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The Manliest Gun


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The, um, what's it called, the lever-action rifle. Nothing more manly than a good ole' (futuristic) fashioned western lever action rifle!


Sybaris! just built it and gonna forma that S#&$ (potoeted ofc) because it's so @(*()$ manly.. winchester hunter rifle shotgun aww yiss

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  • 3 months later...

This may be a necro, but it hasn't lost any of its relevance.


miter is definitely manly but so is ogris also all snipers


The mighty Miter is definitely a strong contender. The discs have the word "Cutface" written on them, and you definitely get what you pay for.


Then there's the Gorgon Wraith. This weapon speaks for itself, and when it does, it's loud and commanding. Bonus Man Points are shown at the mission result screen if you put all three fire rate increasing mods on it, and never let go of the trigger. Okay, they aren't, but you should do it anyway.


Also, the Boltor. Some people may get upset at seeing this weapon named here, but I'm not even talking about its Prime variant. I've been nailing Grineer and Corpus to walls, floors, ceilings and doors ever since I've first gotten my hands on it. It would be poetic, if it wasn't so damn manly already.

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