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Too Much Force Grinding. Ive Had Enough. (Cooled Down Version)


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Not many since the beacon thing kept confusing me and put me off.

Now i did try and got grustrag bolt trolled which was the thing that put me over the edge :)



Someone else said he found the cipher part confusing for mirage, so he just bought it.

I understand Digital Extreme needs to earn money but to make it so confusing that people just gives in.. not fair.

I refuse to pay for a frame though.

I guess you're usually playing solo?

The only hard part about mirage is just 5 orokin cipher,

each time you open a orokin vault,you get one 100%.And the rest are just riddle part and some time to craft it.

It's like the only frame that I enjoy getting it,slowly.And that little lore about mirage is pretty interesting.

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I decided to see what i need to do for mirage.


5 void runs for one hidden message?? No thanks. U can keep your mirage and hydroid. i give up. I may be aggravated at the moment already but just thinking about doing that many runs JUST for a message? oh cmon.



It's actually 5 Orokin Derelict missions, and you do get a Corrupt mod out of each run, so there's a plus. Also, try getting the message. It might seem to be a pain at first, but the three missions that you are given to do after getting the message provides some nice lore that's pretty interesting. So, not only you're gonna get a glass cannon frame, you will also be getting 5 Corrupt mods and some of the limited lore given by DE.

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It says 5 ciphers. So 5 void runs. for one message.

One message equals.. what? one part? If so, grind grind grind.


I guess the problem is that the wiki doesnt explain what exactly will happen.

No, one message = all three parts. You do one mission first, then wait for the first part to be built. When it's finish building, claim it and you will be able to do the second, and repeat. 

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Am I the only person who actually found it fun getting a few clan mates together and hunting for Vay Hek beacons when it was added?  It was a new map with new enemies and their damage resistance meant we actually had to coordinate and cooperate.  It didn't take that long for a team of four to get enough beacons to each make a key and then we got Hydroid from those keys.  Y'know you can trade for beacons as well right?


Argon is nowhere near the problem people claim it is.  You barely need any at a given time and I always seem to have some kicking about from random missions I've been playing for fun with clanmates who still need Prime parts.  Now that invasions/outbreaks drop them they are really common.  Also, Vor in T4 Void will always drop an Argon Crystal or Orokin Cell as well as a poison/status mod.  Bring a Nekros on a T4 Survival or Phorid run and you're fine.  Vay Hek also drops Argon so that sorts out the ones you need for Hydroid.


The Grustag bolt is the Grineer punishing you for fighting for the Corpus.  It weakens you against Grineer and requires resources found on Corpus worlds.  Sure it is a bit mean that you need a Neural Sensor when they might not be something you have a lot of but maybe you should consider that before fighting for the Corpus!


As for Mirage, grind?  What?  Running five missions on Derelicts with a group of four each with Dragon Keys is not grind.  It's only five missions for crying out loud!  Plus, you'll be getting corrupted mods on those missions too.  Once the quest starts it is just a single mission for each part.  Zero repeats.  Compared to the 30+ missions I ran for Frost back when parts were not guaranteed drops from bosses, getting Mirage was stupidly quick.  Hell, even Hydroid was quicker and more interesting to get than Frost!

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It says 5 ciphers. So 5 void runs. for one message.

One message equals.. what? one part? If so, grind grind grind.


I guess the problem is that the wiki doesnt explain what exactly will happen.


You are guaranteed a cipher each time though. No RNG, no fuss. And you only need 5 total, not 5 for each part.

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Sounds like someone got a warning point, but anyways, on topic....

Mirage was a time wall not grind wall. Join any PUG with 3 other people in recruiting. Run 5 ode's and you get your 5 ciphers %100 of the time. Barring total noobage, like someone not having a key equipped.

Hydroid, yeah farming him sucked. Still not as bad as loki prime though.

If running 5 missions in a row is a grind for you, be glad you didn't run the breeding grounds operations.

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Bacon is easy to get. Just run Sabotage, Capture and Mobile Defense Missions in Ceres for everything except Delta which is from Defense.


Make sure you bring your friendly neighbourhood Nekros the Butcher. He cuts those Prosecutors so generously that you get more bacon for your buck!



But in all seriousness if you run a Nekros you can get a lot of Beacons in one mission alone. I got 4 of each Kappa, Gamma and Omega in one Sabotage run recently with my nekros and only 2 Prosecutors.


Delta is the easiest as Prosecutors almost always spawn in wave 5 and 1 drops a single Delta and one desecrate will give you another and 2 are enough for one Hek Key. =D



Also before anyone says "well I don't have a Nekros". Nekros is so easy to get if you just farm a few Derelict Missions for Golem Navs. And there are usually plenty of decent players in Recruting looking for ODA anyway so its not too hard to run Lephantis several times in one day.

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Your goals currently in warframe are:
Grind a warframe and weapon set you like to 30. So you can:
Grind another warframe and weapon set to 30.

Grind the Mods you use on the weapon and warframe to max.

Grind the warframes and weapons to 30 to get mastery

So you can get more weapons to grind to 30.

And then you grind rare mods if you want to trade for plat to get cosmetics.


You basically aim for the plateau of power creep so you can grind faster. (boltor prime, brakk, etc)

Only occasionally deviating from that if you do the events... which unlock more grinding.


There isn't really any story that is being told aside the tutorial.

Layers of RNG dictate your grinding. They even dictate your level layout with the tilesets.

This isn't a bad thing of course but it does make the game feel less interesting after your tenth or so pass through the same tileset.


Sure this is a beta, but there really hasn't been any significant content progress besides adding more grind.

There are no interesting prebuilt missions to challenge your player skill.

