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Why Eyes Of Blight Was Silly, Or: Why Lotus Is A Terrible Strategist.


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We have the Grineer building "balor fomorians", which are enormous ships with both horrific amounts of firepower and apparently unbeatable defenses.  Their only vulnerability is a pair of thermal exhaust ports shield generator towers which can be taken out by a precision strike by anything small and fast enough to get through the ship's barrage, permitting entry to the interior where the power core can be disrupted and attacked. So it's all well and good that we the Tenno are going in, taking out the shield towers, and then disrupting the power cores.  But then it all just gets stupid because all we have once we get in there is the hand weapons we carry.


The thing is it didn't have to be this way. You see, the Corpus are losing their entire fleet to these things.  Ships exploding left and right. You literally cannot even engage a fomorian without weaving through burning Corpus wreckage. So it's obvious they would have a vested interest in seeing these things destroyed, and they haven't been shy about asking for our help in the past when it served their needs (Gradivus).  The Tenno by themselves are basically poking the fomorians until they die out of sheer annoyance, but the Corpus have ships. Lots of ships. They have big battle cruisers, they have destroyers, they have freighters, they have tugs.  They can't face the fomorians head on without getting destroyed, but if only there was some other group they could ally with, that could deliver a surgical strike and take the ship offline for a brief window of opportunity, like... Hmm...  Oh right! Us!


We can disable the ship for 30 seconds. No power, no shields, no guns. So you get the Corpus ready to go and as soon as we knock the ship out, warp in and rake it with a combined broadside from every cruiser you can muster. Or just load up some freighters with high explosives and ram the thing.  Or hey: Corpus has teleportation technology, give the parts for a portable teleport gate, we'll set it up inside, then send a few nukes through right into the thing's core.


Basically, we were fighting fomorians in the most ridiculous way possible. It is obvious that we should have allied with the Corpus to mount a far more effective offense, and the fact that Lotus didn't see it seriously calls into question her qualifications as our strategic leader.  Heck, even if you think allying with the Corpus is the worst idea ever despite our mutual and urgent need, she should at least have been able to get us a supply of bombs for our own use so that we aren't forced into trying to destroy something the size of a building with a machine gun, thirty seconds at a time.



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Whats this? Someone points out that the Lotus doesnt act in the best interest of Tenno Lives?

Well Said




EDIT:...The heck was that?


It was like a certain wordy tenno just shouted I TOLD YOU SO from his corner in Fan Zone

Edited by ensignvidiot
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Actually in my opinion we should have divided the roles. Some of us carry Disruptors to null those weird internal shields (why bother with external shields then?) and others a large bomb of some kind giving you the ability to not only destroy all the nodes but probably blow up the Balor Fomorian with ease instead of forcing us to make successive runs against it.


As an RTS player and history enthusiast. I'd like to imagine I know a fair bit about war so a lot of things we do for the Lotus seems odd to me.

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But if we allied with the Corpus to eliminate the Fomorians, then that means that the Tenno picked a side and that whole prattle about 'balance' meant F*** all in the end.

It's really simple; who has the gargantuar, laser-firing super ships? The Grineer. Who lost a metric f*ck ton of ships to the Grineer super ships? The Corpus.

How will we bring balance? We will help the Corpus.

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Simple solution: have the Corpus beat up the Grineer, and while their guard is down plant bombs on *some* of the Corpus ships for latter detonation.


^Would make for much better even. It's clever, and smells of Tenno trickery. 

Edited by YourBusDriver
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Nothing in this event makes sense.


Those are Corpus ships, but why are they around the Relay? Were they actually helping us? Did they just sacrifice themselves by accident to stop the Fomorian? Did they see the Fomorians attacking Tenno Relays and thought it would be wise to intervene? Were they there as a coincidence? Did they think it would be fun? Were they promised a Flux Rifle Vandal by Frohd Bek if they managed to stop 15 Fomorians?


Did they stick to their decision for two weeks? They did. Why? No idea. Maybe they really like the Relays, despite being filled with Corpus renegades, Grineer runaways and Tenno sympathizers. Maybe they didn't know that the Relays were there and they just liked the idea of fighting the Fomorians.


Seriously, there were Corpus ships destroyed during fights on Grineer-occupied planets. The Corpus took their ships and sent them in large numbers to fight around Grineer strongholds. Who would do that? People who enjoy losing?



The only way to justify large amounts of Corpus ships destroyed by the Fomorians during the approach to the Relays is to assume that the Corpus was actually helping the Tenno. That sort of "we'll provide firepower and distraction and that should allow your Archwing teams to approach the Fomorians" kind of help, which they sucked at.



Still, for the story and the lore it provides, I give this event 0/10 points. For being an Archwing event, I'll be generous and up that to -2/10.

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Hell even the first time we faced the Fomorians we went inside them, and f***ed with the fuel of the reactor which made them blow up. This whole failed event wasn't about stopping the Fomorians from destroying the relays, it was to test a new grineer archwing sabotage mission type. To which I have to said no one will ever play that mission, it boring, stressful and dumb beyond words i know of.


I only played it 14 times, failed four runs due to huge mission breaking bugs and teammates not giving a single f**k about the mission or each other. I died in mission a lot during this event, more then any other event I took part in. Hell I died less in the Gate Crasher event then this one, and that event actively was nerfing you down to levels that made an unrank warframe seem beefy.

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Archwings are broken, but that's not the point. 


The point is:


1. This event was poorly implemented, and the time span was far too long for most players’ attention spans. It either needs to be a week or a month – pick one for Christ sake.


2. Its plot made no sense, and was not logically thought out. Hey Tenno, go arbitrarily blow S#&$ up and receive bacon!


3. Player contributions were not met with additional reward. The event architecture did not promote trying to save the relays, and did not reward exemplarily players.


4. Not many players care about the relays, or have even used them! As interesting as it was to see a portion of the system physically threatened, we didn’t take it seriously. Threaten to blow up portals to the Orokin void, and see our response then… 

Edited by YourBusDriver
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