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Coming Soon: Devstream #44!


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Hi my questions are:

1. Will you show us what you have in mind for this year or at least what we can expect for the comming months?
2. Everybody wants to see the new Warframe which you said that will be something interesting, so maybe we can see some concept art?

3. How is the progress with the tenno cruiser that you mentioned in the past and do you have more in mind for it as a role from the last time you mentioned it?

4. Can you reveal more about the shops or parts of the dojo that we can add to the Hubs and speaking of Hubs did we lost the those hubs forever or now that we saved some they will help rebuild the others who were destroyed?

5. The Archwing is a success, but since the archwings have special abilities will they get special enhancing mods like the warframes or you are not sure about that move yet? After all some of the enhancing ability mods are huge hits. :)

Edited by RazulDarkwood
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Finally, feels like forever since the last one. Im working so as ever am gonna miss the stream but look forward to catching up on youtube... keen to see what developments we have in the place for the start of this year - weve a lot of catching up to do on the console in the meantime too so be nice to hear where we stand with that as well.

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Finally, feels like forever since the last one. Im working so as ever am gonna miss the stream but look forward to catching up on youtube... keen to see what developments we have in the place for the start of this year - weve a lot of catching up to do on the console in the meantime too so be nice to hear where we stand with that as well.

Finally, feels like forever since the last one. Im working so as ever am gonna miss the stream but look forward to catching up on youtube... keen to see what developments we have in the place for the start of this year - weve a lot of catching up to do on the console in the meantime too so be nice to hear where we stand with that as well.

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I'll ask my age old question yet again in hopes for an answer :D



Will we ever see rewards for completing a Mastery Challenge, such as the choice between 2 Weapon slots or a Frame slot?

Not necessarily for each mastery Rank, seeing as one of the biggest streams of revenue would be(?) from Slot purchases.

Edited by Farris
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Will there be some rebalancing and tweaking in Dark Sector Nodes, to make the entire Dark Sector System more dynamic or will it ever be possible for different Clans to deploy multiple Rails on one Node at the same time without starting a Conflict?

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Any news on the Focus system, Parkour 2.0 and the new stealth mechanics?


Will there be any Archwing-planetary or Archwing-void kind of hybrid missions, or will Archwing still be a minigame inside Warframe?


Any plans for a new Warframe?


Could you add a cancel button for dojo colors research?

Edited by Esguord
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Can we have a PLEASE have mastery specific skin for weapons or warframes..... I know d sigils r in place.... BUT REMEMBER HOW MANY HOURS IT TOOK FOR US TO GET TO THE HIGH RANKS.... SO much time invested and all we get is a sigil... please DE .... Would you consider giving us at least a scabbard for the dragon nikana ... which will change as per mastery rank.... ?

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- Are there any plan for raids or similar high cooperation and difficulty missions on the future ( with less nullifiers and one shots ) ?

- There was once a coment that the grind was gonna be reduced, instead we got primed mods that instead of being stronger then original mods, need more levels , meaning they need more cores and cash to max out. Are there any plans on adding higher tier missions for cores and credits to at least mitigate part of the grind ?

- Will we ever get a token system ? i personally have the worst possible luck with rng and would like an alternative, even it means getting 20 of a diferent part for another 1 part.

- Is there gonna be more focus on weapon balance ? as of now theres one extremely strong sindicate weapon while the rest are an minor upgrade

- Can you please take a look on high level enemies that end up one shotting people ( high level nullifiers and tar moas ), one shotting COULD be fine if we had more time/warning for the attack itself.

- Please add more lore.

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Why hasnt there been any attention given to the melee channeling mechanic?


For example, why is there no melee weapon that latently gains bonus crit/status chance when channeled? Gains extended reach when channeled? Swings faster when channeled? Sends off flying sword attacks when channeled? Causes enemies to explode in a shower of potatoes when channeled?


That has anything other than 1.5x damage when channeled?


We have a hell of alot of redundancy in melee weapons at the moment (example, Nami Skyla made Dual Kama and Dual Ether completely redundant when the former came out) why isnt the channeling mechanic being used to differeniate them more?

