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About The Event Mods...


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I've seen a lot of people complaining about the latest batch (+slash damage), and just... why?


I put a maxed Maim on my Pyrana and the damage basically doubled from 620 or so to 1350+, just on slash alone. These mods are a huge boost to any slash-heavy weapon (Dread, Tigris, Pyrana, several melee weapons). To say that they're bad is pretty silly.

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Slash only already exists, and maxes out for cheaper on the melee side.


I personally hate the fact that Slash damage is the only damage that gets ANY ATTENTION melee wise. I am SO goddamn sick of slash damage weapon #609832098239230928 while we have maybe 2 good puncture melee weapons that are actually usable. It's TRAGIC.


Even Impact has more of a selection than Puncture in melee. I'm sick and tired of slash weapons. For the love of all that is holy, stop making slash melee weapons. We get it. Slash. We got it long ago.

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I consider them bad because they add so much damage. Enemies will have to be tougher to compensate for the damage increase, making them harder for people who don't have those mods. For quite a while now, Devs have been adding and adding and adding damage mods - I think we need a change in how e.g. elemental damage is calculated (not additional damage, but transformation of physical damage into elemental). Yes, this would be a huge nerf, but we have to cut down the damage inflation or the day will come when we'll do 1 million damage per hit and it'll be just enough to kill a lvl 3 Lancer.

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It's because we already have slash only mods.


Pretty much this. It confuses me that, instead of tweaking existing slash mods, they just release a whole new set. Jagged Edge already does +90%... why not just buff the rifle/shotgun/pistol to the same level? I have found a few applications for the new event mods, most notably on my Miter's Infested build, but honestly, if the old rifle slash mod was buffed to 90 I'd be just as happy with that.


Also I think a lot of people were expecting something dual-stat (myself included), as the event mods generally offer something a bit special/different.


*EDIT* Darth, definitely with you on the slash melees. We really need some fresh damages in there. Puncture is definitely the worst off. I think I count three, four puncture melees, and they're all daggers.

Edited by Dualice
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eh, i love it.

makes the orthos prime / dakra prime absolutely bonkers with 210% slash damage.

even dusted off my dread and forma-ed it for the occasion. 


i agree, we could have used something else. a +accuracy mod set would have been absolutely awesome. (and given me a reason to actually use the corrupted +damage -accuracy mods on something other than a short-range weapon / flamethrower / etc)

or just to improve certain really bad weapons (*cough* supra *cough*)


but they were free. *shrug*

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In fact, it smells like powercreep.

Events are easy, anyone who wants can complete them.

4 status + element mod sets were already harsh, they made status chance mods useless and raised an overall power level of every player.

now I am SURE we'll get 3 sets of these mods again, raising the overall power level of every player since these will probably be obtainable in other ways.


Just a tiny boost in our mod arsenal is a terrible thing for game balance. Every time they do that, there's no way back. There will always be slight increase in overall damage everyone does. When you take into account that they don't want nerf stuff too much, we might eventually end up buffing all enemies once more. This is a vicous cycle.

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Elemental damage should also scale of slash/puncture/impact damage mods. Not just serration and split chamber.

What? NO! NONONONONO. No. You can already mod a weapon to deal more than six times its base damage. The new event mods not included. Elemental damage scaling off modded physical damage would make this even worse. That would be like trying to stop a galopping inflation by printing even more money. What we need is an entirely new way damage is calculated. Balanced Damage 2.5 or whatever you want to call it.

Edited by Bibliothekar
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eh, i love it.

makes the orthos prime / dakra prime absolutely bonkers with 210% slash damage.

even dusted off my dread and forma-ed it for the occasion. 


...shhhhh (may want to keep these things to yourself. LOL)

Yup. Those mods are useless. I would advise ridding them for some credits or trading for few plats.

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It aint entirely useless but it aint usefull either.

^ what his guy said.

If physical damage mods also increased elemental damage OR increase the effectiveness of their related status effects. I'ed use em.


as it is now. unless I'm fighting infested I'll probably just keep using appropriate elemental combos.

Edited by RIOTx
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i like it.   I didnt really see the need for another set of dueal stat mods. i think that 120% is a large increase in damage. I'm almost ceartain there will be a set of puncture aand impact mods as well in the future.     A majority of the weapons deal slash damage any way so it is a good first set to keep the interest in players who are sick of not having any other new thngs to do besides a new gun here and there and new vanity cosmetics i like the fact that the shotgun mod has a pic of the Tigris because when i saw the amoutn of slash it added thats the first thing that acame to my mind.           It would be nice to see Dual Stat elememtal mods ex.  Corrosive,  or , Magnetic for all weapons and a huge percent like these.  that would add well to any weapon and allow for double elemental crit builds on my Akmagnus...  DE take note 1 mod that does the same as 2 mods please

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I consider them bad because they add so much damage. Enemies will have to be tougher to compensate for the damage increase, making them harder for people who don't have those mods. For quite a while now, Devs have been adding and adding and adding damage mods - I think we need a change in how e.g. elemental damage is calculated (not additional damage, but transformation of physical damage into elemental). Yes, this would be a huge nerf, but we have to cut down the damage inflation or the day will come when we'll do 1 million damage per hit and it'll be just enough to kill a lvl 3 Lancer.


Put it this way, the only people who will have these mods are people who complete the event therefore powercreep only applies to them. and if they want a challenge they just have to work for it. I.E go for a long time in Defense/Survival.

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