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Coming Soon: Devstream #44!


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Q: Will we ever see maps created tailored to the Survival game mode? While recent changes (in relation to how long the mode has been out) have improved the quality of Survival missions, they are still difficult, especially in lower difficulties where spawns are fewer and oxygen is thus rarer. As spawns weren't an issue on the original Defense style maps, I believe that having maps created for the purpose of Survival would fix the issue more effectively.


Q: There has been talk before about bringing back previous events so that newer players could play them. Is this still on the table? Will the repeat events give the same rewards as previously?


Q: Mod balancing has been talked about a lot, and even brought up on previous DevStreams before. Is there any progress on having a more balanced mod system? Mods such as the pure Status Chance or electricity damage for melee are pointless to use because other mods do that job, better.


Q: Any details on Focus? This system has been  mentioned many times over the past years but we still have no details on it. Is it taking shape finally?


Q: Why was Nova chosen for a Prime over other frames that came way before she did, such as Trinity?

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Any News on Resource 2.0? I think I ask this question every time a dev stream comes up but it never gets asked...I have 876 Morphics and I already built everything in the game. Just one example of how overstocked I am and would like more resource sinks.


All the weapons that are enemies have we can get. Except one the Pyrotechnic Rocket Launcher used by the Grineer  Napalms. Any information when we can get that.


Bombards rockets have this crazy homing on the rockets. I tried to roll out of the way 3 times and the rocket did a 360 degree turn and still hit me. When can we get a mod like that for our Ogris.


What can we expect to be in U16? Could it be in a week or more like a month away?


Any new event to rebuild relays or are they gone for good?


What happened to the Void Drop Tables...they seem to be broken again. Any comments or Ideas you came up with or seen on the forums would like to explore?


 Are Fusion Cores going to make it into syndicates?


Progress on Foundry Queuing?


Teaser for next warframe coming out and is it inspired by one of the communitys concepts?


Tellurium is a very hard resource to find. Are there going to be some more ways to obtain(soon to be boss grind?) or increase in drop rate.

Edited by TriggerHappyWhiteGuy
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If there's an event to rebuild relays, might it be possible to build a Prime relay, which would entice the Void Trader into staying longer, offering a larger selection, and cycling his wares more frequently? I'm sure he'd appreciate it :P

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Question: Could you explain the decision process for how many capacity points a max rank mod costs?


For example:

Archgun mods: Polar Magazine and Venomous Clip both give 120% of their respective elements. but PM is 9 points and VC is eleven. 

Pistol mods: Deep Freeze cost 9 points for +60% cold damage, and the other elements are all 11 points for 90%. 


Why don't you make them all the same cost and/or effect? is there a reason behind it? 


Question: What benefit does having multiple relays give players? Will Void Trader have his own timer for each Relay? 


Question: After having released the Nova Prime Access, will you release a Prime color palette? I want to bling my stuff with metallic gold and/or silver, and have Shirley Bassey singing Goldfinger as my theme song.       :D


Question: When can we have channeling mods for ArchMelee? Come on, you know you wanna ^_^


Question: Kubrow Prime or Prime Accessories/cosmetics for Kubrow? I would love to see a little syadana (Not "sedan", damn spell check...) on my kubrow. 

Edited by (PS4)Fool-One
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Hey Dev's love the game I rather this an destiny. I have a question. There are many status in the game bleedout,poison,electrified,frozen an many more but me and my friend wanted to know would you guys consider having element warframe reap benefits when affected with there element status?

For ex (in a ice area your warframe have half sheild but Frost get a boost in armor while on ice.

Volt when hit with electricity would gain shield back or power.

SARYAN heal for a short time when poison while her molt has it.

EMBER deal more damage while affected with fire or gain increase speed mobility.It would allow for more survivabilty on maps.

It could be added augmented mods with syndicates or update on warframes.

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First of all,


Happy New Year to DE.


Question: What are the ideas in the Devs minds to raise the bar on Warframe!? Where is our endgame (and don't tell me that Dark Sectors and Syndicates are the endgame we wanted or that the game deserves)? Raids? New faction? New planet system? Better enemy AI behaviour? Better fog systems? Dynamic/Volumetric sun rays? Better stamina system for those of us that actually go sword alone? More lore....etc. I can could go on for a few more lines of text but u get the idea.


BTW the new cloth code that was teased by DESteve last week... will it be applied to Trinity and other frames?


Keep up the good work DE,


Happy 2015

Edited by Bazools
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Dear DE,


When will you buff the Rakta Ballistica? I'm sure you have seen a lot of threads full of rants and complaints. I mean no offense but there is just no way to make the weapon useful at all no matter how many times you put forma on it. It's already bad enough that all other syndicate hates us. Please be considerate. Thank you.




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Will there be a defense mission for the archwing?