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My list of questions. I hope the one that got steamrolled two livestreams ago can be asked again.


Q1. The new Europa (ice planet) tilsets have turned out very nicely. Great work! Any plans on expanding the solar system by turning other Jupiter or Saturn moons into mission sectors too? For example Io and Titan. What about Earth's moon?


Q2. Why are the Skana and Lato the only starter weapons which aren't Mk-1 variants of more potent weapons? Both are quite prominent in your promotional material (just take the Excalibur statue for example), wouldn't it make sense to give people more reason to keep on using them beyond early level?

PS: AkLAto has only 2/3rd of the damage that the single Lato has (since Update 14).


Q3. Any chance you might bring the old (circular saw) weapon Sawman back? I loved how you could sum up the Grineer approach to warfare with this unit.


Q4. How many people on the team are working on the Warframe and weapon balancing? Is it only Scott or is there a team for that? With the ever increasing number of weapons you add to the game, it seems like a sisyphosian* task for just one man to balance all that, while also being responcible for other parts in development.


*In case the name confuses someone. Sisyphos is a figure in greek mythology, forced to push a stone up a hill only to see it roll down again, having to repeat that action every day.


Q5. What exactly qualifies a weapon as clantech and what qualifies it as freely obtainable via the market (in blueprint form)? Is it something decided yet or will you revisit this later in development?


Q6. Why do you put new backround lore regarding the Orokin into the Warframe descriptions instead of giving it it's own section in the codex? Shouldn't Warframe descriptions be about how to best use a Warframe and what they represent, instead of providing welcome but unrelated lore?


Q7.Has the idea of introducing a manual knockback recovery option, aka. "manual handspring", gone anywhere or have you dropped the concept for now?

I recently got the Handspring mod and it shows that the animation for such an option it is allready in game.


Q8. How exclusive are event weapons which are reskins of regular types, like those under the Wraith and Vandal label? Meaning, will these ever be rewarded again or are they exclusive to those who earned them during past events, similar to the original founder pack items?

If they are rewarded again, what prices would those get who allready have one?


Q9. Judging by the design of her index finger and thumb it looks like Mesa's Peacemaker pistols were original supposed to connected to her finger for a barrel and turn her thumb into a hammer. However in game she wields them like normal pistols which causes them to float in mid air.

Is the original concept for the Peace Maker still in work or was that concept scrapped?

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1) Will we be able to unequip Sentinel weapons and not just their attack precept?


2) Can Helios's scan ability get buffed to be faster? Often times, I find the enemies are killed (either by teammates or my own hands) before it finishes scanning


3) Will we eventually be able to equip Sentinels during Archwing missions?  I'd love to bring along Helios *wink wink*
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Q1: New types of pets? Orokin Whale?


Q2: Will we ever have an endgame content that doesn't require grind, grind and more grind?


Q3: Any update about Focus system?


Q4: Non-fighting and more rewarding missions? (Archwing and Non-archwing missions).


Q5: Are you aware of the amount of grinding that would be required to be Mastery Rank 30, what are your thoughts about this?


Q6: Shotguns rework/buff? they really need some love.


Q7: New sentinels? with new utility functions.


Q8: Weapons/Mods balancing and revision?


Q9: Price check of the old market items? why we have so expensive/cheap stuff?


Q10: Any performance reviews? Every time a player joins my missions (host and client scenario) the amount of freezes is too much.

Edited by Zaniux
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1.) When is there going to be a "purpose" or a "reason" to run archwing missions?


right now the only reason to run an archwing mission is for archwing and archwing related accessories. once you have them all there is no longer a reason to run them. poor credits, poor cores, only archwing mods.


there needs to be an archwing survival, defense, mobile defense type missions that offer more then just archwing parts, even if just a good way to farm for fusion cores; because as it stands now-regardless of how entertaining it may be, a person who already has their archwing stuff has nothing to gain by running their missions. 


