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So Whats With All The Hate For Perma Invisible Lokis In Teams?


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The thing is with the game is that while ability damage will never scale well 45 minutes into a T4, utility abilities always will. That's why you'll find utility frames to be considered into higher tier content such as defense or survival.


Regarding the point you made about Decoy + Disarm and Invisibility ? It's simple, Invisibility to save my own skin, and Disarm + Decoy to save everybody else's - it's real breather at clutch moments.


And Switch Teleport to Invis and get into a group further away that your Disarm can't reach or Reviving downed teammates in swarmed places by Invis + Switch Teleport.


With max efficiency I can spam ulti for 25 Energy, while still having a pretty decent range and duration on my Invis. 


Disarm + decoy to save your team (and yourself), invisibility to save yourself (and boost only yourself).  They are redundant, guess you missed my point.  The fact that 1 CC ability isn't enough to both help standing teammates and revive fallen allies says it all.


Plus, there's plenty of damage abilities that scale past an hour in T4S.  Blade storm is one (ignores armor and scales with combo counter), you can take ember that far too because of accelerant, nova's explosive that absorbs all damage shot at it, etc.


But whatever, if you want to go on ahead thinking Loki is a good frame for co-op then be my guest.

Edited by SleepingSentry
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I just find it annoying. 

Here I am, an ash, who uses smokescreen in when I desperately need some breathing space.


And then I see some Loki Prime going around in perma-invis mode just basically making me feel worthless.

Well no man since you as an Ash player(me as well) actually stun the enemies around you who get caught in your smoke screen, basically giving your team mate in the same room as you a few seconds to get out of there. So don't feel useless bro, we Ash's are damage frames who happen to be able to go invisible(which still makes no sense). You have your role and Loki has his(disarming the enemy).

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Well no man since you as an Ash player(me as well) actually stun the enemies around you who get caught in your smoke screen, basically giving your team mate in the same room as you a few seconds to get out of there. So don't feel useless bro, we Ash's are damage frames who happen to be able to go invisible(which still makes no sense). You have your role and Loki has his(disarming the enemy).

Yes but as an Ash, the smokescreen aids me greatly due to the fact that I am primarily a melee oriented user AND I use channelling heavily, so I need to keep my energy levels high enough for both smokescreen and bladestorm.

To have a Loki be able to stay in it for perma-mode is just making it useless.

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Yes but as an Ash, the smokescreen aids me greatly due to the fact that I am primarily a melee oriented user AND I use channelling heavily, so I need to keep my energy levels high enough for both smokescreen and bladestorm.

To have a Loki be able to stay in it for perma-mode is just making it useless.

I see your point, i use melee a lot as well and well i rarely use smoke screen cause i rarely see the need to go invisible. Mostly since i turned D. Nikana into a major boom stick, that without using channeling. Honestly i use shuriken more than smoke screen  and blade storm. My friend uses Loki and he only goes invisible and doesn't use RD at all. Which i at times find sad but ah well thats his choice, Loki and Ash...idk...i main Ash and have no trouble what so ever whenever i'm in a team with a Loki user. Most of the times i end up being far more useful to the team than him. Invisibility is nice and all but overrated imo. 


I refuse to believe that Ash is a useless frame compared to Loki even in terms of invisibility, i don't care what any1 says. If anything, Ash is 1 of the most well balanced frames out there imo. Comparing him to Loki cause of his invisibility is just...idk...not needed. Though....i wish they'd remove the invisibility for Ash's smoke screen and make it so that the surrounding enemies just basically sort of go blind/panicked for a few seconds until the smoke clears to actually make if different from Loki's skill. If DE made smoke screen actually function as a smoke screen would irl, then i would be happy as hell.


Hence why i say don't feel useless bro. We all have those moments but in the end you support the team just as good as Loki, and thats basically what it's all about (that and staying alive of course).

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I see your point, i use melee a lot as well and well i rarely use smoke screen cause i rarely see the need to go invisible. Mostly since i turned D. Nikana into a major boom stick, that without using channeling. Honestly i use shuriken more than smoke screen  and blade storm. My friend uses Loki and he only goes invisible and doesn't use RD at all. Which i at times find sad but ah well thats his choice, Loki and Ash...idk...i main Ash and have no trouble what so ever whenever i'm in a team with a Loki user. Most of the times i end up being far more useful to the team than him. Invisibility is nice and all but overrated imo. 


I refuse to believe that Ash is a useless frame compared to Loki even in terms of invisibility, i don't care what any1 says. If anything, Ash is 1 of the most well balanced frames out there imo. Comparing him to Loki cause of his invisibility is just...idk...not needed. Though....i wish they'd remove the invisibility for Ash's smoke screen and make it so that the surrounding enemies just basically sort of go blind/panicked for a few seconds until the smoke clears to actually make if different from Loki's skill. If DE made smoke screen actually function as a smoke screen would irl, then i would be happy as hell.


Hence why i say don't feel useless bro. We all have those moments but in the end you support the team just as good as Loki, and thats basically what it's all about (that and staying alive of course).

But then woudn't  it be similar to excalibur's radial blind?

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I am using shade as volt player and the most of time i play silently and supportive. The team playing not come from class and frame that come from player and the most of players aren't team player. The arguing why frames bad and hates for nothing simply just silly behavior.

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 The same can be said of rhinos with IS


Banshees with SQ


Novas with m prime


Excalibros with old radial


Frosts with globe spam




F*** Meta


If you make it work for your team then go for it


Dont blame the loki or the build


Its the players


We all know more than well enough a large amount of players are mediocre at best

I agree completely. Anyone with an ounce of sense knows it's the player and not the build. However, if enough people do it then it's a thing.

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I agree completely. Anyone with an ounce of sense knows it's the player and not the build. However, if enough people do it then it's a thing.

If worst players flock to the frame or power, then its frame or power fault for being broken or stupidly designed in the first place. Allowing scrubs to use nobrainer tactics is not preferable, and shouldnt be an option.



If someone is an *insert random insult* and game offers him to be even bigger *insert random insult* through frames or powers, then its powers frame or power fault. *insert random insult* players wouldnt use somehting if that something isnt offering them easy way out.

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The thing is with the game is that while ability damage will never scale well 45 minutes into a T4, utility abilities always will. That's why you'll find utility frames to be considered into higher tier content such as defense or survival.

I used Ash with Dual Ethers in T4 Survival, and I outlived Nekros, Loki Prime and Rhino Prime well past the 45 minute mark.

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One character that wont ever die and can revive all team members or safely support from a distance


Possibly save you with a decoy or teleport


They arent that bad at all


Sorry to say that, but yes  most of them are.


First, just because you are invincible doesn´t mean you won´t die, you can get hit too.


Second most perma invincible Lokis aren´t playing with the team, they are running around all over the map and then crying if they die an noone is reviving ( not a Loki only problem ).

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Sorry to say that, but yes  most of them are.


First, just because you are invincible doesn´t mean you won´t die, you can get hit too.


Second most perma invincible Lokis aren´t playing with the team, they are running around all over the map and then crying if they die an noone is reviving ( not a Loki only problem ).

Thanks you for invalidating your own argument. 

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