I had an idea for a defense archwing mission. Basically a team of 4-8 tennos to protect a relay station from attacking grineers and/or corpus. Since we will be in space the quantity of enemies would be greater. So instead of extracting every 5 waves, it would be every 1 wave (1 wave would feel like 3-5 waves at once). It's just a thought, I hope consideration is taken.


Has there been any thought of maybe adding a slot on the frames and weapons for augmented mods? An aura slot for the archwings would be nice too.

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1. Eyes of blight cost PC over 1/2 of their relays. How does this affect future plans to make each of the relays unique and interesting?

2. Will we be able to rebuild relays?

3. It was noted that Eyes of Blight will be scaled down for the console versions, as they have fewer players. Will they be scaled to proportions equal to what PC experienced, or will the console fomorians be smaller/easier to destroy, thus avoiding the nuke of so very many relays?

4. If relays are denoted by "Mission: Hub" on the star chart, why does Reb get so freaked out when she says "hub"? She seems cool with saying "interception" and "assassination", so why does calling that mission by the type bug her?

5. Did you cry when the relays died?

6. What other changes can we expect for syndicates?

7. Last year had a LOT of delays on the work schedule(sudden "so, this week is another hotfix" at update X.9.8. Will this year be quicker?

8. What was the actual expectation for the Eyes of Blight operation? It seemed a bit rushed, and the finale(for dead relays), although serviceable, didn't leave the impression of it being intended to be seen(as over-the-top as many of the intended-to-see visuals are, it was kind of low-key). Did you guys just miscalculate somewhere, or did you actually plan on/expect us to lose relays?

9. How long to u16?

10. Next frame?

11. Will there be any negative effects on the void trader from the exceptional lack of relays?

12. The battle pay on Eyes of Blight left the impression that most people on them were rather indifferent to their impending demise--pay was kinda low, with somewhat inconsequential requirements, considering 2 powerful merchants and 6 shadow governments all claim homes there.

13. Itzal rawks. Very much feels like what an archwing "should be".

14. Will we be seeing fomorian sabotage returning as a regular mission type now?

15. Why are the fomorians so tiny? After years of having them haunt the skyboxes and event calendar, they seem extremely small compared to the regular ships we raid, and absolutely miniscule compared to the corpus sabotage vessels. Also, based on the event, most of the fomorians in skyboxes are well within firing range, and actually less than a thousand meters away. Can we expect bigger, better fomorians at some point, or are we at the end of the fomorian saga?

16. Are we at the end of the fomorian saga, or will they show up again?

17. Will we be seeing more of Alad V? His story seems like it still has places to go, and his dialogue has suggested that he still has "lives left" to burn. Would be strange if the queen of blades Alad V saga just ended like that.

18. Now that t4 keys are going to be harder to get, will the drop rates on t4 prime parts be increased? The rates seem much lower than other void keys, but that made sense when the keys were readily for sale. With them no longer being a sale item, it makes no sense that their prime part rates should be lower than the other tower types.

19. T5?

20. So, how 'bout that focus?

21. The wording of the change to the syndicate offerings was "cycled". This suggests that, at some possible future point, the package of 5 keys could return. Would this perhaps be a holiday bonus sale or something? Perhaps even a daily login reward(similar to the platinum bonus rewards--24/48 hour sale). Or are they in fact "gone for the foreseeable future"?

22. How much of the further hub development can we expect in the future?

23. Do the exploded relays stymie any plans you guys had for them?

25. If any of the relays become console exclusives, will you advertise that?(ie. If strata only survives on Xbox, or Vesper only survives on PS4)?

26. If you had to do the Eyes of Blight over again on PC, what would you do differently?

27, The Eyes of Blight trailer had a transition to "classic" mode at the end... and the parts for this were clearly present on the actual model. Was that meant to have happened, and will it ever be seen in future renditions? How far off is the conversion from AW to classic? U16? Further off?

28. The new trend of combining weapons to make newer ones: here to stay? Also, can we expect tiers of weapons? Ie. skana+vasto to make a redeemer, then redeemer+something else to make a third weapon?

29. If the new combo trend stays, eventually some of them will be primed. How is that going to work?

30. Syndicate weapons and weapon mods make non-syndicate weapons vastly inferior. Is there any plan to let the non-blessed ever catch up, or to ever expand the pool of weapon mods available? It seems strange to own 200 different weapons and realize that the lack of syndicate powers makes 90% of them pointless to bring along.

31. Syndicates... IN SPACE! Will there ever be AW syndicate stuff?

32. AW passives--it's been noted that, right now, the best frame to take to AW mode is the one you hate, as you won't miss the revives, and nothing else matters. Can we ever expect to see AW mode passives to differentiate the frames from eachother? Minor things, like, say, bonus armor to valkyr or bonus damage to mesa's guns?

