don't understand why everyone is so put off by a frame that took probly about a month to just program for movement, I mean I would think some of you would use your common sense to understand that this game takes a lot of work to make and even more work to add to it (not to mention that this all cost someone money and you get it for free)

So please try to be grateful rather than cynical because they made this for us (For free...........)

Personally I'm stoked about Limbo because I can see him being super powerful and even if he's just a support frame it's just a matter of modding.

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Hey guys, if you haven't yet, go to the very end. You see the scroll bar, just go all the way to the bottom. You then see...ZE MATRIX! Or some sort of what looks like it could be a VR Simulation room sorta deal.


That's a Spaceballs reference, not a VR room...

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(This is just speculation and not final)

With the little information we have about Limbo, the new warframe introduced to the upcoming U15 update, we can assume most of his abilities will deal with dimensions or manipulation of dimensions. So I propose a few ideas to what his abilities could be.

1- This ability could summon a random enemy (determined by what opposing faction you're going against [or not]) and will fight by your side until:

a. The spawned "ally" dies

b. The spawned "ally" time runs out and starts to attack you.

The level of the "ally" can be determined by the level of the mission.

2- Limbo will unequip all of his weapons and will have an AOE ability that will deal damage to enemies, granted if said enemy attacks the player. Aesthetics could show the screen inverted, or a black-and-white FOV. How long this ability could be used can be determined by the rank of the mod and duration mods.

Feel free to post what abilities Limbo could posses.

(This is just speculation and not final)

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(This is just speculation and not final)

With the little information we have about Limbo, the new warframe introduced to the upcoming U15 update, we can assume most of his abilities will deal with dimensions or manipulation of dimensions. So I propose a few ideas to what his abilities could be.

1- This ability could summon a random enemy (determined by what opposing faction you're going against [or not]) and will fight by your side until:

a. The spawned "ally" dies

b. The spawned "ally" time runs out and starts to attack you.

The level of the "ally" can be determined by the level of the mission.

2- Limbo will unequip all of his weapons and will have an AOE ability that will deal damage to enemies, granted if said enemy attacks the player. Aesthetics could show the screen inverted, or a black-and-white FOV. How long this ability could be used can be determined by the rank of the mod and duration mods.

Feel free to post what abilities Limbo could posses.

(This is just speculation and not final)

Rip Lined in Megathread.

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All this "Space Ninja" stuff to me is irrelevant, it may have started out that way, but it really has evolved into "Space Warrior" in general IMO.  That being said, this Limbo (Not a huge fan of the name but whatever), is getting a bit silly in design.  I guess it's fine for diverse aesthetics and what not, but I guess I feel it's really impractical from a combat perspective.  I'm not going to rage over it or anything, but it's not my cup of tea.

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All this "Space Ninja" stuff to me is irrelevant, it may have started out that way, but it really has evolved into "Space Warrior" in general IMO.  That being said, this Limbo (Not a huge fan of the name but whatever), is getting a bit silly in design.  I guess it's fine for diverse aesthetics and what not, but I guess I feel it's really impractical from a combat perspective.  I'm not going to rage over it or anything, but it's not my cup of tea.

Likewise. "Space Ninja" doesn't fit until we get more stealth stuff.

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Guest zMiNixB0SSx

is it just me or if you scroll all the way down to the bottom of the archwings website theres like a bright light in a box 

( sorry dont know how to post pics so i just linked the website :))


Edited by zMiNixB0SSx
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