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Wow Just Wow


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Well I haven't even seen the movie (I attribute that to my lack of a social life Girlfriend) but between the topic of this thread being Ice and your statement it seemed like it fit. 

Ya know, I honestly never even put those two together, that actually makes more sense now :P 


PS, my daughter subjects me to that movie almost every day when I get home. I have to wait for it to finish before I can even change the channel or she AND the missus get upset with me. Not so fun.

Edited by Kestral9999
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Edit: remember when DE said in one of their Friday Dev streams. They said even a small clan can control a solar rail. I belive it was Sheldon.


even a Ghost Clan can take a Rail. if they have the rail built they can deploy(if they don't get blocked), and the integrity of the rail is based on the number of 'matches' won/lost. so if one squad from one Ghost Clan fights constantly and wins, then it's possible that technically those 4 people can take an entire rail.


of course the percentage gained from a win is so ludicrously low it's probably not physically possible, but you get the point.

Edited by d1sc1p1e
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IMHO the tax system should be removed and replaced with a system that gives the controlling alliance an extra bonus on top of the normal bonus. That way at least no one can really complain about not wanting to play the nodes because they dont want to sacrifice what they gain. As well as it makes better nodes for farming exp/resources a daily struggle >.> and so they can go back to complaining about how xx controls x node.


I gave up on the system shortly after it came out. Was utterly useless compared to void/known nodes/bosses for rare mats

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As a personal rule, any DS above 29% tax rate and I just don't go there. It's not worth it. Sech may be nice for leveling and the money is handy for short missions, but I can level just as well in the void and get pleeeenty more cash. They're only hurting themselves by scaring people off with insane tax rates.
Props to them for getting the rail and keeping it, but I'll celebrate in another mission. :)
Moving on.

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I can't deny that it upsets me that a basic phrase in the English language now directly and immediately pertains to a rather lame Disney movie.


In short? No. The only time I reference Frozen is when making fun of it lol.

An adult showing his disdain for a Disney movie, sheesh. I won't let you anywhere near my two year old. He'd flail the skin from your back for statements like that. Seriously though I'd stay a at from these technological whirlimajiggies they get too tough for curmudgeons like you pretty soon.

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That actually made me giggle.

Same. Thought it was funny.


I remember when people used to talk garbage about Eclipse, and how anything above 10% taxation was horrific and an injustice against the community (or something just as contrived and silly).


Wonder how many folks miss that right now?

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This is why I left Dust 514 and Eve Online. In Eve sitting 100km out from a gate and just use BS class torpedoes that 1-shot ships just passing the system.

And and in Dust locking down worlds to prevent them from being taken, General Tso's and Imperfects cracked CCPs model and they just simply didn't care. Planetary warfare? Never happened, only ever to keep worlds secured from leaving sovereignty. The whole thing with the loss of the Ishikune guarding Calafari Prime? Was all staged, entire fleets were ready to jump in but CCP locked the gates down. Sure there are some epic battles like the one from last year that made the news, yet that is few and far between.

There are so many references for when players have that much power games fail, which is why Eve has what 300,000 active players? Ultima Online was a cesspool as well. DE has a lot of work to do before that section ruins gameplay. Like in Eve and Dust those clans and alliances have access to all the best gear without trying and no new challenger can ever come in. Those already in power doesn't want to upset their finally maintained balance. They will shout the loudest so that the company never makes changes, like CCP.

Edited by (XB1)l Forthencho l
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Same. Thought it was funny.


I remember when people used to talk garbage about Eclipse, and how anything above 10% taxation was horrific and an injustice against the community (or something just as contrived and silly).


Wonder how many folks miss that right now?

They were going that way anyhow, no matter who it was doing it, this was the unfortunately inevitable end of it.

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