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I Think It Would Be Helpful If We Could Buy Forma Bp/full Forma With Ducats


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I love the void trader but honestly it takes me one stack of Bo Prime Ornaments to buy 5 times over the full list of items available. I think it would be a good idea to add some of the more repeated items like forma bp, rare resources, etc. Any thoughts?

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Honestly guys, If you get to where I am (rushing 5 forma per day), you actually run out of forma BPs.

I don't have the plat for that. I don't trade that often. Also when Nova P was added I seemed to start getting 2x the Forma BPs when compared to before.

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Don't know about Formas... But I'd looove to be able to grab Fusion Cores from the guy. There's no Platinum-based alternative to Fusion Cores, is there? So it wouldn't be eating into their profits.

Anything like that is fine, my idea was just something more repeatable.

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That makes no sense, If i can buy more bp's, and rush more forma, = more plat spent?

if you want to rush you need plat, and you get plat by buying it.....but if u can buy the full forma for ducats then there's no rushing thus no plat spending and thus no plat buying 

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Don't know about Formas... But I'd looove to be able to grab Fusion Cores from the guy. There's no Platinum-based alternative to Fusion Cores, is there? So it wouldn't be eating into their profits.

Fusion core packs ( not that any sensible tenno would buy those mind you)


I love the void trader but honestly it takes me one stack of Bo Prime Ornaments to buy 5 times over the full list of items available. I think it would be a good idea to add some of the more repeated items like forma bp, rare resources, etc. Any thoughts?

IMHO I don't think this is a good idea, since the void trader sells stuff you can't find anywhere else, not something that drop like flies in the void.

I'm just wondering if he'll start selling legendary cores for 500,000 ducats....

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Fusion core packs ( not that any sensible tenno would buy those mind you)


...Oh, wow, I hadn't known about that. 80 Platinum for 1 Gold core and a CHANCE at 2 more? Good God, that's pretty much a guarantee that they'll never add a faster way to get Fusion Cores. We're forever doomed to spamming T4 Survival for them. D: And I need a couple thousand... I foresee a Warframe-burnout in my future.

Edited by ToolboxMotley
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I'd rather buy stuff like Mutagen samples, Fieldron, Neurodes & Argon Crystals, those annoying items we can ONLY get via alerts & those 3-5x run grindfests, or building them one at a time! when a supra takes 6 fieldron, and I have to do mission 5xs for 3 fieldron that I have to wait half a day to actually GET after I've put in my time.

That gets really annoying really fast, so make the damnable things available to buy for the limited time the trader is around, sounds reasonable to me.

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I think it would be a good idea to add some of the more repeated items like forma bp, rare resources, etc. Any thoughts?

ROFLOL you need forma bp? because I'm literally over here feeding my kubrow forma BP for no apparent reason. (It's why he's so HUGE lol)


do some t1D for a little. You'll get MORE then you need

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ROFLOL you need forma bp? because I'm literally over here feeding my kubrow forma BP for no apparent reason. (It's why he's so HUGE lol)


do some t1D for a little. You'll get MORE then you need


I've probably used about 500 forma... maybe more. All I do is fully forma every weapon and frame, and then when i finally do that ill start building up my dojo. Its the only thing left for me to do in WF. I do T4D for forma bp, anything else is less efficient. T4D has a chance to drop forma at every rotation. Thank you for telling me where to get forma bp, that's entirely not the point of this thread.

Edited by Skaleek
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I think he should just sell more nice things.


Like a permanent upgrade to the incubator (Primed Incubator) that removes the swap time for kubrows and the need for DNA Stabilizers, and a Primed Extractor AI that keeps the extractors out until they bring you back what you actually want, and automatically off-loads, repairs and releases them again.


No, screw that, those should be innate to the game.  But knowing DE they'll probably sell them to us anyway.

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