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December 19Th: Community Hot Topics!


Community Hot Topics  

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2014 Community Hot Topics Overview:

In the past year, we’ve had over 30 Community Hot Topics threads, covering over 100 ideas and issues. In July, we introduced “Community Hot Topics 2.0” and started the Community Hot Topic polls. Since then, we’ve had over 60 polls inspired by the community. Together, we’ve been able to cover complex topics and provide both qualitative and quantitative feedback. We’ve stated before that the Community Hot Topics do not necessarily reflect on what is in development, but there is no doubt that all the input we get from the community affects design decisions. With Warframe on XB1, PS4, and PC, it’s more important than ever that we listen to the community and work together to make Warframe the best game it can be. We wouldn’t be here without all of you, so thank you for being so passionate and engaged. I am incredibly excited to see and hear what the Warframe community has to say in 2015. Now, lets get to the year-end Hot Topics! 



Warframe Passives:

Passive abilities have been a topic in the community since before Zephyr arrived with her low gravity. Azawarau originally created a poll to see how the community feels about passives, and I’ve included a variant of Azawarau’s poll for this topic. If you do think some Warframes should have passives, what should those passives be? Check out Jin_Lightning’s suggestions in one of the source threads below. 


Source threads:



Syndicate Explosions:

The source thread for this topic wonders if players should have more control over when the syndicate explosions detonate. Do you think controlling the explosions is a good idea? Would that be too powerful? Are syndicate explosions too powerful already or are they too weak? Would controlling the explosion be balanced? Discuss your ideas in this thread and in the source thread below. 


Source thread:



Combo Cancelling:

C-C-C-Combo Breaking is what this topic is all about. DarkTails wonders if there should be a way to cancel out of a combo while it’s in progress. This mechanic would be useful in situations where the combo is no longer beneficial or another action is required. What are your thoughts on combo cancelling? Post your opinion here or in the source thread. 


Source thread:



Tactical Alerts

The source thread for this topic is about the conclave requirements for Tactical Alerts. Saint_Tan argues that the Tactical Alerts should scale up with conclave rating, rather than requiring conclave rating to scale down for the alerts. Do you enjoy the conclave requirements for Tactical Alerts? The lower conclave rating has the benefit of allowing more Tenno to participate. Would you change the requirements? Answer the poll above to give your opinion! 


Source thread:



Faster/More Enemy Waves:

This topic is fairly popular and straightforward. Do you think enemies spawn quickly enough in survival missions? Would you like to see bigger/faster waves? 


Source threads:



The D Polarity:

Althran has a hot topic that questions the validity of the D polarity on weapons. Do you think it is useful? Are there any other polarity types that you feel aren’t as useful for weapons, warframes, or other gear? Would you remove the D polarity from weapons or make it work with more mods? Answer in this thread and the source thread. 


Source thread:




Last but not least, Nullifiers are definitely a hot topic right now in the community. Ninjamander has already created a poll to gauge the community’s opinion on Nullifiers, and I’ve included a similar poll above. The source threads for this topic are filled with mixed opinions about the pros, cons, and value of Nullifiers. In your opinion, do the Nullifiers add an interesting challenge to Warframe? Do you think they are too strong or their mechanic needs to be tweaked? 


Source threads:



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Please add something about shotguns to this.


The problem with D's is, IMHO, that they're often put in the FIRST slot and we can't swap that. This means when you hit Rank 30 you're locked into a weapon which must use cold as the combo in a three element setup, rather than having the option of combo+cold. 

Edited by VKhaun
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Can we also discuss the Codex, and other hot topics recently?



-Vault weapons (retired weapons)

-Enemy variety and challenge

-Infested ancients (Scorpion grapple and stacking auras)

-Enemy accuracy


-Navigation UI

-Events and Tactical Alerts

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Tactical Alerts always feel like a slap to the face. I know many feel they're some kind of challenge, but I feel they're just unnecessary difficulty (which in this case is not challenging). However, I don't want them removed. I had a thought about them:


Instead of adjusting the conclave rating or removing them, I think you could support both parties by making their point system dependent upon the conclave rating of the individual. The mission would have an optimal conclave number set, which Tenno running with this conclave limit or lower getting the most points in a single run, whereas Tenno with a conclave limit higher than the optimal number will receive less points in a single run, capping at only getting 1 point per run. As well, the point cost for reward would have to be higher than it has been to balance this.


Just a thought, I don't like Tactical Alerts at present, but at the same time it should continue to please the people who enjoy it. If they're under consideration for a revamp, my suggestion is the above.