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33. There was talk of us possibly getting back our 2 lost warframe slots as augment-only slots. Is this still on the table?

34. Would there be any chance for general skills to be used for like 5th slots? I know the idea was declared DoA when abilities were made inherent, but it was also stated that perhaps there would be more than 4 abilities available. Having extra abilities available for a 5th(and possibly 6th?) slot could still work.

35. Underclocking was one of the biggest reasons that ability mods were kept in play so long. When they were removed, it was said that there would be underclocking available through the UI. We're coming up on 3 major updates since then, and it's still not here.... will it be coming any time soon?

36. Can we ever expect any more syndicates?

37. It was noted that the current syndicate balance is awkwardly skewed/disharmonius(and a bit confusing--cliche good guys steel meridian are BFF with cliche villains Red Veil? say what??), and it was stated that these would be changing. Is that still on schedule? If so, how are the plans to compensate players that are completely screwed when it changes(for example, I'm rank 5 in 4 different syndicates right now)? If not, the initial points of awkwardness and oddness still apply. Thoughts?

38. What did you get for christmas?

39. It was noted that there were other DE projects underway, like a card game. What's the progress on that? Will that be playable in WF, or related in any way?

40. Wyrmius isn't here yet. =( Why not?

41. If/when Wyrmius does arrive, it was said it could possibly give great prizes for high scores and such. Would ducats be a possibility? It would be interesting to win a few ducats... like maybe one or two for beating the game, 3 for being a daily high score, 5 for being a weekly high score, and so forth? Nothing super farmable, but something that would be much more worthwhile than the previously mentioned "get a wyrm prime"... while that would be nice, the FIRST time, each additional time, it's... well, if you got the full thing, kind of useless, and if you got the parts, would still be just ducats.

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42. Will there be any more kubrow types?

43. Kubrows... IN SPACE! Any chance on that, or still no?

44. Will there be any more kubrow patterns/colors?

45. Will there be any more dojo patterns/colors?

46. Will there be any more liset patterns/colors?

47. Request: We have this great emote menu, and we have these awesome idle animations, and yet, we somehow cannot use the emote menu to activate the idle animation. This seems like it would be really easy to do. Can we get that hooked up? Label the emote like "wait", and then have it play the idle anim. It would be so cool. Please?

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Are there any plans on expanding the use of stamina and stamina mods? Before you tried to make it a more important aspect of the game but people raged as they could not "always run".

Would it be possible to introduce more rewarding credit drops from enemies? Or missions with a focus on in game acquisition of credits?

Also please try to connect the solarsytem more to what we do. Invasions, syndicate missions, events and their results need to affect the world. Consequences to what is done. Makes it feel more living.
*slightly outdated but still:

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Question 1: Will we ever see additions to the kubrow system other than cosmetic stuff or is that it for them? What I mean is will issues like no progression system, kubrow slowly dies but never needs to be fed ever be addressed. Will syndicates have something to do with kubrows?


Question 2: Kubrow primes? Or non-combat utility/cosmetic only pets?


Question 3: Will you address the issue with desecrate and how people don't want to do survival without nekros? This isn't just a warframe balancing issue; it affects an entire game mode causing it to suffocate diversity and promote spamming of powers.

Edited by Psycomet
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Q1: do you have any plans of improving the MR requirements of items ?


the main issue is that aside from Rhino other frames have no MR req (exuding the Void/Archwing req). Prime items while have 0 MR req their "normal" counterparts can have 6MR. 

a lot of stuff is noted here : https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/381360-so-i-found-an-mr-2-player-with-the-soma-prime/


Q2: any news for Syndicate armor/ decorations ?


Q3: whats your aim (thing in game - not the date) for U16 ? 

Edited by Cracken
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I would like to bring 2 arguments that i'd love to see discusses in this Devstream:


Split of Exp and Standings: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/382023-rework-of-mission-tiers-and-the-split-expstanding


Fieldron/Mutagen/Detonite, Crafting Vs Battlepays: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/380853-the-uselessness-of-fieldron-detonite-and-mutagen-crafting-fix-em/

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Kubrow Kuestions


1. The kubs have this nasty habit of standing in front of you.


Which is extremely annoying since you have to reposition yourself in the middle of a battle from, probably, a good spot to be able to shoot at the enemy.

Can we get this fix? Dont know anything about this engine but linking a default spot behind the player doesnt sound that difficult, right?


2. How about adding kubrow commands to the emote wheel?

Two simple and helpful commands to start should be guard and heel.


Guard has the kubrow only attack enemies that coming within a certain radius from the spot where guard was cast.

This would be helpful in defense missions to guard the pod\computer and when doing stealth. Because when sneaking around the kubs goes pretty much everywhere because of the pathing its programmed with. So you could leave the kub behind until you clear the area.


Heel has the kub immediately stop whatever it's doing and returns to the side of the player.

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