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New Corrupt Mod - Transient Fortitude


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Power creep is inevitable in a game designed around new content.  Once you get to a certain level (literally) of play some content becomes trivial.  Many veteran players play at an extremely high level and only some of the content remains challenging for them.  Being able to stack corrupted mods does not change this and only extends this content for a short amount of time.  The restricted level content was never a problem so why even mention it as a balancing aspect?  The players that cannot even afford to rank a mod up to 10 are not affected and the players that can afford to rank up multiple mods to 10 never had an issue with restricted level content anyway.


If you came into this thread and said Intensify + Blind Rage + Transient Fortitude was OP because of X, Y, and Z then you would have a valid argument.  You could even theorize or provide example of how the game works currently and demonstrate why a change, such as allowing TF to be combined with other power strength mods, would break things further.  But you're not.  You are citing an opinion based on no evidence at all.  You are asking DE to rebalance the entire game because you somehow feel that all players will suddenly become overpowered.


In truth, adding TF to the mix only increases power strength by 24%.  That means for every 4 damage you deal, you get a 5th point of damage.  To get this increase you need to give up a mod slot and then have to compensate for the high mod cost and negative duration.  Certainly these drawbacks alone make it balanced yet you continue to say that it will break the game.  How will it break things?  You don't evacuate a building because there could be a bomb threat.  You do it because you have a reason to think there might be a threat.  This is no different yet you refuse to cite any evidence to demonstrate how a 24% power strength increase suddenly breaks the game.


More to the point you want the entire game to be reworked over what you feel could be a potential imbalance.  You are asking DE to make Warframe something entirely different by making restricted level content more challenging (which they did with the accuracy change) yet you have no evidence to show that the majority of players find the game too easy, especially when there is content specifically intended to give players a challenge.  Again, no one is saying you are wrong but we have no reason to say you are right.  Give us a reason to validate your claim(s).

Edited by (PS4)Hiero_Glyph
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Design confirmation at this time: They will be fixed to be equipped simultaneously.


thanks for this, the combined negatives are certainly a fair trade considering the only gain is power, a stat that has few utility uses and always falls off hard with high lvl enemy scaling 

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A concern regarding mod stacking has been brought up and I wish to address it.  Stacking gives great power in a narrow sense but at great cost.  To get above baseline with corrupted mods you have to sacrifice slots and capacity to offset the heavy malus.  The result is that you get a lot of benefit in one area, but no more than small bonuses, or baseline or losses in everything else.  Compare that to using non-corrupted mods.  A full set of them will give you bonuses all around, and at less cost.  The maluses on corrupted mods are less than the bonus.  However, the corrupted mods have a high drain and adding mods to offset the malus adds even more drain and costs slots.  What corrupted mods do is accumulate the bonuses from other aspects into fewer aspects, and at great cost.  You are specializing, and paying a premium for it.


People who find that sort of trade off acceptable but find some abilities that fall outside that power econnomy should logically take issue with the abilities that fall outside that power economy rather than oppose stacking.

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Lol, Rhinos rejoice! You can now get 120% iron skin with almost no draw backs. 12/15 energy iron skin got a big boost. That's another 600-800dmg you can soak up, if you say screw energy it's a max of 3.4k.

Edited by Echoa
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Kicked to the curb with the recent Ability change, among others.

"Why can't I unslot 1/2/3/4 abilities and use the mod slots for something else" etc.





Yes, under the current scaling paradigm it's not that big a deal. But that's only because the current scaling paradigm is insane.

When (Better make that) If it's changed, this could actually be a problem.

Or, conversely, allowing this now may be another disincentive/monkey wrench to changing it at a later date.


But ignoring that, the more relevant question is: Given that normal missions scale up to ~41-45, how much farther does this get you than it did previously?


This guy nailed the gist of my worries. I actually want a balanced game. "fixing" the "problem" with Transient and Blind Rage makes me feel as if DE doesn't want to balance the game at all. Or, at least, it's a notable step backward.