Edited by Krion112
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Combo cancelling should allow for chain combos resulting in shorter button presses to go down another combo rather than just cancelling a player's current combo and forcing them to redo the combo again. This doesn't mean that one should not be able to do other things mid-combo through combo cancelling (like quick weapon swap to gun, rolling mid combo, etc).


Syndicate procs are of very nice ranges but their damages only demolishes lower-level enemies without regards to higher level enemies. These procs should be based off an enemy's HP rather than just directly annihilating lower levels when the element being procced is neutral or the weakness of the enemy while being of subpar performance if you brought a resistant syndicate weapon just because you like a specific weapon and want to use them more often.


There need to be more D mods for weapons. Currently, the only useful mod that seems to give a pause on whether one should keep/forma a D polarity is the Furis Syndicate mod, which is helpful and yet limited to only one weapon. There need to be more D polarity mods otherwise just scratch that from weapons given that there aren't much weapon mods that really fit into a D polarity.

Edited by matrixEXO
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Yay! Hot Topics is back!


On the survival spawning, I think it should inversely scale with enemy level. What I mean is when the enemies are low leveled and can be killed in one or two bullets, then there should be an 'overwhelming' amount of them, or just a bunch of them. Because for most experienced and geared players won't be overwhelmed by low level enemy fire.


However, when the enemy levels start to increase, they can get really deadly really quickly, and even overwhelm a player in a few short seconds. It seems that most of the time, early on in the game (first 5 to 15 min) can include only running into a squad of enemies every so often rather than a constant flow of them. However once enemies reach a level where they no longer die in a few shots, they can become dangerously lethal because you can't eliminate squads as quickly, and as a result, they quickly overwhelm players. This can be an issue because life support becomes more reliant on the pods from the Lotus over the drops from enemies, and this doesn't change when the enemies grow stronger because they don't die as quickly, you're still killing at the same rate.


I will grant that this opinion is coming mostly from soloing survivals, but I think it's somewhat of an issue. If the enemy count slowly decreased as enemy level increased, I think that a nice balance can be found where the enemies remain lethal and dangerous, without being overwhelmingly lethal. What this would allow is low level enemies to pour in like ants and as they grow stronger, less and less start spawning, still providing a challenge but giving just enough breathing room that you aren't overwhelmed beyond any skill.


Also, I think that the enemy count scaling with player count needs to change slightly. As it is right now, when I'm not using my Guilded Truth Burston Prime, it seems to be somewhat difficult to keep up with the killing to keep up the enemy spawning to provide life support. Currently, my record in solo survival without my Guilded Truth Burston is somewhere around 15 -20 min. (T2 survival) and around 30-35 min. with the Guilded Truth Burston. The thing that caused me to extract was the life support running out, not being overwhelmed by powerful enemies. Those syndicate mods really make a difference, but my point is that without the radial syndicate AoE explosion, it can be difficult to maintain a high enough KPM to supply a sufficient amount of lifesupport. The last T2 survival I did with my Guilded Truth Burston I didn't have to use life support for 20 minutes.


So I think that if enemy spawns scaled inversely with enemy level, then it would help to provide a sense of challenge and help to begin balancing out the wonky life support issues with survival, especially solo.

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I have a concern about the polls. Some of the questions don't allow me to give the answers that I want.


For example, there was a question like: Which of Rhino's abilities do you want revised (can select more than one).

However, the fifth choice was "no opinion on this topic". There was no option like "None" if I thought Rhino was fine the way he was.


In today's poll, the question about conclave rating standings had no option of "other explanation (post below)". Please make it so that as a rule, every question will have these two options at the end... "no opinion" and "other explanation". I feel that if we are forced to choose among these answers, the real problem regarding many topics may remain hidden forever.


Syndicate Explosions: I mean what is the sense in not making it player controllable? In one word, it should be. Make the secondary fire button activate the explosion. Suppose I am at 1999 and now the horde is gone. Now one teeny weeny enemy comes and pokes at me with something and it hits 2000 instantly killing... no one. I look like an idiot.


Conclave Ratings for Tactical Alerts: See the problem is that every tactical alert is like this. You gave us catalysts and reactors and formas, only to now restrict us in the use of our best loadouts. If we want to take more than one weapon at all, it'll have to be that weapon with the lowest conclave rating, i.e. one we haven't spent enough time on to forma.


