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Male Gunslinger


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One more thing.

Now that PvP is a thing, having unique silhouettes for each frame is important.

Warframe is doing alright so far. Few silhouettes might look a bit similar, but it's manageable.

But if you add duplicates of every frame, it would become a mess.


And yes, pvp argument is valid. It's part of the game and it's not going anywhere.

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Seems like a lot of people can't deal with playing a character outside their own gender, which honestly makes no sense to me.  Its not like the characters are representations of you they are just characters that you are controlling for the purpose of playing a game. 


Its always dumbfounded me that people have issues playing a character of an opposite gender. 


DE already shot down the whole thing about having male and female versions of frames ~2years ago.  They also have it pretty much set in stone that they release frames as opposite genders each time so whatever theme this next one was going to have was going to be female, its not going to change now. 

Edited by ClockworkSpectre
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Personally I do wish that DE would design a male and female version for each frame, therefor allowing you to have more choice in who/what you play as. Does this make it so that guys would make every frame male? Perhaps, but it also allows us to see the option and then choose based on what we'd prefer, that is useful for both male and female players. Some people would prefer a male Valkyr while others would prefer the female. It has nothing to do with guys being afraid to play females or over sexualization of the female frames at that point since there would be an option to have a different version of it should you not like the current one, and if you're going to go for the grab of only female frames being designed to be some stereotypical perfect version of the given gender. Male frames are put in that position as well, namely Excal, Ash and Rhino, they are designed to be just as much of a stereotypically perfected version of males just as much as a female frames can be.


That'd be why I believe the truly gender fair way would be to make a male and female version of each frame. Because either way, you're going to get a sexualization of the frame for either gender, might as well be fair in doing it.

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They don't /have/ to be relatable, they just have to be good. And badass.

That just for you, but others want to feel connected and more personalized to their frame.


Like I said, if my Ash was female I'd dislike her because I can't relate to them nor can I feel attached to it.

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This is a real thing? Seriously? I didn't even know this was a debate. All the mods in the world says people who are complaining are going to play her and love her. And then whine about her being op and have her nerfed and then whine about her being weak and then shelve her.....Hmm I see a trend




PS. Last sentence was a joke in case ya didn't get it 

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That just for you, but others want to feel connected and more personalized to their frame.

Like I said, if my Ash was female I'd dislike her because I can't relate to them nor can I feel attached to it.

Until they end up playing them anyway sometimes when they're powerful as hell or viable for something, love it, and stop complaining about it.

I know it's your opinion, but it's not mine. My point is that nobody /NEEDS/ the connection to play it. It's just gotta be good.

Edited by WingedCrusade
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Until they end up playing them anyway sometimes when they're powerful as hell or viable for something, love it, and stop complaining about it.

Look, all I'm doing is trying to provide some reasoning behind why gender and the sex of a character can be important for the player. You don't have to be a $&*^ about it.

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Let's put it this way, if Trinity suddenly turned male, would people stop playing it? No. Why? Because they're devoted more often than naught to the support role it plays. Not because it's a she.

But SOME will. 


Just because it wouldn't affect you doesn't mean it cannot affect others.

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And there you go, taking my words out of context.

You know what? I'll admit, I don't actively play some good frames due to appearance, like Vauban, or Hydroid, but it doesn't mean I won't play them. I already own all of them, so why not?

Are there people out there that will stop? Yes.

But how many?

Trinity's not even the best looking. She's cool, yeah, not the cool/est/, but it's still that desire there to be the support frame.

Don't just instantly assume that I'm saying -

"This frame is good so everyone should suck it up and play it even if it's a guy/girl."

I'm not.

But look at the point I'm trying to make.

Majority is - if the frame is good, /people will play it regardless./

Edited by WingedCrusade
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And there you go, taking my words out of context.

You know what? I'll admit, I don't play some good frames due to appearance, like Vauban, or Hydroid, but it doesn't mean I won't play them. I already own all of them, so why not?

Are there people out there that will stop? Yes.

But how many?

Trinity's not even the best looking. She's cool, yeah, but it's still that desire there to be the support frame.

Don't just instantly assume that I'm saying -

"This frame is good so everyone should suck it up and play it even if it's a guy/girl."

I'm not.

But look at the point I'm trying to make.

Majority is - if the frame is good, /people will play it regardless./

um what? Thats very confusing

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