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Nullifier's Bubble Isn't Affected By Damage, And Here's Proof


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yea, this is just logic. not a complaint something that makes total sense, but here come to comments about how u need skill to kill them. EX. why dont u just slide inside the bubble and kill them.


you don't need skills to kill them you just need a faster firing gun but here is the thing I do remember DE saying it was damage based so OP is right.

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I think the Nullifiers' mechanics are fine but their weapons are too strong.  Trying to close with them for melee tends to be suicidal even if they're alone.  Their weapon shouldn't be that much stronger than a normal trooper since they are a support enemy. Their danger should come via their combination with other units. A melee focused tenno should be able to fulfill a role on the team as an assassin taking out nullifiers so that the marksmen can maintain pressure on the room. But as they are now they forced everyone into a single strategy of huddling behind cover and firing away with automatic weapons.

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yeah, but they DID say that it would be affected by damage.


Quote, from DE_Adam on Update 15.7:


  • Corpus Nullifier shields will now decrease in size depending on incoming damage.

Clearly, that isn't the case.

they do shrink based on damage. what you need to prove your point is a video/gif of how many marelok shots it took before they modified the nullifiers, and one after the change.


I can say from experience that while they don't drop as fast as when using a high ROF weapon, they do drop substantially faster than they did pre change.


Pre nerf nullifier was about 3 mags from a marelok. Now it's one mag and I might have a bullet left over for the a**hole with a funny hat.


Harder hitting bullets seem to count as 3-4 furis/grakata/karak/soma bullets depending on damage, but regardless of how much harder they are hitting, their effectiveness still tops out. Any more than that and they would make nullifiers a joke to deal with at range.


In short : their shields still drop based on volume of fire, but it takes fewer shots from heavier hitting weapons to drop the shields, therefore the statement DE made is not untrue. 

Edited by Insanityman
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Op, stop giving the bubble attenion you clown, its fine.


Whats not fine is the fact they spawn every 2 seconds, have aimbot aim, and have a lanka that can one shot you mid jump. That is what should be angering you.


But it isn't fine, clearly.  I shouldn't be able to shrink the bubble at ALL in t4 with a weapon that does next to no damage.  It's obviously broken.

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1. Take your Bolto

2. Install Entropy Spike on it

3. Find a Nullifier

4. Shoot a quick burst at him

5. Profit!



Let the bubble stay as it is, but dear god do something about their weapon. OHKO even before the 20 minutes mark is RIDICULOUSLY BROKEN. And that's combined with better than Arctic Eximus bubble and power nullification.

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you seriously can't tell me that it's affected by damage when I was able to take down the shields of a nullifier FASTER with a fresh off the market level 0 braton than I was with a level 30 twice forma'd potatoed vaykor marelok.  You just can't.  It clearly just depends on your rate of fire, which means anyone who doesn't like boltor p or soma is screwed.  video proof, and you doubt it. my word.

Well, maybe it just depends on the base stats and not on the actual dmg ;) ?

It has low hp, but mod-dmg does not effect this bubble.


This could be the solution of your problem :P . But this is only a theory :D .

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yea, this is just logic. not a complaint something that makes total sense, but here come to comments about how u need skill to kill them. EX. why dont u just slide inside the bubble and kill them.

Its terrible for frames like mirage and valkyr and loki that have more to lose than frames without durational powers

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Its terrible for frames like mirage and valkyr and loki that have more to lose than frames without durational powers


Yup, not to mention if you are hosting then going up and personal with it can very well be the last thing you do. One or two shots from Lanka and you are dead. Not to mention all the stuff that lurks within the bubble.

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Request for the OP: repeat your test, but this time, fire the Braton one shot at a time and wait for the bubble to finish shrinking before firing the next shot. Likewise for the Marelok - don't shoot again until the bubble stops declining.


It doesn't matter;  A gun that does 20 damage should be doing nothing to that shield.  Nothing.

Also, since the shield animation is clearly broken, how does that change anything?  It's basically as if the shield isn't affected by damage.

That was the whole point.  It is affected by damage, except it's not because RoF still wins over damage.

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It doesn't matter;  A gun that does 20 damage should be doing nothing to that shield.  Nothing.

Why? The shield DOESN'T have HP, why should a low damage attack negate it's worth?


That was the whole point.  It is affected by damage, except it's not because RoF still wins over damage.

Just because RoF 'wins' over Damage doesn't mean it's not affected by damage, just that it is affected by RoF more so.

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Why? The shield DOESN'T have HP, why should a low damage attack negate it's worth?