Also, getting to that extra 50 point to earn the Stratos emblem is more a matter of time than skill or whatever. Give us a hard mode of the game with unique rewards (an emblem would be fine) where there are no conclave restrictions and everything is like T4 and increasing as team conclave rating increases. Right now there are no perks to being a veteran in these Tactical alerts, ironically when these are the only things left for us to do after we have completed everything in the game!


Nullifiers: I don't understand why two enemies should have the same ability... Arctic Eximus and Nullifiers. Remove the bullet blocking ability. Either that or make punch through work on it so snipers can tackle them. Also why are automatic weapons being preferred again with making the shields break based on the number of shots? Where does that leave us with our Vectis and our Latrons when a nullifier shows up?

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In your opinion, should Warframes have passive bonuses?

Yes, It would be interesting, remind me of how League of Legend works. In my opinion, this would make warframe to be more unique, not only the skills but passive could change the popularity of warframe. 

Do you think the radial explosions from syndicate standing are too powerful?

They work just fine to me. 

Do you think the syndicate explosion should be player controlled in some way?

No, thanks.

How frequently do you wish you could cancel a combo?

Not yet contribute much in melee, no opinion.

How do you feel about the conclave restrictions on Tactical Alerts?.

They are perfect, It help us to understand the Conclave point work. These are just basic mission does not need difficult requirement. 

In your opinion, do enemies spawn fast enough in Survival missions?

It just too slow, if the drop rates of oxygen drops remain, but having more enemy in survival, i would join survival mission more. 

Do you think the “D” slot on weapons is useful?

It would be useful if Have more useful mod for D slot. 

What is your opinion on the Nullifiers?

Not much opinion, they are fine they way they are !

But i do have a problem to bring down their shield, you need fast bullet hitting to bring down the shield, shotgun and charge weapon are useless in this moment, this will cause a lot of trouble. 

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I said that the tactical alert conclave values is too high, but I’m not sure that truly reflects my opinions on the subject. I made a thread here with my opinions on the subject. I would appreciate it if that link could be added to the section about it, as another alternative to changing how the tactical alerts work.


Edit: I would also like to say that my experience in Pack Mentality and Toxic Terrors was echoed in Fleet Footed

Edited by Entari0
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The elementals (Ember, Saryn, Volt) should have innate resistances to their (primary) elemental damage and immunity to application of their (primary element's) status effect. Can't tell you how many times I've witnessed the forums screaming about how Ember shouldn't be burned by enemies.

Frost, given the drought of enemies dealing Cold damage and number of cold-themed effects that have nothing to do with the Cold status (ie Void traps, surprise ice missions), should instead have an immunity/resistance to general Slow effects (doubly fitting, since he's already the slowest frame - he doesn't need any more of that, thanks) as well as an innate Warm Coat effect.

Mag should get Disruption immunity (Magnetic proc and all), but Magnetic damage itself is fairly rare. Perhaps in lieu of Magnetic damage resistance, she could have some kind of effect related to her shields instead? Like, reduced damage from effects that bypass her (remaining) shields, or a small amount of 'armor' on her shields (faster regen just seems redundant of Polarize).

Oberon's a Paladin, so I should expect him to have some sort of bonus against the Infested, or at least resistance to the new Moas' Radiation damage (maybe innate knockdown recovery?).

When the Underwater tileset comes out, Hydroid should be able to swim faster. He should have more outside it, but there, that's an absolute must. I'm hesitant to say anything more related to movement, given Tidal Surge. (Maybe further reduced enemy accuracy, since he can turn into water? Re-form around bullets?)

Excalibur and Valkyr should have passives that emphasize melee, much as Mesa's emphasize gunplay. Things like increased combo duration, reduced stamina cost to attack or block, an innate amount of Channeling efficiency, faster combo multiplier stacking, perhaps even increased damage with certain weapon types like Swords/Axes for Excal and Whips/Fists for Valkyr...

Loki and Ash should get passives that emphasize stealth play, like increased Finisher/critical damage on unalerted foes or perhaps even some kind of Pickpocket effect, maybe increased Dagger damage or a life drain on stealth kills, etc.

Banshee could really fit into either category of Stealth (like Loki and Ash) or Gunner (like Mesa). Perhaps just give some of Mesa's Primary-related passives (ie bows, snipers) to her?

Trinity should at least be able to revive teammates/Kubrows/rescue targets faster. Dunno what she should have for when she flies solo.

Rhino, I've seen suggestions that he should actually be able to push enemies out of the way just due to how big he is, rather than deal with collision. Otherwise, extra threat generation.


