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The Event Is A Disaster...


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I hate these kind of event that score relys on teamwork. And in this case, archwings are required and to score high, you need high level players, but archwing missions are still new and people have BAD archwings and are horribly modded etc. which makes it impossible to score high points. And it seems NO ONE wants to join when I am hosting and asking for good players.


So I am stuck with a 1.5 millions score points and can't go higher because the community is just plain bad... Imagine if I could find 3 other good players like me, I could score at least 3million points +


Ugh I hate this event, although the mechanic is awesome and I like the mission, but the scoring system is horrible because people are horrible at this game in general...


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Best event ever in my opinion.


It is liberating to not care one iota if you get the rewards (cause everything is AW related).

If I am on I'll do one run for the creds, and forget about the event afterwards.


Your not going to trouble the high score tables with PUGs, beating 1 million is an achievement in itself in that scenario!

Try hitting the nodes yourself, and letting them spam fire at the core (which is probably what they are doing anyway).

Edited by Egg_Chen
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And why do you even want to score 3 Million if all you need to do is complete the mission to get an event point or reach 1 million to get the stage's credit rewards?


I score over 2 Million the whole time praticly soloing since most of my team members are in those "Plain Bad" status you mentioned. I always take the lead killing the Zepplins and knocking down the shields before heading into the core area and mostly waiting wile my team mates get them self killed outside. If they manage to get them self all killed i blast the core on my own.

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What OP said is true. Most of players doing the event (if you join random game) have horribly bad loadout.

And I am concerned about the massive fps drop in this archwing event. I haven't felt it on my desktop PC, but now I am at my parents home, so I can only play on my netbook. In normal mission I still have 25-30 fps, but in archwing event fps drops to 5-6 fps :/ Disaster.

I just made a run on Europa (I think), due to low fps and not much help from the other player (had really low stats on his archiwng so I asume it was near vanilla state - died 3 times in this mission) I barely dish out 1mil points.

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As a solo player, I got this score on the Pluto Fomorian...




Though as others already pointed out, you don't really need to score high for this event: the personal rewards (the badge, Fluctus skin, Mod Pack and Imperator Vandal) can be acquired simply by participating, and the bonus credit rewards require only 1million points minimum. Those who worry about high scores only do so because we want to brag about it, and of course bring down the Fomorian a bit faster.

Edited by LGear
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And I am concerned about the massive fps drop in this archwing event. I haven't felt it on my desktop PC, but now I am at my parents home, so I can only play on my netbook. In normal mission I still have 25-30 fps, but in archwing event fps drops to 5-6 fps :/ Disaster.


I did notice some FPs drop but not so drastic. What has bothered me mostly lately is the load time for the mission, when you join an on-going Fomorian mission, your still on the load screen but stuff is already happening around you where many times your screen finishes loading but your already dead becouse of the mobs that came after you.

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My archwing isn't bad, it's leveled up. My mission score varies WILDLY, even though what I'm doing doesn't.


I get mission scores varying from 800k to 2.4 mil, with ZERO difference in what im doing.


Can someone link to a detailed description of how score is calculated? Clearly performance isn't a factor. Is there some random element? All I've figured out is that total mission score is divided by the number of players in the game(sadly dead people can still leech your points and keep you under a mil)



Edited by Meneliki
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