There are no dynamic boss fights that aren't subject to just overpowering their mechanic.

There are barely any mechanics to deal with. Once you get a decent gun, you just slaughter till the scaling kicks in.


I want this game to be so much more than it currently is. But it feels like all we are going to get is continuous cash shop content and distractions like the kubrow.

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But it feels like all we are going to get is continuous cash shop content and distractions like the kubrow.


Kubrow, it's a Sentinel with hair! Awesome! And it's own set of drop table dilution mods! Radical! Almost makes me forget how aggravating it is to not be able to access my inventory from the trading pagoda. Neato!

Edited by (PS4)da-link-went-1
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I think many of us have said it but.  KRPG's and JRPG's are ALOT more grindier than warframe.  I'm just glad we don't have a drop that is 1/1000th chance of dropping from a boss needed to make a new common weapon or frame.  In Aion you can make weapons but takes months of pure skill grinding to get to the good stuff and thats grinding your resource gathing skill, and then the smithing skill and then getting that upgraded......that their end game crafting......same could be said in Vindictus some of the best weapons and armors need a 1/200th chance item to be made along with other fairly rare stuff.  sure you can trade materials there but 45M for a single item is a bit expensive right.   So just take a breath and maybe a break cause coming form a RPG focused gaming past I feel WF is kinda tame in it's RNG even with stances and weapon parts.

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unfortunately that's the way the 'free to play' cookie crumbles. see what they want, or in fact NEED, you to do now is just go 'f**k it! I'm buying the damn frame!'.


Built most of my frames (Nyx was plat bought).

Issues ? 


Get back to farming.

If you can't afford 600 hours go home XD

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I get where you are coming from.. You have goals and can spend time trying to achieve those goals only to find the endeavor was fruitless.


Your best bet is to take a break and find a different game to play... Only come back for the events.


Give the game time to build up decent content and yourself time to get distance and objectivity.



It's what I did and it's working very well for me.


I spend the bulk of my gaming time playing a game that's a better fit for me in general (older crowd, more family friendly).

In the process, I manage to accomplish something worthwhile in every play session.


I still lurk this site from Wednesday to Wednesday to see if an event is in the offing as DE will put on some good ones periodically though.

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Never really had  problem with argon. I'm drowning in the the stuff and I don't void too often and haven't been playing much recently. There isn't even much it is used for.

Sometimes the game is grindy and Hek is a good example of too much, especially because hydroid is put behind a grindwall within a grindwall. But I'd say it only applies to a few insistences. Then again grind never bothered me much because I don't mind waiting. I agree it is a problem but its pretty much been a problem since day one.


Hopefully the new quest system and proxy wars will bring new, less grindy ways of obtaining things. 

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Tried farming for Hydroid with a friend once, gave up. That was before the spawn patch though. Haven't tried again yet.


Mirage is easy. Run 5 OD Exterminates, finished in an hour or so. Go on 1 Mirage mission, build part, wait for next day.


Argon is not that hard really. When it was just released, it was a real *@##$ to farm. I followed the methods of many people, Void Defence Void Survival and whatnot, didn't really get shiet. Now it's really easy to get. Run some Invasions or fight some boss, get Argon(Not 100%, but high chance. Like really high.)


IMO Oxium is even harder to farm than Argon.

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Hmm. The way I see relic hunting = getting a full set of gear, is a big part of Warframe.

If I bought every frame in the game, the value is lost to me. For this reason I totally agree with the Hek setup.

I havent touched Lephantis either for basically the same reason. Plus after the initial hype dies down, no one wants to dp these runs.

Maby this is just me, but I think there must be a better way to solve this.

The quest approach is probably the best.

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Hydroid was IMO the toughest grind out of everything in this game and it drained me because I had to farm it twice since I was helping a friend do it for him.


Nekros wasn't that hard, I got him fairly quickly upon release and I have about 20 keys built at the moment in case I wanna go for Cells/Neurodes and I can still build another 5 or so I think.


I came back after a long hiatus because I decided to patch my warframe so patches don't stack up and then I saw event was on and I was like wow I almost missed it and went and did it and by far, this is the least grindy and best event to date. It was quick and easy, finished everything in two runs. Simple.


But yeah, set small mini goals for you or little challenges for you with friends to break away from the grind.

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I think many of us have said it but.  KRPG's and JRPG's are ALOT more grindier than warframe.  I'm just glad we don't have a drop that is 1/1000th chance of dropping from a boss needed to make a new common weapon or frame.


I dont agree with you on KRPG's. Jrpg's i cant speak of i dont play any. I havent expereinced any grindy JRPG's on consoles though. My most recent one was seiken densetsu and golden sun on ds both didnt have any grind. unless you were chasing OP stats.


I played Dragon Nest on the US server, Sea server, Taiwan server and korean server. Taiwan and korean server i was max level with end game gears in 2 weeks of free playing. in Taiwan I reached the level cap in just 2 days KR was 5 days. Then i came to the US server it took me 1 week just to get to halfway to the level cap. I had rubbish gears and there was no support ingame for getting equipment for each level bracket. I was locked out of content from the low drop rates while leveling up.


All upgrade materials of value can only be found in daily quests. Aswell as some high teir RNG rolls of max stat items were in tokens for running daily quests.


To the OP i suggest take a break from the game. Leave your feedback in the forum. Comeback to the game when theres a major update or event. Dont let RNG ruin your ability to have fun and enjoy your day take the oppurtunity to explore new games.


The warframe developers are a clever bunch, they're well aware of the problems but finding solutions isnt easy. Explore some other games if you see games have found solutions to problems you experienced in warframe come back and leave the feedback.

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