The problem with a lot of the suggestions I've already seen for passives is that they tend to overlap a function a frame already has - things like innate regen for Oberon or Trinity, X boost inside the rift for Limbo, or threat/presence reduction as Ash or Loki. Passives are a way to (subtly) introduce something new to the kit, an opportunity to add cohesion and even a nudge to distinguish a frame's role within the player's arsenal (like Zephyr's floatiness or Mesa's pistol boosts). Why would anyone blatantly rehash that?


On the topic of existing passives, Zephyr shouldn't have to perform a recovery roll/crouch when she hits the ground, given that she's moving at non-fatal speeds and barely has any force traveling downward. Her current floatiness is a little buggy still, since it seems to deactivate (and multiply her gravity) after using Tail Wind; do as you will with her inability to kick off after a vertical wallrun, either. Personally, I'd like to see a removal of all the weird Superman poses she (well, every Warframe, but Zephyr in particular) does while aiming/shooting from the air, as they can interfere with accuracy; alternately, perhaps her floatiness could even be cranked up while she's aiming?


Tactical Conclave Ratings

Honestly, I don't think that Conclave rating is an effective way to measure out the strength of a Warframe's build.

Consider that out of Nekros' abilities, only Soul Punch has a Conclave rating greater than 1, because it's his only skill usable in PvP. Phage is built to be one of my strongest continuous-fire weapons in PVE (especially due to the Viral procs it provides), but it's also my lowest-rated Conclave weapon.

Building for Tactical Alerts has never been a matter of stripping down the mods on my frames and weapons to the barest essentials - it's just a matter of finding the most Conclave-efficient builds I already have, and maybe dropping a Sentinel.


Enemy Waves in Survival

Since the overwhelming flood of enemies in ODS was remedied, enemy spawn rates have seemed fine to me.


O2 drop rates, on the other hand...


The thing that was always appealing to me about Excavations, you always know what enemies will drop the Power Cells; they're not frequent, but not infrequent either, and you can't affect their droprates. Survivals, every enemy has a low chance at O2 packs, which is what makes "LF Nekros to mindlessly spam Desecrate" so disgustingly popular in Recruiting.


D Polarity

With the addition of the Cold/Status dual stat mods (or in the case of Pistols, Ice Storm), there really is very little point to the D polarity for most weapons, especially given how weak the pure Status mods are; Frostbite, for example, gives 4x the benefit of a maxed Sure Shot for the same cost, and the full benefits of a maxed Deep Freeze at a discount, just for using a different polarity.

In the case of melee weapons, the lack of mods relating to reload speed or ammo economy leaves entire builds solely devoted to the V polarity (if you're not thinking about Channeling). The lack of D polarity mods in particular is sort of fine given the addition of Life Strike... if not for the fact that it's also rare. Personally, I just don't understand why Reflection is a Warframe mod rather than a Melee mod, since it's actually common and I would totally put a D polarity on my Silva & Aegis for that (... once you increase its blocking efficiency); it could open up a whole world of weapons devoted to Blocking and Parrying builds.



They really don't need to block bullets. Not as long as this is a potential outcome.

Edited by Archwizard
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In my opinion, any enemy with a shield, Nullifiers included, alienate sniping and precision shots. Nullifiers should be kept the way they are, as well as frost leaders, except with weak points on their shields, so poeple would be more encouraged to aim, rather then spray-and-pray.

Edited by Snydrex
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Syndicate explosions should definitely be controlled. More often than not they trigger after most of the enemies in that encounter was killed.

Survival spawns getting ramped is okay, but you also have to take enemy types into account. More basic enemies/grunts are fine, but not just taking current spawn rates and multiplying it. Right now two bombards usually spawn per Heavy announcement, simply multiplying that would break encounter difficulty rather than increase capsule drop chances.

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the only problem I have with nullifiers is that their shield decreases only with amount of ammo thrown at it, meaning it stops an ogris rocket explosion the same as a lato bullet

not very logic, & penalizing to sniper players (I usually use bows). right now if yoou don't have an automatic weapon you're forced into melee or fast-firing secondaries

I would like the shield decrease to be indexed on amount of damage blocked

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Concerning nullifiers:


They are debatably the most defensive mobs in the game, due to having a bubble shield that deflects bullets, yet they also have the highest utility of a mob in the game, hands down, due to being able to disable a player's abilities, but their attacks also hit for a lot. In T3 Survival, a nullifier can one-shot me after 40 minutes. That is not right. a single mob should not have the highest defence, utility AND attack.


Either nerf their attack damage, or stop the shield from deflecting bullets.

Edited by ArgonTheFox
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