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We Are Tenno ... And We Need More Money :<


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Few last updates so many new rare10 mods were added into the game, so even high ranked players struggle to get enough credits to fuse those mods. Currently best way to get credits is to buy a booster, get 1 million T4 Capture keys, find some descent fast runners. But why would I need to do this, when I can face much stronger enemies instead of wasting time and killing 2 capture targets. Well we all know that it's simply not as rewarding.

So I've got an idea, that high lvl mobs should reward more than this method offers. For example: mobs after lvl 75 will have a 5% chance to drop 5k credits. This sounds like good idea to me, because I have enough powers to kill such enemies. Also running missions over and over again is a bit frustrating, while facing high lvl mobs is much more fun and requires more skill, good teamplay, special team comp etc.

TL DR: playing vs high lvl mobs should be more rewarding than just spamming low lvl missions in order to get credits.

P.s. T4 keys should reward way more credits than T3 keys.

Edited by Immune
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The funny part is that if you Solo your missions, you get a smaller reward.


I still ask myself, why we get a smaller reward if we make a mission all by ourself.

yea that's strange too. Solo missions should reward you even more credits

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The funny part is that if you Solo your missions, you get a smaller reward.


I still ask myself, why we get a smaller reward if we make a mission all by ourself.

To enforce teamwork...but ya I do agree, the credit gain is pathetic, and if you don't have enough void keys, you gotta run Yursa - Neptune with a speed nova, and hope that whoever controls it doesn't have an insane tax on it...AND EVEN THEN without a booster...hell, even WITH a booster, it's still incredibly slow to get creds.

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Well, people used to complain that they don't have anything to spend credits on, so DE reduced the amount of credits that people got from Void missions. Problem is that since then, the amount of things to spend your credits on has increased dramatically, making this credit-nerf obsolete in retrospective.


I'm not sure if I support the notion to have high-level enemies drop lots of credits, though, because I fear that it would give players even more incentive to play defense/survival.


Maybe DE could give containers and lockers large amounts of credits to reward people for exploration.

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To enforce teamwork...but ya I do agree, the credit gain is pathetic, and if you don't have enough void keys, you gotta run Yursa - Neptune with a speed nova, and hope that whoever controls it doesn't have an insane tax on it...AND EVEN THEN without a booster...hell, even WITH a booster, it's still incredibly slow to get creds.

yea and personally for me farming credits is way too boring and exhausting :< it takes couple of hours to farm 1 million credits without booster, something around 50 siemeni runs...

1 million credits is not even close enough to max out something like Prime continuity, u will need at least 2 times more.

however whole point of this topic was that we all farm low lvl locations - mostly lvl 30-40 to get credits, yeah thats simple way to get credits, but its frustraiting for ppl like me who like to do 50+ waves T4 defence and find it enjoyable

Edited by Immune
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Agree with everyone.

I play Warframe since Update 8 and i have some Credits problems.

Same here, and unless you had boosters all the way till today, there's no way you're not suffering from credit problems...and I don't even want to think about the people that joined after the void credit nerf in U10 or when the hell it was.

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Been here since update 6, currently hanging at 400k. :(

I'm constantly running out of cash, between R10 mods (only have Sanctuary and Primed Continuity left, until they undoubtedly add more), syndicates (the medallion "reward" totally trashed a few hundred thousand credits, plus a potato and two formas, that I had put into Cephalon), and general use and crafting. Really wish there were better ways to make money, rather than spamming T4E-C over and over.

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I constantly keepnreachin 100k creds, lower limit for me, then to the farm i go. Really i dont get that thing about earning less when playing solo but meh. The real broblem is the prices of things nowadays, newer weapons, syndicates, effin Baro scammer, everythin is in the 100k category, i have to buy them boobsters evrybtiem

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P.s. T4 keys should reward way more credits than T3 keys.


I remember suggesting this ages ago in feedback forums. Everyone was like "oh nooo, why would you need more credits" and "credits are easy to get" and "getgud, farmmore" etc.


It is logical that higher tiers should reward more money.

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Did Sechura get erased in 15.5? Why the sudden need for credits

sechura had 39% tax before Fire get  it, now it's 20% tax, u will get around 18.5k still less than siemeni with 14% tax u will get ~19500creds. Also doing 5 waves over and over is boring and not enjoyable at all. and it takes a lot of runs to get some real money, like for 1 mil credits without boosters it takes couple of hours. 1 Million credits nowadays is like NOTHING

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sechura had 39% tax before Fire get  it, now it's 20% tax, u will get around 18.5k still less than siemeni with 14% tax u will get ~19500creds. Also doing 5 waves over and over is boring and not enjoyable at all. and it takes a lot of runs to get some real money, like for 1 mil credits without boosters it takes couple of hours. 1 Million credits nowadays is like NOTHING


Playing any mission over and over is boring.  It's just the way the game is designed.  Repeat mission X number of times before finally getting whatever it is you're after.  There's not much you can do besides make an effort not to grind.  Until they actually do some loot balancing, and IMO they also need to increase the size of the loot tables so more stuff drops in more places.



Either that or pay money for everything and then have no carrots left dangling in front of you (ie no real reason to keep playing).

Edited by SleepingSentry
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Maybe DE could give containers and lockers large amounts of credits to reward people for exploration.

I like this idea lots better than enemies, as is lockers are hardly worth even opening, I want to open them all but it's fruitless.

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