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Most Hilariously Abysmal Teammate You've Had Recently (No Direct Naming!)


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We've all had them, these players that just baffle you with their... Shall we say, surprisingly inadequate performance. I want to hear your stories! Just remember, don't directly name anyone, we don't want bullying here.


Now mind you, i'm not talking about people avoiding use of the 'best' available gear, or people who don't have all their gear at lvl30+potato, or people who get downed a few times.


What i'm talking about is this:

I was helping my friend finish off the Cryotic event, we were on Europa and doing our best, pick-up group and all. This is where things began to go wrong.


Since my gear was rather strong, i didn't need skill to survive. And we had a rather strong Frost Prime that helped out a LOT with his Snow Globes. But then there was this guy... Coming along with his Mastery 4, so that'd make you think there's some competence there? Incorrect.


He comes along with his anime-inspired name (from the anime oft-called the "Dragonball Z of our generation") And he proceeds to destroy every single heat generator he can find. Resulting in added difficulty in any outdoor segment. He keeps feeding every drill more energy than it needed "98%? have 20% more!". He consistently gets downed at any possible moment, despite having MORE shields/health than my friend (my friend who tends to forget to use powers to save themselves, yet only got downed once anyway). After reviving him about say... seven times myself personally, i eventually stop. And he starts spending his revives! Eventually we manage to scrape together enough score to finish the event, and we run to the extraction... And he uses a revive, forcing us to wait longer at extraction.


Whining and winging on my part? Yes. I wasn't and still not am sure whether i should be laughing or just facepalming. I mean, i could understand not knowing how to play, if he was actually a new player. But he was Mastery4, on Europa, so it's not unreasonable to think he/she cleared the previous drilling missions.


Share your stories, i wish to know that i'm not alone in my aggravation.

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and the best part they understand  cant understand SHIET in english so communicating with them is same as trying to communicate with potato



idk why theres no russian server or something like that because they ruin the gameplay for english speaking players 

Edited by Vaikiss
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I was doing a defense mission on Ceres when suddenly the Stalker appeared to one of my teammates. He constantly run around while me and the others were managing to kill the stalker, but when the stalker was almost dead he stopped and a slash dash killed him... Later he said that telephone was ringing *facepalm*

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I was doing Interception for some T4 keys, and it was just me and a Loki, at least at the start.  This Loki seemed to not understand that we needed to capture the radio towers to win.  He just ran around cloaked slashing away at things.   Lucky for me another person joined just before the first extraction so I could continue to three rounds, without it being a headache. 

Edited by ClockworkSpectre
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Idiot rank 6 Frost on Xini,


I have my Penta, 3 formas and NICE. I CAN'T USE it for 10 waves since he keeps putting his max Stretch Snow Globe up around the pod. Even with Firestom maxxed, if they get close to the pod, I can't touch them. I hurt myself trying a few times and switch to my Acrid.The others are MR 3 and 4, there to level. Their gear isn't BAD, but at wave 9, we almost wipe.


He starts yelling at me to use the grenade launcher. I ask him to stop using Snow Globe so I can kill Infested with my best weapon. The others also ask him to stop. He rage quits.


I took them to wave 40. Just the 3 of us, and we were laughing our BUTTS off the whole time.

Edited by Kalenath
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Pretty much anyone that joins survival alerts and uses the main supports at 95% + remaining, even when asked not to, with a please.

If someone does that to me, I'm instantly gone from the mission.


I'm very antisocial in this game, and the main reason is because of most of the stories about really crappy players that will just piss me off. I'm happy to help new players, if they listen and are willing to at least attempt to learn how to be better team players.

That being said, I haven't any serious problems with in memorable recollection, I've been too busy ignoring people.

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There have been many occasions where people with decently leveled 'frames (around 10-20) would join in a mission, but they wouldn't use any of their abilities, or wouldn't use any more useful abilities. For example, on many occasions a Loki would join, but would only use decoy or invisibility, but what I don't get is why wouldn't they use radial disarm? I feel that's a lot more useful in group play.

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*in survival*

*98% LS yet he activates it*

"Oi, it's too early you should wait till 40%"



*continues doing that stuff*


However... things started getting harder, we were running out of LS (10%)

"Can you do me a favour and activate LS?" (he was closer to nearest LS than me)

"Why don't you go get it yourself lazy *** *****"

We died... He blamed me.


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*in survival*

*98% LS yet he activates it*

"Oi, it's too early you should wait till 40%"



*continues doing that stuff*


However... things started getting harder, we were running out of LS (10%)

"Can you do me a favour and activate LS?" (he was closer to nearest LS than me)

"Why don't you go get it yourself lazy *** *****"

We died... He blamed me.


This is why I don't play with noobs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My abysmal team mate was a yellow hydroid  on a phorid assassination run. this was a higher level phorid then usual since it was on neptune or some other higher level planet. anyway phorid starts to scream and the hydroid thinks he/she can take it on. 

the moment phorid stops screaming yellow(that's the name of the hydroid now) get's one shotted. 


I think "well based on that and the fact that there's only 2 of us there is no way im reviving you." lucky for me though yellow is not a troll and does not yell at me when I don't revive them. but I didn't know that was there last revive' so when I get downed yellow try's to save me and gets killed as a result.


so I spend one of my revives and proceed to kill phorid by running around in circles till all 162 of my akvasto's bullets are gone. after that I finished off phorid with my strun and finished the mission.

not that I told yellow any of this. they had no idea I facepalmed and were dreading to do the mission again with them, but luck for me a valkry player came along and tanked phorid with hysteria turning frustrating into cake walk till I got the battle pay.


still im glad that yellow was nice in what they said. just a bit of a noob when it came to phorid.

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