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Coming Soon: Devstream #41 + Aftershow!


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Will the stalker get some attention in a future update. By attention i mean will he get a full revamp with a more unique appearance along with some more unique powers besides dispel and his own kubrow,sentinel, archwing and quest. Asking because stalker could help answer alot of questions about the tenno and sentient since he was alive back then. So a quest with him has the potential to be very eye opening.

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I want to ask about the old prime problematic.

For a long time we been waiting for prime frames to have a unique purpose, besides outshining their regular counterparts.

Also, in the past the dev's have stated that, both regular and prime frames, would have equal value.

Until now all prime frames are just better in stats, which immediately puts the regular ones in a corner.


I'm still waiting for the prime frames to have or a different role, or different strategies, to reason their existence.

I'm always imagining that the dev's could remove the regular abilities from the primes, and could remake them with only 1 or 2 new abilities; those could be either a merge of their other abilities, or, 1 or 2 new unique abilities (within the frame's concept) that would give them a different role and strategy.




I find this important because:

- players that have all the frames, realize that owning the regulars feels useless.

- players that level-up/play both frame types, and up doing the same content, except for the gold details...

- players end up by choosing/playing with the primes, because of the stat advantage, which makes the regulars loose their value.






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Two questions:

-I bring this up as someone who loves playing Valkyr, but in light of the reasoning behind the changes to both Frost's Snowglobe and Trinity's Blessing (i.e. permanent invulnerability not being compelling game play), will her ultimate be receiving a similar treatment at some point?  What changes to the rest of her kit would you consider to account for the change in power budget?


- Are there some cool new rooms, features, or functionality coming to the dojo?  What teasers can you give us?

Edited by Eirick
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i like how archwing and warframe is kept seperatly but since i want the mastery xp i am forced to play a game i dont enjoy

would it be possible to maybe "focus" xp into the archwing and archwing weapons for the ppl who dont enjoy (and in my case hate) archwing?


I like that, I would channel my xp into the codex.

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Firstly, I would like to say thank you for all the hard work you guys at DE put into this awesome game!


For my questions:


Will there ever be any "super weapons", cosmetics that require mastery rank, etc. available to veteran players?


How do you plan to add Syndicate augmented mods for new warframes/weapons into the game?

Edited by Westlo
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 I know this probably won't make it into the stream but are there any plans to scale up the size of pickups in archwing missions. i mean space is big and if your playing an interception mission (where the most enimies spawn (i.e. highest mod drop chance)) and you make a lot of kills long range before they even get in the asteroid field you cant see normal sized mods that far away and you're never going to go over there to look for them in a mission like that. i have thought of a few ways to fix this: 1. make the mods bigger. 2. highlight the mods somehow (on the minimap or on the HUD). 3. add a mod for archwing like the carriers vaccum.


you guys are doing a great job. keep up the good work

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i know you guys are giving these items away to players to be nice but there a lot of money, money that and be spent of the game its self for things like a engine upgrade graphics upgrade things like that. the gifts are a cool idea but only one person gets it and if you do things like my examples everyone benefits and no one feels left out


oh and i asked this a lot of times on this and prime time 50 but haven't seen any answer to it and its kind of erking me now. what are you doing for us that are working when you have this world record event. i really want to know 

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Will you give us the ability to pick up multiple power cells in excavation missions at once? Just like in spy missions when picking up datamass. Picking up power cells one by one is very tedious especially when you're just soloing. Having to leave the extractor is very risky. I wish I could just get 4 power cells, and when I go near the excavator/scanner, it will just say " + 80 power"

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Q. Will DE provide a better alternative/fix in gaining reputations, preventing the need to do the same map in gaining it while enjoying the game rather than nerfing the warframes themselves? Like tying the rep gains in the end rewards or something with the difficulty of gametypes instead of tying the rep gains with xp gains?

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Ah, another devstream. Most excellent. I have some specific topics to touch on so I'll spoiler things to make it more organized.


Syndicate Questions

1. Will we get more specific mission types/objectives and more transmissions from leaders?


2. Will we be able to interact more with the respective Syndicate leaders during or outside of missions and learn more about their goals?


3. Would the leaders ever join you in missions?


4. Will Syndicates ever have Headquarters that the players can visit and/or lead an assault on?


5. Will the rewards ever include unique kubrow breeds, or pets in general that represent the philosophies of the syndicates?


6. On the topic of Syndicate rewards, have you considered adding certain Stance Mods to the syndicate shops in exchange for accomplishing or demonstrating mastery in a specific Syndicate challenge?


7. Will Focus have a role to play with Syndicates in the future?


8. How much of prototype Focus content was recycled into Syndicates, and how do you see Focus being more unique than the current Syndicate format? Put another way, what role does Focus have now that Syndicates exist?


9. Will Syndicate death squads become more unique in the future?


Melee/Movement Questions


1. Have you considered the concept of all melee weapon loadouts, and if so, would you like to make that happen in the future?

2. As a followup to question 1, would you guys be willing to make weapon switching instant, as well as have animation frame cancelling to better facilitate combo chains? If not, why?

3. Have you considered giving dodge roll an improved animation or speeding it up, or perhaps replacing it with a less pacebreaking maneuver for melee mode such as a dash? Alternatively, have you considered giving weapons more lunging features that are instantly performable from an input rather than from traveling down a combo branch?

4. Aside from future Tyl Regor, can we expect more intricate melee based enemies in the future that have slightly improved combat functionality and can engage in more fluid looking duels with the Tenno?

5. A bit of a wild question, and I'm not sure if this is a thing you guys can modify very easily, but have you considered playing around with the game's base "speed"? As in, increasing everything by about 20% or so. I feel like this would go a long way towards making the game more fluid. On a related topic, have you guys considered improving the Tenno's mobility and agility as a whole, and do you consider double or even triple jumps as mechanics that could have a place in the game?


6. I don't know if you guys realize it, but you have more or less built a good foundation for some aerial melee maneuvers with the advent of Archwing as a game mode. Do you see yourselves translating this into non-Archwing melee to give it some further spice in addition to directional air attacks?


Random Bonus Question:


Can Nyx Prime get a beam that travels through her helmet lenses when she channels? That'd be cool.

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I really hope this wasn't asked already and sorry if it was, but I wasn't about to read through X-many pages of thread to find out. :/


The addition of the Liset was a cool move, being able to actually walk around and interact with things on an actual movement plane rather than just navigating a menu for things. However, after so long of being with it it's starting to feel very cramped to me. I know hubs are coming and that's fine and all, but what I would really like to see is some sort of stuff going on with the Clan Dojos. Right now our Dojo is really only used for checking the researches, grabbing researches, and trading. That's basically it. In, out, 5 minutes tops and done. All the work that was done decorating it is... nice but ultimately pointless for such a miniscule amount of time in our fancy Tenno playground.


My question is, will there ever be any sort of implementation of a "hub" sort of feature involving Clans?

I could probably word this better, but what I mean is, so that you could, say, instead of being on the Liset 24/7 when out of missions, do things in the Clan. There's already an observatory that would be perfect for accessing the galaxy map like you do on the Liset. You could also add a Foundry room that would pretty much just work like as if you were accessing your own Foundry on the Liset. It'd also be nice to see my other clanmates out and about and basically just... use the Dojo for more than 2 things lasting minutes at a time. The Dojo could still be set to be hosted by the first one in there or like however it already is, and would just migrate when that person leaves like it already does. There are other neat things I'd like to see in the Dojo but this is first and foremost my most wished for thing in the game right now.


...other than Trinity Prime. orz

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