Just because RoF 'wins' over Damage doesn't mean it's not affected by damage, just that it is affected by RoF more so.

It shouldn't BE affected by RoF, it should be only affected by damage.  What is so difficult to understand about this?  I shouldn't be able to scratch anything in T4 with a gun that does next to no damage, and yet I'm perfectly capable of destroying a nullfier's shield faster with it than a gun that can 1 shot everything else, and that has no problem with taking down captain vor.

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You are stating a opinion. I understand your opinion. I disagree with the opinion.


So can you at least tell me why damage should mean nothing to nullifier shields?  That any weapon I've accumulated so far shouldn't matter when I come up against these guys?  Why?

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So can you at least tell me why damage should mean nothing to nullifier shields?

Damage does matter, it doesn't matter as much as RoF though.


As for 'why', because it's a different mechanic for an enemy. There are several enemies, normally bosses, that high resist high RoF, low damager per shot weapons, while they are high vulnerable to low RoF, high damage per shot weapons. This is a similar concept but inverted so.. Why not?

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Damage does matter, it doesn't matter as much as RoF though.


As for 'why', because it's a different mechanic for an enemy. There are several enemies, normally bosses, that high resist high RoF, low damager per shot weapons, while they are high vulnerable to low RoF, high damage per shot weapons. This is a similar concept but inverted so.. Why not?


Uh what ?

Do you know lephantis had a 800 damage hard cap ?


An arrow that does 30k damage will  be nerf till 800 damage.

While autoguns still dakka through easily. 800 damage cap is alright since they dakka in excess of 10 rounds a second and hit scan.


No issues for autoguns at all.

Not so for bow and snipers.


This nullifier implementation is nearly the same as Lephantis when he was first patched.

Edited by fatpig84
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Do you know lephantis had a 800 damage hard cap ?

It still doesn't change the fact that he is now Pro Low RoF now, like Ruk. What's wrong with having that mechanic inverted?


My only real issue with Nullifiers is that they use high damage weapons, and not a low damage pistol.

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I hate rapid fire weapons. Before the nullifier came in, I could use single shot, high power weapons and do just as well as Boltor Prime spamming Rhinos. Why should I be required to use an entire class of guns that I hate just to deal with one enemy type?


EDIT: you really have no idea what you're talking about, do you.



The "green extraction pointer" comes up at 5 minutes. Only total idiots would leave then and miss out on 2/3 of the drop table.


And simply reaching rotation C is worthless. You are aware that the useful parts have a miniscule (5% or lower) drop chance, right? 20 runs of 20 minutes each is a 62% chance of getting this part. And that's T4 survival. Interception is worse, since those keys can't even be obtained through syndicates.


No, keys aren't easy to get and I plan to wring all I can get out of them.


Hey, read the wiki, and see how they work. And stop complaining about the fact that you seem to be unable to handle them, while everyone else can.


Also, don't give a damn about the drop tables, just because you want to farm longer. You are supposed to be fighting for your life, not glancing at your watch, leaving when you get bored. Too bad your totally safe farming expeditions have been put on hold.


Working as intended.


Also: "My response to an ice level is always to quit and restart. There is absolutely no reason for me to do a mission with half shields.", you must be a PUG favorite. "Oh look he quit again". If you can't even handle running half shields, I'm not surprised you can't handle Nullifiers.


The point of games is to deal with what they throw at you and thrive. Not constantly find shortcuts. If you simply do that every time, maybe Tetris is what they should be playing.

Edited by DSpite
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1. Take your Bolto

2. Install Entropy Spike on it

3. Find a Nullifier

4. Shoot a quick burst at him

5. Profit!



Let the bubble stay as it is, but dear god do something about their weapon. OHKO even before the 20 minutes mark is RIDICULOUSLY BROKEN. And that's combined with better than Arctic Eximus bubble and power nullification.

Honestly, I dont like the idea of any normal attacks being a one hit KO if you have collectively over 1000 combined points of health and shield regardless of armor rating before 30 min. That doesnt present a real challenge since there is really nothing you could have done to avoid being shot except for remaining behind cover. Enemies just have insane reaction time (shooting you in the exact same frame they notice you as you round a corner) combined with pinpoint accuracy even when you are traveling at extreme speeds.

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^ 1-shoot mobs is nothing new in T4 and high levels. but  they were no problem when you could use abilities to counter them, you know. Now all your CC abilities are nullified by genius designers. So you have to resort to tank frames or have Trinity or sit in Frost bubble all the time. 

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