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Instant Difficulty, Just Add Cold Revenge!


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No thanks. these are the most stupid and hardest missions almost impossible to pass.
First time my maxed Brakk used all ammo. several shots and you are dead. Energy draining holy fuq are you insane?
These missions were just insane stuipid for me, making me rage.

Too many damage they make, too fast shoting and too much of them on the map, and ofcourse insane enemeis accuracy with their shoting weapon -_- it is just like auto aim bot cheating.
If the number of enemeis could be less on the mape, so be abble to take cover and make decission how when and with what way to attack. Less accuracy enemies abble you to change positions or just be faster than them and take several of them down. Reduce their fast shooting to not kill you with 1 second. And drain energy more slower. Then yes it will be awesome to make that Hard enemeis to kill with several shots and still need to cover because of their high damage.

While playing Cold Revenge 4 I was raging so hard, sometimes I didn't knowed why I died, my friend the same was raging some.

For me compared to other mission Cold Revenge4 was 70lvl+

Edited by IfritKajiTora
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No thanks. these are the most stupid and hardest missions almost impossible to pass.

First time my maxed Brakk used all ammo. several shots and you are dead. Energy draining holy fuq are you insane?

These missions were just insane stuipid for me, making me rage.

Too many damage they make, too fast shoting and too much of them on the map, and ofcourse insane enemeis accuracy with their shoting weapon -_- it is just like auto aim bot cheating.

If the number of enemeis could be less on the mape, so be abble to take cover and make decission how when and with what way to attack. Less accuracy enemies abble you to change positions or just be faster than them and take several of them down. Reduce their fast shooting to not kill you with 1 second. And drain energy more slower. Then yes it will be awesome to make that Hard enemeis to kill with several shots and still need to cover because of their high damage.

While playing Cold Revenge 4 I was raging so hard, sometimes I didn't knowed why I died, my friend the same was raging some.

And yet some people managed to solo it without mombojumbo or any kind of magic, without super formaed weapons, oh dear how did they do it? 

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Well, 'difficulty' is rated on how much each player has in terms of weapon, frame and mod selection.


I take it you have lots of stuff that makes the normal average missions seem 'push over'.


While on the other side of the coin, my son, for example does not have all the goodies that you or I have and the missions are difficult to him as they stand now. Cold Revenge even pushes that difficulty to the impossible side of things... so...


And IMO, the event was not really a difficulty expose/showcase. It was more of a Nightmare mode type deal. Taking away our power just makes the Frames very 1 dimensional -just take the Frame with the highest Armor rating(if you own one of those). It also puts tons of weight on the weapons you bring and the mods you have. Again, if you lack variety in those 2 categories, you will not succeed in the event or will at the very least struggle too much to where the fun aspect is overshadowed.


It didnt feel right. I personally was able to do it because of my gear and Frames, but others I'm sure are not as lucky as I.


I finished alert (30 target captured) with mag prime with dread and melee I was leveling at this time


did I mentioned that Mag prime is fr from being anyhow "armored"?

and it was fun :)

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Im all for 'instant difficulty' that doesn't waste your time waiting for higher levels to appear.


This mission was still not hard, except rapid energy drain is really cheap (only forces you to spend restores).  

The drones besides being lvl78 also have some stupid resistance having your weapons do ~5 times LESS damage to them. Everything else still dies in 1 second to a good weapon (they are just lvl~40)

Edited by Monolake
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Let's see how to make things difficult:

-Random chance of halved shields


-Near-instant energy drain

-Massive Eximus and heavy spawns

-Bullet sponges

-Limited conclave

-Instant failure if the target escapes


All stacked into one mission. Not the kind of difficulty I was hoping for really; it's like making an obstacle course difficult by putting hidden explosives everywhere rather than actual obstacles that involve skill to maneuver.


Great, so start writing detailed missions and send them to DE. You know why you will fail miserably? Because everyone is different, and you will not make anything that is fun for more then a fraction of the people. The Tactical Alert was fine. It was not "spectacular" it was not "aweful", it was "fine".


Feel free not to play optional content any time you like.


If "fun" was a set formula, Destiny would have been a smash hit, and not rated "repetitive and grindy" at release. How much money did that game take at release? 500 Million?


Warframe is scoring around 65% to Destiny 75% score.


Well, may I ask what you were expecting to see from a F2P online game? Sydney Opera House, perhaps? The Hanging Gardens of Babylon? Herds of wildebeasts swinging majestically?

Edited by DSpite
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Half of it was just me complaining about how it drains the living s*** out of my energy.  Playing it with some close friends and having assigned roles for the hell of it made it pretty enjoying though, but the cries of angst and butthurt frustration didn't stop.

