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Update 15.2.0


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I generally don't post on forums. I typically like to quietly enjoy a game and lurk the forums on occasion, just to get a temporary game-related info fix while I'm not playing. This update inspired me to post, however.


As I was gearing up for my nightly warframe, I noticed the new update and began to read through the notes. By the time I was done, I had a sinking feeling. 

Not because I will miss farming viver (I only ran the map once or twice and the farming nearly put me to sleep), but because of the short-sighted, knee jerk reaction and subsequent nerfing of the various frames involved (none of which I play primarily).


The decision strikes me as one made by a developer who doesn't know their game and is seemingly trying to punish its players.


If there were an event/raid/mission in any other MMO that yielded exploitative amounts of rewards with a very specific group class setup, you wouldn't nerf the 3 primary abilities for those 3 classes. You would fix the event/raid/mission so that it provides an appropriate reward for the required risk and skill involved.


This decision makes me weary to invest more time in any particular frame, as it could just be nerfed to uselessness when it proves to be too useful in a specific poorly balanced element of the game. The speed at which this was done and the clear lack of quality assurance (mag not being able to "see" herself) and actual play testing, is not comforting either.


I guess I'll play something else tonight.

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some more jokes right here to add some more laughs!
how many runs does it take to get the mirage quest done? none. theres a checkered wall in the way!
how many frames does it take to farm viver? still 4, they havent really fixed it.
trinity and a excal walking through eris and find a mission with a mag incapacitated on the floor. 
the excal asks the mag " what are you doing down there?" and the mag replies "read the new patch notes"
whats currently worse than playing a PWI game? TADA!
whats the difference between a maxed modded excal and a clean one? there isnt now.
Whats the differnce between ember and mag? Embers actually more OP now.
did you hear? DE brought out and album! staring such classics as;
"I nurfed it to the ground"
and other classics like;
"Buff mobs unintentionally i'm not dead yet"
and we must not forget;
"all i want for patch day, is redundant fixes"
also as a bonus tracks!
"get down with the nurfness"
"Nurfing in the name of"
and last but not least!
"DE came in like a Nurfing ball"
order yours now! on 9,001 Plat! Coming to a PWI near you!
( Buff chances not included )
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This patch is pretty great for a joke, but April Fools' Day is still quite far away, don't you think?


Experienced players who don't want to play over 200h of content they've farmed and played through countless times again to get some new content found a way to achieve the content faster? Instead of addressing the issue of experienced players, you make absolutely horrible changes missing the point completely.


The Viver tower relocation was horrible for new players and missed the point completely. You have to spread out to the complete corners of the map, and since all towers are right next to enemy spawn rooms, you have to just guard a chokepoint to keep control of it. Who needs teamwork, right? It also had absolutely no effect on the "farming issue" at hand.


Well yeah, clearly changing the tileset or adding a 5 second respawn timer wouldn't be logical. Instead, let's nerf the already-mediocre frames that were actually good in this situation only.


Trinity was already overnerfed last time and that apparently wasn't enough - what on earth made you think nerfing her even more would be a good idea?


Excalibur's radial javelin was buffed before for a reason - why revert the changes? We're back at square one: an exceptionally weak ability that will rarely ever be used..

Blind is already broken by the awful line-of-sight calculations, so will Javelin, Energy Vampire and Shield Polarize now.


Oh right, Shield Polarize. Magnets won't work on enemies if they're behind railing and other partial cover, right? Makes sense.



Top tier patch. Nerfed mediocre warframes because players used them to bypass a horribly long, boring grind wall. Or maybe PWE actually -is- influencing the game..

Edited by Ramke
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Aside from being baffled by the changes, I've just simply grown more curious to see what kind of response DE could possibly come up with in regards to the reaction of this update. I really do want to see what they have to say for themselves at this point.

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Im sorry, but the last 34 pages are so funny to me.


For all the Viver fans out there.... Dont cry because your frames got nerfed. You knew you were doing something bad on viver. But you try to take advantage as often as possible, and this is the result. Try taking responsibility for your actions. The truly sad thing, is the the legit players have to suffer for your scrubbery.


The changes had to come at the frames abilities. The tactics used on viver can be used on any interception mission. Aside from that, the simple changes made to the frames do not make them useless. You would know this if you attempted to do anything other than trying to exploit the game in some way. If you truly believe these changes make the frames useless, then you must be among the useless players out there that only know how to press 4 to win.


Fun or not, wrong is wrong. I dont blame DE for protecting their investment. I understand the argument that the amount of farming needed to complete certain things fueled the flood to viver. However, if DE chooses not to address those issues, among others, then thats up to them. Let the chips fall where they may. Its their multi-million dollar investment to do with what they will.



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For all the Viver fans out there.... Dont cry because your frames got nerfed. You knew you were doing something bad on viver. But you try to take advantage as often as possible, and this is the result. Try taking responsibility for your actions. The truly sad thing, is the the legit players have to suffer for your scrubbery.

