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Anoying Players You've Seen In Warframe (No Namecalling)


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In decreasing order:


- People who use life support at 95% capacity, despite BEING ASKED NOT TO.

- People who spread instead of sticking together at objective (applies to mobile defense, endless defense and survival life support)

- People who lock elevators right in front of your face

- People who try to be funny with switch teleport / ripline

- People who walk into my shots, blocking the damage




Forgot about the guys that keep voting on THAT SPECIFIC MISSION, even though you and your friend already declined that vote 15 times.

Edited by Shifted
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Another one, that person who doesn't go to where life support is in survival and then complains when they die off on their own other side of the map. I can't revive you if you are nowhere near me and someone has to be taking care of the life support.



I don't get why I keep seeing hatred of black/red frames on this forum. It's lame or cliché maybe but I don't see how it affects you at all. 

Edited by DementedSheep525
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Three kinds of people for me


1: Frosts: I've only ever seen 7 frost who know how to properly use the frame, anyone else spams snowglobe in infested, defense,of survival maps, with no regard to the one-way-shooting propteries of it


2: Leeches: Self explanatory


3: In recruiting chat you sometimes see someone hosting a rare mission, your T4's and what not. Now I send the invite and they invite me, but as always it doesn't take the first time, so I send for a re-vite "Sorry, full" No you're not, you just invited me "lol, @#$% off"      God that twists my buttons


4: of course your general idiots stated previously and fututrly

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Three kinds of people for me


1: Frosts: I've only ever seen 7 frost who know how to properly use the frame, anyone else spams snowglobe in infested, defense,of survival maps, with no regard to the one-way-shooting propteries of it


2: Leeches: Self explanatory


3: In recruiting chat you sometimes see someone hosting a rare mission, your T4's and what not. Now I send the invite and they invite me, but as always it doesn't take the first time, so I send for a re-vite "Sorry, full" No you're not, you just invited me "lol, @#$% off"      God that twists my buttons


4: of course your general idiots stated previously and fututrly

Let me be the 8th and tell you how I use him:

Infested Defence: Ice Wave/Avalanche

Defence: well... the pod needs a globe

Survival: a Globe with Narrow Minded and Fleeting Expertise installed, so the Globe is small and doesnt obscure much of friendly fire, creates a "fort" of sorts and doesnt last absurdly long.


Why cant Freeze actually be usefull? I always miss by an inch unless the enemy is standing still.




I sometimes Switch Teleport a teammate, but that is usually when I'm at extract and they are taking their sweet time, just put a Decoy right beside me and I ST with him and then with the Decoy. Other times is when we are running to extract and one of them is way ahead of me, but never when we are doing the mission.

Edited by Kao-Snake
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Not a particular player, per se... But pretty much every Mirage, imo.

They all seem to like using specters + Phage + discoball and spamming colorful lights everywhere, which can be blindingly annoying for anyone nearby (especially if you're trying to melee what they're lighting up like a Superbowl halftime).


I usually don't rush at all, but if I see a Mirage, it brings out the rusher in me, especially just to stay ahead of that crap. I can't stand her abilities, or the way people play her.


Good luck outrunning a good Mirage though, it's one of the fastest frames after all. I personally like to race Lokis (and I usually bring something that copters well). The fact that you're complaining about Mirage's Hall of Mirrors only goes to prove that you haven't really played her. A Mirage without HoM on is a dead Mirage.


That said, I don't spam my ult (not on Mirage and not on any other frame). I do use the Quanta though (but not the Phage).


From what I've observed, this is a common symptom of playing with random people.   They are all out to prove themselves as the biggest badass and this is typically down by being the quickest to kill the most dangerous opponent in the room and then killing the most grunts and because nobody knows each other, nobody is willing to back down.


I'm colourblind, I probably couldn't even tell which one is the mind controlled one even if I tried. I'm pretty sure I'm guilty of killing a lot of them.


As for people zergkilling ancients, it's not necessarily to prove themselves badass, it's because ancients are nuisances and taking them out asap is a pretty good idea.


I get complained at about this sometimes, but my excuse is that it's hard to differentiate the mind-control glow from the valkyr hysteria 'kill this or you'll take damage when this wears off' glow :P


As for players I dislike, people who AFK at spawn during invasions. I don't want to have to carry your lazy arse through the mission, and I don't want to have to waste my time waiting around at extraction when the invasion is close to finishing and I still need to run this mission another couple of times.


Leechers are horrible people and I wish DE would just hand out bans instead of warnings (I'm pretty sure they can see on their end whether someone was actually leeching or having technical trouble, not to mention that real leechers will do it in more than just one mission, so they ought to be rather easy to identify automatically even).


