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Has There Been Any Update On The Excalibur Statue Yet?


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I've asked around and the statues are still going through customs at this time, we'll update everyone when we know more. Merged threads pertaining to statue whereabouts.


Some more info: we are expecting hear back from customs before end-of-week. Once cleared, they will indeed reach the warehouse and dispatch to our Tenno will begin.

Edited by DERebecca
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Some more info: we are expecting hear back from customs before end-of-week. Once cleared, they will indeed reach the warehouse and dispatch to our Tenno will begin.


Damn Corpus trying to undermine Tenno business. Just kidding. Where are they made that the customs is slowing you down so much though?

Edited by Othergrunty
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Me and my husband have been very very eager to get ours. Just today something arrived for me at the mail and i almost screamed with excitment thinking it was the statue. For my disapointment was just a replacement for my bank card. -..-

Whats killing me most is the curiosity to know what number will come on mine since i purchased it minutes after the anouncement of their sale was up.

Edited by BiancaRoughfin
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NEWS (from the Riddermark)!


The statues are now out of customs and we expect them to start shipping to their news Tenno homes by the end of this week!


Yay, some fun news for a Monday! 


Now for the bad news: How long to take to get back to the USA? ^_^


And I gotta ask, do you have one coming to you Rebecca?

Edited by (PS4)Folkeye
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