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All this "eye of the beholder" stuff.. Everyone is of course only speaking from their point of view using their own builds in reference to difficulty, which kind of doesn't make sense..


Since build matters so much, especially weapon builds as is the case with this alert, it would be very tough to gauge difficulty by this unless we all had to use the same one.


The way I see it, the lower the conclave rating could have been for this mission, the harder it would become for all.


The one thing I feel it says about this game when difficulty comes from things like conclave ratings is that they made the power band a bit too high. Even having to introduce conclave ratings caps means that they understand that any amount of content can be trivialized with the "right" build(s).


As long as the power band is so high, I don't see them ever truly finding a way to exhibit a universally "difficult" mission unless they bring balance to the band of power between tenno and enemies.


Want to frustrate players quickly though? Introduce a mob or boss that randomly puts up a reflect shield or uses a "mirror" skill that mimics the last skill used on it back onto the players, same strength and all. 

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All this "eye of the beholder" stuff.. Everyone is of course only speaking from their point of view using their own builds in reference to difficulty, which kind of doesn't make sense..


Since build matters so much, especially weapon builds as is the case with this alert, it would be very tough to gauge difficulty by this unless we all had to use the same one.


The way I see it, the lower the conclave rating could have been for this mission, the harder it would become for all.


The one thing I feel it says about this game when difficulty comes from things like conclave ratings is that they made the power band a bit too high. Even having to introduce conclave ratings caps means that they understand that any amount of content can be trivialized with the "right" build(s).


As long as the power band is so high, I don't see them ever truly finding a way to exhibit a universally "difficult" mission unless they bring balance to the band of power between tenno and enemies.


Want to frustrate players quickly though? Introduce a mob or boss that randomly puts up a reflect shield or uses a "mirror" skill that mimics the last skill used on it back onto the players, same strength and all. 


Post speaks pure truth, but...


Lowering the conclave only makes things more handicapped for people with the right equipment and mods. For new or newish players, it makes no difference.


A player with options can still load up a Frame and or weapon with a less amount of RARE mods that are stronger, than a newish player with maxed out standard mods which are weaker. And since the mobs kept scaling up in level towards the end, the players with the rare mods/Frames were fine while the players with the standard mods/Frames struggled.


Thats not balance. The challenge of the event itself was "Lets see how all these well off players do with a handicap/par against increasing higher level mobs". It felt more like a Data-mining event.(well at least I hope they did a little of that)


I'm not hating on DE, but this event should of been labeled for seasoned players OR been scaled to field a wider range of playerbase. Smarter AI is also needed, not just Nightmare mode in a different setting.


The ROI stunk as well. Is the community really that shallow? The end reward was a badge that provides no bonus other than bragging rights? The previous one was a blueprint of all things... I mean... really guys.

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Team synergy?  Nyx, or Valkyr solo it.  What's is team synergy when most teams die around you, leaving you to carry them?


I'd much prefer something that requires actual thinking or choices.  Not "Let's handicap veterans and F*** over new players because we're out of ideas and won't admit it."

Edited by Komarimaru
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No you cant, you wont have the mods you want, you wont have the stats you want, you wont know whether your mods are good enough and gimping yourself is absolutely borderline $&*&*#(%& in order to get challenge into the game.


Yes you can.


You can go ahead and forma your stuff, only difference is now you can use more quality of life mods because you don't have to stack damage so much, which should make your weapon more enjoyable to use thanks to +Reload, +Mag size, etc. You're not "gimping" anything, you're gearing appropriately for the enemies you're facing. When did that become "gimping"?


If you like being OP as hell, that's your problem, not a problem with the game.

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Why where they "high flight risk" when they had so much defence? lol


I think the whole thing would have been a bit more enjoyable if they didn't run until their shields had gone. The group I had most success with put on high impact melee to stun lock the bugger while others shot down the shields. I put the Rage mod on my volt, zapped him when I could to stop him running. But I agree that the difficulty was a bit harsh.

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Why where they "high flight risk" when they had so much defence? lol


I think the whole thing would have been a bit more enjoyable if they didn't run until their shields had gone. The group I had most success with put on high impact melee to stun lock the bugger while others shot down the shields. I put the Rage mod on my volt, zapped him when I could to stop him running. But I agree that the difficulty was a bit harsh.

They actually do not run until the last osprey dies if you snipe them and even then they will turn around occasionally and attempt to shot you.

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Team synergy?  Nyx, or Valkyr solo it.  What's is team synergy when most teams die around you, leaving you to carry them?


