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Why Is The Stalker Rigged?


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He used to attatck u whenever and using whatever gear,..

seems like they changed the script though,

its actually gotten so bad now, that i NEVER see him anymore now, using only lvl 30 gear these days,

and if u see him theres a 99% chance he will only drop Dread, if u manage to defeat him...


yeah, hes bugged like hell these days...

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He used to attatck u whenever and using whatever gear,..

seems like they changed the script though,

its actually gotten so bad now, that i NEVER see him anymore now, using only lvl 30 gear these days,

and if u see him theres a 99% chance he will only drop Dread, if u manage to defeat him...


yeah, hes bugged like hell these days...

The one time he showed up for a teammate (who promptly freaked out because was leveling a frame), I was in my decked out Valkyr and kicked his &#! and we all got the Dread BP.

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Showed up twice for me so far. First time after MR5 in a new level 4 frame. Not a chance lol. Second time was in an intense PUG and I didn't even know he was there. Some irritating player kept following me running around the screen chasing mobs swishing his sword at me. Took a while to realise it was the Stalker and he nailed me when I reacted too late. Was in higher gear at that time. Was darn funny though the second time.

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hmm...last weekend wsa stalker weekend for me ahah...I had him at least once each day....and only got the dread from him this weekend as he only appeared on one of my teammates once (Friday)....thrn promptly went and got all the marks back he took off of me for being defeated by the awesome teams i was with. XD

Edited by xcynderx
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You know what I think the stalker really is? a bully. plain and simple that is what he is. he waits for you to leave school (void farming with your friends).then he meets you behind to playground (trying a new weapon solo on earth). and tries to beat you up (murder you).


if the stalker were real and not just a games program I would say he would be even more of a real life bully then. he has issues (teno killing his masters). 

and let's them out the wrong way (trying to kill the teno) instead of just letting it go forgiving the wrong doings and moving on.(same thing).

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An assassin is supposed to hit you when you are at your most vulnerable. That is kind of their forte, exploiting one's weaknesses. This is not the act of a bully, but of cunnining. A predator stalking prey does the same exact thing. You do not exert uneeded energy and possibly put yourself in harm's way if you can manage it. Not to mention, a typical assassin does not want to get caught/seen as well when fullfilling a job.

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First time meeting him: lvl 30 Excal, MK1 Braton, Ballistica, lightly modded zoren. (solo, void)

Second time: lvl 30 Ash, Forma-ed penta, unmodded angstrum, low level orthos prime. (solo, void)

Third time: lvl 16 Loki, Lvl 30 orthos p, Lvl 30 penta, Lvl 30 angstrum. (solo)

Fourth time: Spawned right after I join the lobby, ganked by teammates. (pug)

Fifth time: Loki invis build, unmodded glaive, forma-ed akvasto, lvl 30 paris p, OHK-ed me using Teleport + Dispel + Slash dash combo. 


Yeah, using explosive/single shot/low lvl weapons, playing void, and playing solo may increase the chance to spawn him.

Edited by Jangkrik
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Stalker encounters are random.

You only remember the ones when you are weak because otherwise he is a non factor.

Enconter logic is: Flat chance if you are marked plus an addition flat chance for each additional mark present.

kinda hard to believe he isn't rigged because last time he came after one of my formad frames was several updates ago. In total I can count on one hand the number of times he's ever come after my maxed frames in the past year. It's always my lowest frames that he can one or 2 shot. The solution I found is, find where he's spawning then just start going to town with melee combo as hes spawning and he'll be dead before he stands.
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Last time he popped in on me I was doing solo Breeding Grounds runs with Loki Prime. As soon as the screen started to flicker, I shot my gun off to draw in a swarm of infested around me while I remained invisible. As soon as he popped in, about 50 infested ate him alive while I sat back and watched. Of course he didn't drop any BPs...

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you kidding...Right before he popped in I had a host migration due to a single second of lower internet connection yesterday.......and my clan leader was the target, he got Dread AND Hate......had it not been for the stupid HM i would have been an owner of Hate today. Now....I have dread and the smoke color pack, idk if its worth it buying the What Stalker pack.....especially since we dont get a discount if we already own items of of said bundles.

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my encounters with stalker:

1st one - not after me - during invasion someone just said "stalker" and later on just marked dread bp with "waypoint"

2nd one rank 6 valkyr soloing extermination to rank up.... I abadonned mission as soon as he started to speak

3rd one - after clanmate - he killed us both

4th one - again after clanmate - clanmate runned away while me and other clanmate nuked him out

5th one - after the same clanmate as 3rd one in very next mission (void defense) "lucky" player stood in the area of those "lasors" you can launch - when stalker spawned nerby him we activated lasorplate and traited both with it

6th one - during invasion - team was faaaaar faaaaar away and totaly ignored call of trinity that stalker is coming - fight started nicely but went bad when he started to stagger

7th one - during mobile defense after "still have no idea whom in team" that was quite interesting fight though: he appered teleported somwhere (crush->crush->crush) oh he is already dead? nice he dropped hate bp



thats all history of my meetings with the stalker more interesting is history of grustrag 3 though :P

(freshly forma'd mag prime.... they killed me with "boom" they make when they spawn....)

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