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Coming Soon: Devstream #38!


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Can you please implement a quick quality-of-life improvement for melee users by allowing us to move at normal speeds during combos? It'd up the group-utility of most stances tenfold, and would help melee mesh more smoothly into the fast-paced and flowing nature of the gameplay. It's really awkward to be reduced to ambling about just to swing a dagger. 


That aside,

Will you consider removing the energy cost from channeling, the stamina cost from sprinting and normal melee, and implementing stamina costs and regeneration adjustments for melee channeling? As it is channeling is fighting a losing battle of utility with Warframe powers. It's made useful by only a few select mods like Life Strike, and even that quickly becomes obsolete when there's a Warframe on the team with an equivalent ability function. It'd create a nice balance between prioritizing defensive safety (blocking) and offensive burst-output (channeling). 

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*copy of a pm sent the 28:th of September to Rebecca*

A few minutes ago I read a post about "how to deal the doorway hero...". This got me thinking of how well, or rather "unwell" some players may know some of the core mechanics of the game.

As far as I know experience is earned by kills, skill useage and pickups. If in a gruop a bonus amount of experience isshared among all players in proximity of the player that earns experience in one of the ways mentioned above.

From what I can remember this is nothing that is told in game?
This is just something we "learn" somehow.
This brings me to another question - do we earn experience by killing enemies or by inflicting damage to them?

Could there possibly be a meter for showing the xp-bonus when in proximity of another ally?
1-2-3-4 parts of a line or something?
And if we do get exp. by kills could you change it to "by damage" so that people get less "kill focused"?

The question for the Devstream is this:
Could you please clarify some of your core mechanics in game so that people know what their actions result in and enable them to make active choices while playing?

The thread.

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Unrelated to the planned topics, but I'm curious:


Q: Are there any plans to create a public API to access data about the game (alerts, invasions, operations, leaderboards, etc) and users (mastery, challenges, stats, etc.)?

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Question 1: What happened with the heavy melee buffs? Are they coming SoonTM or at all?


Question 2: The "hologram" models for Decoy and Bladestorm look very low quality, and seem more like placeholders than the actual skill models. Many feel that instead of holograms, having an identical clone was a lot more appealing. Is there any plan to change the models back to direct clones of your frame in Bladestorm's case, and change the old Decoy hologram into a new direct frame clone?


Question 3: With 2 of the 3rd generation helmets being released, is there any follow up to the idea of transferring arcane helmet stats to other helmets that was brought up in an older livestream? (Of course you'd have to own the arcane helmet to do so)


Question 4: Awhile back the Sniper Rifle buff hit, and it seemed to focus on status chance and direct damage buffs. However, with Sniper Rifles still being single target, and slow to fire in comparison to other weapons, many believe the buff to not be enough; especially when Sniper Rifles are constantly compared to bows, with bows having around 3x more damage to deal. So are there any plans to "relook" through Sniper Rifles, and even buff or add more Sniper Rifle specific mods? (Great job buffing Dead Eye! That's a good start!)


Question 5: When will Excavation be added to the void?


Question 6: When will the bug where a host leaving causes the mission to fail? Even if they just leave during a Defense wave?


Question 7: When will the next frame "Buffening" happen?


Question 8: Will Archwings have mods/require forma or potatos?


Question 9: Will there ever be an indicator showing which teammates' buffs are on you and how long they last?



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What would you say to adding invincibility frames at certain points of various combos and/or brief interrupts in combos where the Tenno makes a quick mid-combo dash when there are no enemies within melee range?




How do you plan to improve the lock-on system such that enemies running away won't "drag" a locked-on/meleeing Tenno behind them, often just out of range?




What if weapons which previously focused on having high charge damage now instead have higher base channeling damage and/or a reduced base channeling cost? This would work especially well now that those two stats are displayed in the arsenal.




Will you ever include non-hostile NPCs such as civilians (some enslaved?) with no powers at all, or creatures that aren't trying to rip Tennos' heads off? Random instances of creatures peeking from a vent, chewing on a power conduit, or spooking an enemy would be welcome and contribute to making the game world feel much more real.




What sort of simple changes, if any, could be made to enemy AI that would make them seem more like real enemies that communicate via radio and spoken communication, rather than the current telepathy and perfect awareness of where the Tenno are? Will we ever hear them communicate more over their radios? Could we get small groups of "elites" that coordinate together against the Tenno, with a specific plan of attack that utilizes their strengths?