Lol, Rhinos rejoice! You can now get 120% iron skin with almost no draw backs. 12/15 energy iron skin got a big boost. That's another 600-800dmg you can soak up, if you say screw energy it's a max of 3.4k.


And thus, it begins.

Edited by SoulEchelon
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What begins?  Iron Skin has a % remaining indicator on the PC so it can easily be recast when needed.  You make it sound like giving up a mod slot just to use Transient is somehow destroying the game when in fact it only makes select skills better.  Transient in turn hurts Roar unless you are specifically casting it prior to Stomp.  The result is a delicate balancing act, not something that is going to ruin the game.

Edited by Einde
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What begins?  Iron Skin has a % remaining indicator on the PC so it can easily be recast when needed.  You make it sound like giving up a mod slot just to use Transient is somehow destroying the game when in fact it only makes select skills better.  Transient in turn hurts Roar unless you are specifically casting it prior to Stomp.  The result is a delicate balancing act, not something that is going to ruin the game.


I don't use Rhino. Never have, never will. (unless for mastery points I guess)

Edited by Einde
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any update about Blind Rage + Transient Fortitude + Intensify ? 


which combos can you use ? 


Blind Rage + Intensify

Transient Fortitude + Intensify

Blind Rage + Transient Fortitude 


as the topic says BR and TF dont stack .. 





They will all stack, see above linked post

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Bladestorm being OP is the result of it ignoring armor and using the melee attack multiplier to calculate damage.  Also, using TF hurts Smoke Bomb which is incredibly useful (even more with the augmentation mod).  Many Ash builds are better without TF as it then requires Continuity/Constitution to offset and this would severely limit the build.  Only if Ash is neglecting Smoke Bomb does TF make sense so it's not as broken as you claim, at least not compared to what it was before TF was released.

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Bladestorm being OP is the result of it ignoring armor and using the melee attack multiplier to calculate damage.  Also, using TF hurts Smoke Bomb which is incredibly useful (even more with the augmentation mod).  Many Ash builds are better without TF as it then requires Continuity/Constitution to offset and this would severely limit the build.  Only if Ash is neglecting Smoke Bomb does TF make sense so it's not as broken as you claim, at least not compared to what it was before TF was released.


Ash builds include Blade Storm and Shuriken OR Invisibility. Not both.

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Ash with Invisibility, that's awkward.  Narrow Minded can allow Ash to use all 4 abilities well so it's not a simple matter of either/or.  While I understand the purpose of optimizing for a couple of skills, damage-based skills will always scale poorly.  Ash has the advantage of ignoring armor/shields so this is what makes him a strong contender for end-game but even his damage will drop off eventually.


The problem is that without Smoke Screen he loses a lot of his survivability/utility.  So is dealing damage for an additional 15 minutes worth losing the ability to revive or active life support?  Again, it's not simply about stacking as much power strength as possible as this ultimately limits Ash's damage.  With Smoke Screen, Ash can abuse the melee multiplier and then Blade Storm potentially doubling (or better) his damage; adding TF can't even do this.


While the illusion of power is appealing to many, it is only the abilities that already scale incredibly well and use power strength (Mag's Shield Polarize) that can potentially exploit TF.  For all of the other skills we are talking about extending the amount of time they are viable before the inevitable drop-off in damage due to enemy scaling.  Besides, the highest damage Ash can deal is still Smoke Screen + Teleport (if needed) + melee chain + Blade Storm because the melee multiplier provides incredible scaling.  Shurikens, while powerful, are mostly limited in their damage potential.

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I kinda hope it was uninententional, because if this was "fixed due to demand" then it's just another case where DE caved in and let the tryhards make themselves even more powerful in a game that, according to these same people, is "too easy".

I think it is an excellent developer that listens to the desires of the playerbase. I just wish they would do something about the newly introduced grinds.

Makes you feel you are actually part of beta. And the fact they can say, that was a bad idea, let's change it, good for them.

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