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Cernos Still Feels Subpar


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Last time I wanted to try this weapon, I found myself in trouble trying to get it to be good.

It doesn't work well as a status weapon, there are far better bows.

It doesn't work as a crit machine, again there are far better bows.

It doesn't work as a pure damage hose, once again other bows SLAUGHTER enemies far more efficiently.

It doesn't work as a shield breaker, why would I want to take ages to take that shield down when other bows CARVE their way through them?


In the end it's Paris Prime vs Dread. Cernos is cool, but that's as far as it can go. And as muchas a gun can be pretty, I'm not going to stick around with a nerf gun.


Either I am slowly turning obsessed with power creep and absolute damage efficiency, or the Cernos really needs a pick-me-up. Hell, I can't even think about putting a Forma on it without wondering if I am just wasting it without a reason.

Edited by Vintovka
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It isn't meant to be on par with the other two.  I effectively remember hearing something mentioned about just that, it wasn't going to be as good as the Paris or Dread.  Think of it as a Braton, you can use it later on but it's not as effective as grabbing a Sybaris to do the same work.  If they would lock a lot of these good weapons behind Mastery Rank it might solve some of this problem in thinking one should be on par or better than the other.

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In the end it's Paris Prime vs Dread. Cernos is cool, but that's as far as it can go. And as muchas a gun can be pretty, I'm not going to stick around with a nerf gun.


Either I am slowly turning obsessed with power creep and absolute damage efficiency, or the Cernos really needs a pick-me-up. Hell, I can't even think about putting a Forma on it without wondering if I am just wasting it without a reason.

The way it's SUPPOSED to be is"

Cernos = Anti-Corpus

Dread = Anti-Infested

Paris (Prime) = Anti-Grineer

Although I think Paris Prime is better than every Bow in every way. But that's just me (prepared for Hate from Dreadful users).

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What we need is a giant, high mastery war-bow that builds out of the Cernos - It needs to have enough impact damage to knock a planet out of orbit.




Although I think Paris Prime is better than every Bow in every way. But that's just me (prepared for Hate from Dreadful users).


While I do like both, Dread has the advantage of not being a gold-trimmed eyesore.

Edited by Cybernetix
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Cernos wouldn't be that bad if it had 40% base crit chance, as for now, with 35% base it can never reach 100% critrate and redcrits without any drawbacks, 40% base would alleviate this issue.

Maybe it could get more status or flat damage, because impact damage sucks tbh.

Edited by Mofixil
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What we need is a giant, high mastery war-bow that builds out of the Cernos - It needs to have enough impact damage to knock a planet out of orbit.



Bult from panthera and boltor prime, making it able to oneshoot Balor Fomorians and pierce the planet behind

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Made out of a Balor Fomorian with a Primed Dark Sector Rail tip, able to oneshot a star and pierce the Void behind. 

Made out of an Opticor and a Velocitus with a dual catalyst power source and Argon infused firing chamber.




Edited by LordMelvin
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As has been noted, you're comparing what is effectively a standard "tier" weapon to an endgame one... of course it's not going to pan out like that.  For a proper look compare the Cernos to the Paris, as they're actual comparables in this sense.


Seeing as the Cernos is a Tenno bow (unless I'm going senile) there's always that distinct possibility of us seeing a primed variant of it at some point in the future.  That bow should be an apt comparable to the Paris Prime and Dread, providing the Impact in that realm of play, assuming it's balanced appropriately.


All we can hope is that it doesn't sound so gosh darn strange like the Paris Prime does when that day finally comes  :p


In the meantime, you can always rock it with Critical Delay to get closer to that 100% crit zone.  It's actually been so long since I've had access to that bow that I can't remember if using both Point Strike and Critical Delay allows it to pass 100%, I think it does just barely though.


In effect, this would be like complaining that the standard Paris isn't as strong as the Dread when you take a step back and look at it.

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As has been noted, you're comparing what is effectively a standard "tier" weapon to an endgame one... of course it's not going to pan out like that.  For a proper look compare the Cernos to the Paris, as they're actual comparables in this sense.


Well maybe you're right. I am a player who greedily keeps every single gun after maxing out their rank, and wants to enjoy every single one of them without feeling compelled to resort to picking a god-tier one all the time. Sometimes I forget that some weapons are supposed to fall behind others because of "weapon tiers" existing in the game.

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If you want to agitate for Cernos Prime, then I am totally on board with this.



I'd rather see a hybrid tech one, of Grineer-Orokin make. Which would just be a Prime-power level, but looking like a baguette with barbwire :)

Better that Paris Prime, the Barbie Bow. 

Edited by BrazilianJoe
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Compared to the Paris, Cernos has:
+20% damage
+5% crit chance
Compared to Paris Prime, Cernos should not be.   >_>
If you want to agitate for Cernos Prime, then I am totally on board with this.



The problem is I don't use a Paris where there is a Paris Prime around. And yes, you're probably right (thanks for bringing that to my attention)... but the Paris gets two Puncture mods, Cernos only gets one Impact. The Impact equivalent to Bore/Fanged Fusillade would be quite great for it because, even though it would still have less damage than the top tier bows, its damage would at least start hurting the tough guys a lot.


Just speaking out of guess, again. I welcome any guys who will correct me with true information.

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The problem is I don't use a Paris where there is a Paris Prime around. And yes, you're probably right (thanks for bringing that to my attention)... but the Paris gets two Puncture mods, Cernos only gets one Impact. The Impact equivalent to Bore/Fanged Fusillade would be quite great for it because, even though it would still have less damage than the top tier bows, its damage would at least start hurting the tough guys a lot.


Just speaking out of guess, again. I welcome any guys who will correct me with true information.


This is just a matter of being ahead of the curve... (pun, curve, recurve bow... yeah)


DE doesn't just flood us with all the mods instantly, they release the secondary variant event mods with, you guessed it, events.  Considering we've already gotten both the amped up Slash and Puncture mods now, it's very likely possible we'll be seeing the very Impact set you seek at some point in the forseeable future.  Of course that's assuming they don't throw us a curve ball and do another Archwing event, or even more odd still jumping ship and throwing sentinel/kubrow event mods our way.


Basically, just like the issue with the Cernos itself, patience will reward you with what you desire in due time.  For what it's worth, the Cernos is my favorite of the bows as well when looking at aesthetics.

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What we need is a giant, high mastery war-bow that builds out of the Cernos - It needs to have enough impact damage to knock a planet out of orbit.




While I do like both, Dread has the advantage of not being a gold-trimmed eyesore.

^^^ That, we do need a massive beast impact bow, that knopcks everything over. Like it has innate punch through and knockdown. That'd be sick.

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The way it's SUPPOSED to be is"

Cernos = Anti-Corpus

however, Impact Damage is just terrible.


take just about any other Weapon, put a Toxin Mod on it. and that's it.

have fun oneshotting the Corpus.



Impact Damage has one purpose - creating Stagger Effects. and that's not useful on precision Power Hit Weapons (except for some exceptions such as Grinlok, as thematically staggering things around on most shots as you close the Distance is exactly how the Winchester 1894 was generally used).




on a side note, i wish 35% Crit Chance was more common. it's a perfect number with how the game is now. take your high Crit Rate, or! use another Crit Chance Mod to reach 100%.

that's a fantastic niche Playstyle choice that Warframe desperately needs more types of.


choices that are both good, and neither obsolescences (wow, obsolescenci's would be the correct word here, but it's not a word) each other because they are for different purposes.

therefore neither is outclassed, and both are equally arguably useful.

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