2.) shotguns need to be overhauled from the ground up.


the shotguns in the game are in a great state of disrepair.


they have two levels of damage fall off, unnecessary for a type of weapon that is among the lowest damage in the game. the shotguns have NATURAL damage fall per their pellet spread, the farther away you are the less pellets you hit them with and the less damage youll do, this means they DO NOT need to do less damage as the pellet travels. 


the strongest "traditional" shotgun in the game is the boar prime and its DPS maxes out at 22k DPS. however with the two types of damage fall off when shooting at a target 20m away you are going to be doing less then half that. you could say that its a shotgun and isnt meant to do good damage and range but if thats the case they need to do MUCH more damage and close range to justify the damage loss you suffer at moderate range. as it stands there is no reason to use the boar prime over its prime rifle counterparts such as the boltor, soma or even yes the braton.


additionally this isnt a call for the boar prime to be buffed, the same examples are even more drastic when comparing non-prime shotguns to non-prime rifles. 


damage falloff needs to be removed/reworked or shotgun damage increased IMMENSELY to compensate for falloff.


3.) syndicates: grind to achieve, then forget.


the syndicates suffer from a similar problem as the archwing, once you have your gun and the mods you got on your way to the gun it turns into just another wasted part of the game, the only thing they offer you is T4 keys and those are about to go out the window. so you went through all this effort to add something genuinely cool to the game but serves no purpose whatsoever after a bit a grinding and achieving your max rank. 


the syndicates need some lasting form of purpose, a reason for you to care about them past getting your weapon. the void keys were a good start but they needed more and now your taking a HUGE step back by removing them.


4.) Melee weapon balances. 


the melee weapons in the game need some attention. im not sure why the scythes, staffs and polearms were not a part of your heavy weapon rebalance but they needed to be. 


right now there is really no reason to use anything other then the scindo prime if your not a valkyr. people shouldnt be stuck with low damage by using the weapons they find interesting but currently thats the state of things.


a month or so ago you created one of many polls in your community hot topics regarding if the silva and aegis and if it should be buffed or not, the poll was a resounding yes, buff it, yes its needs special block exceptions, but nothing has been done.


the melee weapons should be high risk high reward but 90% of the melee weapons its currently high risk no reward.


X.) i have more topics i could post here but these are the ones that trouble me personally the most at this time. 









also, side note: youve talked of adding a syndicate mod slot to warframes. this should be done for weapons as well. all of the syndicate mods are for weaker weapons and the effects of the syndicate mods still leave them very sub par, this could be addressed by adding that same slot to weapons.

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When will Kubrow 2.0 happen, almost everybody went back to sentinels after the kubrow hype went down.


Here are some handy stats to guide further questioning about Companions - hopefully it can assist in questions reflecting true player choices/preferences instead of guesses. (Thanks to Gavan for graphs)


Time window: December 19, 2014 - January, 7 2015




Edited by DERebecca
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Question about Void:


Before the void was released, we were told about various interesting ways we could get into the void. We got key grinding.


Is there ever going to be an alternative to getting into the void, except key grind?




My questions about the scrapped Focus system:


1. As the ability mods were removed from the game and tied to the warframes, why do augmented mods exist in the first place?


2. Why such a great option to add various buffs and change abilities to one's liking has not been added as an element of Focus?


Think about it, Focus affinity could have been done as a reward for a quest/challenge. We still have absolutely nothing to do with the extra xp we gain on rank 30 gear.




Question about Syndicates:


I have no interest in buying augment mods, that don't have any space in the builds anyway. The weapons are not that great, to be honest. And now the void keys are gone.


What is even the point of gaining rep now?

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Oh Yeah Q&A!!! Lets begin!

- Are syndicates going to have each their own secret base, and like pvp between syndicates?

-Will we know more about tenno story this year?like, who created us? why we dont talk?What is really the orokin? what stalker have against us?Why Grinner and Corpus and Infested are our enemies? Why we cant see citizens anywhere? that kind of stuff

-Will there be a relationship improve between us and our syndicates?

-The Tenno will have the possibility of taking off their "armors" and stay like the npcs that we see in relays?

-Can platinum be droppable in-game(even if it have an elevated rarity)?

-Will Warframe have new NPCs?

and last question: What are you plans for the next "2.0" upgrade?

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