I loathe people who let teammates die due to petty reasons. They will not try and ask the people nicely, they will take offence at the first instance, rage without mentioning anything and let teammates bleed out. They annoy me a lot.


This too. I can't exactly magically know how *you* want to run the mission and if you don't tell me... well, my crystal ball isn't all that great apparently.

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There was this guy who asked me to change to a Nekros in T4 survival. Then, he kept talking about how I did not have a Natural Talent installed. We played till 40 minutes and every time I used desecrate he would say "Ew". At the end of 40 minutes T4 survival, he asked for help when he ran like 10 kilometres away from us. Naturally none of us went. During extraction, he bragged about how he did not die. Here's the thing: He was using an OBERON.


He never provided proper support and only ridiculed me for dying. I admit that I'm terrible at using Nekros, but holy crap dude.

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some of the stereo typing and judgement here is enogh to deserve to be listed among your complaints


frame or weapon doesnt determine what kind of person or player you are


and as for my personal peeves... threads like this 

Rhinos are noobs.


Lokis are trolls.


Novas are killstealers.


Volts are gay.


Oberons are childish.


Vaubans are boring.




Something like this?

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The amount of high rank elitist I meet on the forum and in the game, its annoying, its put a bad name on the rest of the high rank players, and it doesn't go anywhere. 


Rhinos are noobs.


Lokis are trolls.


Novas are killstealers.


Volts are gay.


Oberons are childish.


Vaubans are boring.




Something like this?

Meh, can't run away from generalizing, its always bound to happen. 

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People that leave me alone at the cryopod/console so they can sit on enemy spawns out of xp sharing range.
I hate being the babysitter :| I'll admit to doing similar things just starting out but it is odd seeing players with >10 mastery ranks doing that.

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Not certain xp sharing is the issue it was in the past, but scattering resources is about as annoying, so stay with the pod/console/whatever.


I WILL let it get destroyed if left on my own there for too long (unless there's some reason I want the mission done with properly). So be warned.


As a Nyx player, I've become inured to players smokechecking the MC target. It's nice to have a helpful--albeit unwilling--ally with heals or shields or just a big can of whoop-&#!, but the main thing is that unit isn't shooting at us and if someone blows it up, no big deal. Same with chaos. I don't care who kills whom, the main thing is it isn't trying to kill me (Nyx) and it's throwing the enemy into disarray.


Then there are the rushers. Again, annoying all out of proportion to their sins (and they are many). Bottom line is if I haven't see you (the rushtard) or an enemy for about 30 seconds, my game mode changes. Yes, it's scrounging time and, yes, you will wait that extra minute at extraction. Enjoy.

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For me...


I seriously hate Mirage with a passion and don't like having one around. She's OP, her images spam the small spaces and make it so my game play is nil. Between being indestructible, damaging, adding to lag AND shot blocking to players... why bother with her in a team. Doesn't matter who plays her, they're all the same actions. So she's my annoying player thing for the time.


Between seeing her or a Rhino, makes it just THAT much less fun.


Even when a friend plays either frame, just rubs me the wrong way.

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I'm one of those 'open every lockers' guy. Maybe not so extreme as to open every locker everywhere, but I'm definitely a looter. I hate people that rush the mission like there's no tomorrow, and then they are on exctraction a minute later and whine about how slow his/her team is or how there's always 'that one guy'.


I mean come on speedy gonzales, slow down to regular speed, don't focus so much on the end reward and just enjoy the game. I can understand if you get annoyed if someone is walking at a snail's pace, but just because you sprint at the speed of light with little regard to mission enjoyement doesn't mean others have to play that way.


No offense to anyone, but that's just how I think about it.


I also despise those AFK'ers, leechers and trollers, but almost everybody hate's them so that's a given, amirite?

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I'm one of those 'open every lockers' guy. Maybe not so extreme as to open every locker everywhere, but I'm definitely a looter. I hate people that rush the mission like there's no tomorrow, and then they are on exctraction a minute later and whine about how slow his/her team is or how there's always 'that one guy'.


I mean come on speedy gonzales, slow down to regular speed, don't focus so much on the end reward and just enjoy the game. I can understand if you get annoyed if someone is walking at a snail's pace, but just because you sprint at the speed of light with little regard to mission enjoyement doesn't mean others have to play that way.


No offense to anyone, but that's just how I think about it.


I also despise those AFK'ers, leechers and trollers, but almost everybody hate's them so that's a given, amirite?

*Prepares torches and pitchforks*

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