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When Was The Last Time You Saw A Roller? (Mystery Solved)


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While watching the Prime Time stream last night and the Roller crashing the game it made me start thinking...


When was the last time I saw a roller?


I can't actually remember.


Were they removed? Was it because they crashed the game? (Roller 2 op pls nerf?)


Where have the rollers gone? Are they hiding?


Engage speculation.


Edit: Turns out Rollers are either afraid of me or I'm just not looking in any of the right places.

Edited by Letter13
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Maybe it´s tied to the enemy level? So they might spawn at lower level nodes than the ones you usually play on. I don´t remember when i last saw them either but i usually play on very high level missions and they never spawned there from what i remember.


EDIT: Just checked and they do spawn although i only checked with Sargas.

Edited by Nachino
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I see them all the time, both types, but MOST of what I get are the little sticky ones.  The big stupid ones are thankfully infrequent as they are 99% annoying and 1% challenging.  The 1% is when you get 10 of them knocking you around or when one gets to the thing you are defending and eats it.

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Wow... the amount of comments a Mod/DE gets when they post a new topic... and when i do that its mostly:


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I think it has more to do with the fact that everyone hates rollers. They're infernal little buggers. So it's a topic that can rally community members easily.


On the flipside, when I create a fan concept post they tend to die within a few days. Which disappoints me. 

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Still here, and annoying little rats! They tend to stunlock me while I'm trying to do something productive... And by productive I mean nothing productive

Wow... the amount of comments a Mod/DE gets when they post a new topic... and when i do that its mostly:


1 Comment, 2 views.

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I know the feeling bro.

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