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Hotfix 14.10.2 +


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Not bad event. Yeah, weaklings like me have to group to do this, At least we managed to complete it. Things get interesting after 2000 though. Seems like some grineers were seeing through my Mirage's hall of mirrors and hitting the real frame too often for my like, and the protect targets died way too fast as well, even when firing full salvos of thunderbolt at them non stop.. but all in all, cool event.


My own setup had a Mirage set up for power duration and shield + hp up mods, with hall of mirrors the only power loaded. An attica with thunderbolt completes the easy mode setup. Sure, have to watch out for your own explosions but firing from a high place does the trick.


As for the native animals, they dig underground when hit, massively buffing their defenses. Just hit those that are fully visible and don't waste ammo on the buried ones. They will resurface eventually.

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"you'll need to come in under 700 C for this one"

Please tell me this is NOT another conclave restricted alert to give the illusion of difficulty...

Better this than Gate Crash's nerffield.  At least the conclave cap is an interesting challenge of deciding what to prioritize.  If there's certain combos that still make it under but are OP as hell still, maybe their conclave rating needs a rethink.

Anyways, I enjoyed the native lifeforms far more than I should have.  WALLRUN WITHOUT RHYTHM AND YOU WON'T ATTRACT THE WORM!!!!

I definitely wouldn't mind a mission where you just had to get from point A to point B through a sea of riled up desert skates at the end.

Edited by Variatas
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This alert somehow forces me to play in a way i dont want to play Warframe.

Im getting punished for using Forma and playing Solo.

700c is a bit of a joke. Its not that i say it would be impossible. But if i cant even defend myself, because i have to ditch 2 weapons from my loadout (Melee, Main/Secondary)... 

I dont know. Place 900c and it would be more of a task a Solo player can achieve also with effort to find a loadout. But those 700c forces you to use a group, unless you want to constantly get your drill roflstomped by that special "event" during drilling.


I solo'd 2000 on the Tactical Alert using a Frost Prime and a 4-Forma Lex Prime, and all I had to do was ditch my Primary, Melee, Sentinel, Ice Wave and Freeze, while still maintaining my max duration/power build. It's definitely doable, and wasn't even that difficult.

Edited by LGear
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Thanks DE very enjoyable me Rank 13 as Nova with only

Lex Prime and a Excal Rank 4 and a Valkyr Rank 9 made

in First run 2046


PS did you noticed any difference in emblem?? it

looks like the first tactical alert and in my inventory i

have only 1 and participated in 2 tac alerts

Edited by JoMenton
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Anyone else noticing a HUGE FPS drop while playing the tactical alert?


I usually run 60+ fps at full settings.  But while playing the tactical alert it was running at about an average of 35 fps and dropped to 25 some times.


I noticed it, but I ran it with 3 Mirage with Phage. Rather visually obnoxious.

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It is an one easy run. Im expected it is going to be like an excavation event (stronger enemies, harder mission). Just update the version, play it and the end with 2.2k points with Frost as defender (SnowGlobe) awhile I'm using Nova as Slower (M.Prime.) One hit and all die. The end of the story.

Edited by WHHILMI
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My cryotic's wont increase over 1600 after the latest patch, is this a bug or am i missing something? In 30 minutes i got 1900 but they did not increase the ones i already had.




Same thing happened to me, I've got a score of 2700+, my cryotic stocks went to 1752 from 1752.


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I wonder if we can have more missions like these tactical alerts, but not just just was weekend alerts (nice idea, btw, do want more), but as maybe a mission modifier of sorts when we click on a mission node and have that option to select that mission's tactical modifier w conditions and goal in a similar approach nightmare mode can be option selected to add more replay value.


whether or not its something the devs may toss around, I do enjoy these tactical alert missions.




Lol... I'll just leave this Oliver Twist reference here... mmmmhhmm.

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