Don't blame Spanish Inquistion, blame Satan.

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Realy now?

Instead of adding some corridors for them to spawn in(fixing viver at the root!)


Nerf 3 frames

Revamp an entire game mode.

FORCE a way of playing said game mode?

And ad this nonsense fix for mods drops, which; A. Were only a problem on high lvl defence and interception. B. Are probably laughable frame rate problems compared to ultimates, explosions and optimisation.

Forcing yet another playstyle on what essentially are camping game modes.

And finaly people find a way to use mag, excal and trinity instead of the overused Rhino, Nova and Nyx, and you bring out the nerf bat to 3 frames that for months were never OP in anny way?

You might argue about radial jav but... Mag is already a niche frame against shields and you take away from her one unique anti-shield ability which wasnt called OP in ages? (So its basically now a cone of fire ability now?)

And im not even going to bother explaining the ridiculousness of yet another trinity nerf.

Im not saying this out of some butthurt position,Only time i actually played viver this way was yesrteday.

Yes Viver was exploitable and needed some fix. But you went about the wrong way of fixing it! There were like a hundred threads that explained the problems and possible solutions for this, one mayor point of which was that the problem was in the syndicate system, not viver.

Might i also add that if it wasn't for Viver, most of the problems plaguing the syndicate system and their rewards, wouldn't have been noticed for weeks!(Going by the way Steve described the intended way the syndicate system was supposed to work)

Lastly this still wont fix the problem on viver, people will just find a new spam 4 nuke setup and continue.(Like mags ultimate for example!)

I'm not one to complain about nerfs, so long as they are warrented and actually fix a problem or regain challenging gameplay. But this was NOT a warrented or even well considered fix.

I would go one but this is a seriously taxing post to type on a mobile phone. (Hows that for dedication!)

I hope DE can sense this was posted because I care for the longevity of warframe, and not some angry rant.

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im hoping the sheer volume of replies to the update causes something to occur and thats why i add my complaint to the fire. I cant believe we argue so hard to see excal get a rework after the radial blind nerf and actually get one then see that it can be so easily taken away because of a single level. at that rate change frost because that bubble its far too good at defense missions. the whole point of the new radial javelin was to hit enemies.

frankly none of the nerfs make sense since they are all because of a single level, but this one least of all since you the developers and us the committee more or less had a deal that radial blind could get nerfed if excal as a whole got buffed/ is still viable. 

please revert these changes and find some other solution if there really is an issue to begin with. i stll fail to see how viver was a bad place

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Top tier patch. Nerfed mediocre warframes because players used them to bypass a horribly long, boring grind wall. Or maybe PWE actually -is- influencing the game..

This caught my attention... Quite extreme measures... and still find funny how they don't mention the changes were aimed at that specific mission, but everybody knows it ;)

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This should go onto the shrine of remembrance of how not to do an update. Best thing DE could do is admit it screwed up....add some of their own jokes...and make fixes based on a poll of the remaining players. That way we can all laugh together...shake our heads and turn this game around into something cool...because it can be. 

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Dear DE,

You have that great Excalibur statue in your office. It looks really great. However. In reaction to changes in 15.2.0, can you please repaint it in more brownish color? To properly to reflect how 'valuable' that frame became. Thank you. Really.



If you don't know what shade of brown i have in mind, just play warframe.




In reaction to criticism of overall state of the game, I remember Mr. Sinclair stating that DE is just starting with really creative stuff and the best is yet to come. Or something to that effect, don't recall exact words.

My question is, Is this 'it'? The best stuff? Or should i be worried even more?


I wasn't so disappointed with state of WF in really long time. Horrible new UI, lackluster AW, all that pales in comparison to cheap tricks and knee jerk reaction to situation created by your own bad game design.

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You know, the only argument that support the updates have always been either "b-but it's exploit!" or "eh? what about the nerf? I can just melee enemies that I failed to kill with my frame power"


How is farming Viver an exploit in any way, shape or form?


Also you're missing the point on frame power changes, completely. I'm looking at some "grand master" who clearly have never gone past 20 minutes in T4 maps they claimed to have ran and commented on the issue like they know everything.

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The line of sight check was suggested by a player on these very forums, it also means to be most efficient more team play is required something some people said Viver promoted but which it didn´t it promoted macroing, well you got your wish.


DE has listened and paid attention pretty well, all these changes were quite obvious to come and even suggested by players in random threads. No proclaiming that DE does npt listen is kinda hypocritical. Again, the LoS check was suggested by a player!!


Given that players were using macros to farm Viver and simply afked a quick fix was in order, everything here makes sense, you people abuse the living daylight out of an oversight and instead of realizing you continued to moan. Changes make perfect sense and are not in the least out of line! 


Nobody said you need to achieve max syndicate rank in a week and the rewards also are not powerful enough to make it mandatory for further content. People felt like they had to abuse an exploit regardless and now they cry because it got fixed, I have to severely question the maturity level of some people. How old are you people? 6? 

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