What do you think of the idea that various abilities could have pre-scripted synergies, such as Ember's Fireball producing a larger blast when hitting an enemy frozen by Frost's Freeze ability, or an instance of Volt's Electric Shield having its element altered when targeted by another Warframe's elemental ability (frost, fire, radiation, etc.)

Edited by Onihikage
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Ty for your hard work DE! Looking forward to this devstream.


Q: Will the new bosses (Tyl Regor, J4, Derf Anyo?) implemented with the u15? After? Or just soon?

Q:  Any news/ideas about status chance >100% ? In short, will we have red procs with side effects? Yes/ No/ Maybe/ Lephantis doing laundry?

Q: Are ties and dress pants with creases the kryptonite of Mr Sinclair? Or do they just deal bonus damage?

Edited by Zuijin
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Seeing some other people notice this as well... I'm curious about what you guys at DE consider "end-game" mechanics/modes and what else comes to mind. We know the basic ideas about the Focus system and the Proxy Wars but how would these be considered end-game through your eyes?


The way I see it is that the Focus System will give us the incentive to continue using gear after 30 and Proxy Wars will make us play more varied based on factions/rewards or something like that. Now my biggest concern is... what does this change exactly to keep "veteran" players interested? With the little info we have so far it seems like it has a chance of dieing off pretty quickly.


(I still love the ideas and all your effort though, keep up the good work!)


So in short: "What would be end-game in the eyes of the devs?"

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Are you going to add/ could you possibly add more of those Challenge Rewards that show up during the missions? (Killing 3 enemies with 10 seconds gets pretty boring after a while. Maybe having the rewards level up as each is finished would make it more interesting, along with better rewards? Or weapon-specific challenges, like killing ten enemies in a single blast from an explosive weapon? Or even making the challenges that branch out, like killing 3 Heavy Enemies within 10 seconds.) 




Movement systems in Warframe are okay now, but there are things that can be improved. Do you have any plans for improvement in this part? 



Can some of those rarer stances get a bit more love in the combo variety department? *ahemironphoenixcoilingvipercrushingruingnashingpayaraetcahem* 





Really, is there any drawback for running out of stamina while using melee, aside from not being able to sprint away?




(points to hundreds of other questions that ask the same thing)






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Considering how Warframe grew so much on this almost 2 years, is there any plan of swapping from the p2p hosting to a more stable dedicated server? I mean even up to today many people have issues with connecting to the hosts, like Strict Nat for example, and a dedicated server would most likely solve that. After all it had been almost 2 years already, i'm pretty sure that by now DE have a solid player base and a stable enough income to maintain such kind of hardware.

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Are the Mastery Rating requirements of weapons going to be looked at? They seem very inconsistent at the moment.


Personally I'm not a big fan of straight tiering by power level as that risks limiting high level players to a small selection of viable weapons. I would love it if weapons were largely a question of preference while power itself where governed by mods. Maybe have mods that are restricted by MR. Or unlocks more mod ranks according to MR. Or non-tradable mods dropping from high level missions. Or weapon skins that increase the power of lower ranked weapons without making the old one obsolete. I'm sure there are lots of things that could be done here.


Have you considered tiering weapons by complexity rather than raw power? For example: A Boltor is more complex than a Braton (travel time) while a Buzlok is more complex than a Boltor (lock-on mechanic). Keeping it simple for beginners while giving experienced players more tactical options. Just a thought.


Also, the lore. Where is it? Filling out the codex with at least a short flavorful description for each entry would be a great start. How about it?

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I have 2 requests=questions:


1. More really hard content for people with max gear and high MR. We need end game. Its not for all, like in any MMO, and it should be a real challenge of skills and teamwork. Could\When it will be implemented?


2. Some people are talking about synergy - it would be nice if we could mix elemental warframe attacks to create magnetic, corrosive and etc aoe damage. This will improve teamwork even more. Will it ever be considered?

Edited by Vicious_D
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Only a few questions. Everyone of them kinda Lore related.


Are every Frame going to have a Codex Entry like Exca, Ember and others ? And will the bosses get one too ? Like the G3 has ?


Can we expect more Lore from U15 ? Do you think we will ever know what happened during the Old War ?