I'd much prefer something that requires actual thinking or choices.  Not "Let's handicap veterans and F*** over new players because we're out of ideas and won't admit it."

Oh for once the ADHS approach of rushing in and spam powers did not work unless you put some thought to it and went in prepared with energy restore? Or you could have tried and used some different tactics but thinking must be hard for some these days.

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For everyone having trouble with this incredibly difficult and refreshingly challenging mission:

1. Put on Warframe. Any will do.
2. Bring some guns. Doesn't matter which. Anything kinda strong will do.
3. Find target. Should be surrounded by a bunch of non-importants. Kill them. They are weak.
4. Observe the following.
    A. Target, who is draining your energy. This doesn't matter. Don't worry about it.
    B. Shield Drones. Super cheap. Providing target with immunity. Don't fret about it.

5. Hide behind cover and shoot at robots. Select a specific robot and keep firing at it until it dies. This will take forever.
6. Repeat this process with the other 2 drones. This will also take forever.
7. Shoot the target now. Do not leave cover. Stay there and plug him in the head until he drops.
8. Because you are behind cover, the target will not fire at you. Also, he is a moron and will usually just sit there and yell at you while you pop him.
9. Capture INCREDIBLY DIFFICULT AND CHALLENGING TARGET. Feel rewarded for performing this amazing feat of skill and tactics.
10. Repeat on Target #2.
11. Go to Warframe forums and tell anyone complaining about this mission that they are clearly just not skilled enough to complete it. You totally aced that like a boss, so you should know.

Disclaimer: If you fail mission because both targets have escaped through extraction, I apologize. This is a known bug, but it is a rare occurrence so please continue to retry the mission.

Edited by Soldatto
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Oh for once the ADHS approach of rushing in and spam powers did not work unless you put some thought to it and went in prepared with energy restore? Or you could have tried and used some different tactics but thinking must be hard for some these days.

Yes, because you're so right.  I also love how you think they don't run until the last Osprey dies, you're wrong on that too!  Heck, you've been wrong with each of your posts!  You're so bright and intelligent!   Go attack others you ignorant tool, educate yourself.

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I found that the change actually made the game simpler - albeit a lot slower. Find cover vs. all but a few enemies. Shoot those guys. Repeat. If the guy actually runs off before you can chew through the stupidly high-level ospreys, let it happen and try again.


My group had a similar experience with the last bits of Gate Crash - there was no reason not to treat it as a methodical cover-shooter. The only challenging bit was remembering all the places where a cache could hide.


There are plenty of generic cover shooters out there on Steam. Taking the frame abilities out mostly made the game - duller.

Edited by Helicitous
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Yes you can.


You can go ahead and forma your stuff, only difference is now you can use more quality of life mods because you don't have to stack damage so much, which should make your weapon more enjoyable to use thanks to +Reload, +Mag size, etc. You're not "gimping" anything, you're gearing appropriately for the enemies you're facing. When did that become "gimping"?


If you like being OP as hell, that's your problem, not a problem with the game.


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I agree, Cold Revenge did some things right.  Among them, precisely the point made by the OP about being able to immediately get to the challenge scenario you want.  I think we should have month long Experimental Alerts.


I disagree that destroying horde of push overs is not fun.  I enjoy destroying hordes.  I enjoy playing lightning fast flying glass cannon.  But, that is my personal opinion.  I don't see why a game can't accommodate a number of personal opinions and have missions such as Cold Revenge and other misisons for destroying hordes of pushovers, selectable at our individual discretion.

Edited by ThePresident777
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I agree, Cold Revenge did some things right.  Among them, precisely the point made by the OP about being able to immediately get to the challenge scenario you want.  I think we should have month long Experimental Alerts.


I disagree that destroying horde of push overs is not fun.  I enjoy destroying hordes.  I enjoy playing lightning fast flying glass cannon.  But, that is my personal opinion.  I don't see why a game can't accommodate a number of personal opinions and have missions such as Cold Revenge and other misisons for destroying hordes of pushovers, selectable at our individual discretion.


Thanks for reminding people what my primary point was. Argue about Conclave or Energy Drain all you want, but the "Instant" in "Instant Difficulty" was referring to the Level 40+ enemies right from the start, and in a non-endless mission type. All there needs to be are some Exterminate/Capture/Etc... missions that give you lots of heavies and 40+ enemies right from the start at the final planets for each faction. I can still run and gun hordes of wussies when I like, but I can also go against small groups of very powerful enemies when I want to. Add or change a few of the existing end-game nodes, and that's it. No change to the rest of the game, and people like me who enjoyed the tough enemies and concentrated hordes of heavies will be happy.

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