Will Valkyr, Nova and Mirage get a Prime version ? Will every Frame get a Prime Version ? If not, is it because Prime version are the Orokin version of the Frame and that some of the Frame were created after the Fall of the Empire ?


You talked about the link between Dark Sector and Warframe on multiples Devstreams. On one you said that the games were linked and on another one that Dark Sector was only a spriritual predecessor to Warframe. Can we have an official statement about the link between these two games ?


Will we know what was the Great Plague that hit Earth before the Empire expend to the whole Solar System ? Was it linked to the Technocyte Virus ?


Will we know what are/were the Sentient and if they're going to make a comeback ?


What is the statut on the genderswapping discussion ? Will we be able to chose the gender or will we get a alternative version of the Frame ? (For exemple, Ember and Blaze discussed in a previous devstream with Minky)


That's all I can think of for now.

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I have major question that I'm wondering about- is there any idea or any hope of ever seeing arcane helmets again? I truly believe the contribute a lot to the experience, and miss them. I really hope we could at least have some sort of event for the old ones so newer players can get them.

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So, here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/317428-refining-zorencoptering-aka-removing-the-zorens-from-zorencoptering/


Devstream #36 suggested that, yes, Zorencoptering is like Skiing in Tribes.


However, skiing in Tribes was ultimately refined and I feel this is something that should be done for Zorencoptering as well. Are there any plans to make Zorencoptering a more integrated, polished mechanic? Or even a mechanic that gives the player the same result (a quick directional boost) that we wouldn't be able to call Zorencoptering anymore (because it doesn't involves Zorens or melee coptering)?


Zorencoptering as is, bypasses a lot of balancing between Warframes (speed) and is yet another reason players favor light melee over heavy. 


Looking forward to the stream!

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Is there any focus in the team to address concerns about what is more or less game difficulty?


You see a lot of threads in feedback attempting to tackle systems such as Melee, Mods, Game modes, AI, General Combat systems, Parkour and the like, with the common thread between all of them coming down to "I want to have fun with Warframe again."


Things like Eximus enemies can certainly offer a challenge, however looking over a lot of the threads, people seem eager to see a certain amount of the fodder traded for strategically and tactically challenging enemies such as minibosses, and perhaps unique mission altering events so as to preserve the "Warrior God" feel but still require coordination, tactics, and skill in gameplay.


Archwing and update 15 seems to address this, such as a mission randomly turning into an archwing battle, as well as mention of command units, minibosses, and new infested types, but elaboration and discussion would be welcome.

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I am still curious as to when we will be able to customize our Kubrows more as well as additional mods for Kubrows ex being able to gather stuff like carrier does. I really want them to be as useful as sentinels, As of right now with the 3 hr wait i still find it more useful taking my carrier into battle than a Kubrow.  I know U15 is coming up and that it is alot of work for you guys (BIG thanks to DE BTW!).


I am also curious as to when the trading/selling aspect of the game will be revamped (maybe adding an auction house or something) I try not to live in the trade tab and take away playing time and an auction house or such similar to GW2 would be nice be able to post something for sale and then be notified by in game mail when it sells to collect your payment. I know that wont necessarily be perfect fit for Warframe but its an idea.


Last is what about adding an ingame way of reporting bugs instead of having to go to the forums to report it. That way its easy quick you get more accurate reports and it can also check to see if the bug has been reported instead of duplicating the report and just add a note on to the existing report of the details of the different bugs (ex places, frames and such).


Thought of one more. What about the new Hacking System that was previewed in one of the recent video released?


Sorry this is long winded i will end it here. There is always questions for the next devstream.

Thanks for all your hard work DE!!!!! 

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Will there be a possibility of making the older events being made into quest-based missions so that those who have missed the event can experience it? I've missed plenty of events like Tethra's Doom, Cicero Crisis, Sling-Stone, anything prior to Breeding Grounds. It would not include the rewards though since we only want to experience the event and all. But perhaps you can make other rewards for it? Like a Forma or something?

Edited by KuroShiranui
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when can we expect the next 'chapter' of the game? Vor's prize was cool, but it doest constitute a full story.

Vor's Prize was never intedned to be the full story, its the opening mission (i didnt even do it, i know theres more story missions as DE wouldnt allow me to skip the "full story" of the game), the story is your Tenno's story laid over the events and updates of the game. the "next chapter" is already happening around you if you would only pay attention... hint hint new Hek/fumorians/archwing,(the last event was to get the info on archwing...)

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