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One Of Warframe's Greatest Youtubers, Calypso, Is Almost Done With Warframe :(


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Only a handful of 'popular' tubers are actually doing vids for this game still and they are slowly moving away; these people were/are pretty much advertising WF to the masses for free so them leaving really isn't a good thing imo regardless of what you think about them.

Edited by fizbit
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Why should we care? This is no different than any other "I'm burnt out, I don't want to play anymore" threads. Him being apparently one of the "greatest youtubers" doesn't make it any special or anything. Veteran players quit very often because they are burnt out and this is nothing new.



Oh wait, but no, he is a big shot and he quit Warframe - this must mean something! Quick DE, fix the game so some dude can come back and continue playing.

at least this guy understands

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Me neither really burn out right now if this week still no u16 trailer then am probably stop playing for a week and check later next week


and why some of u act like that?


did u see op already state "I understand some people won't care, and that's fine, but i just wanted to share it."


lol if u don't care just move along don't act like a smart &#!

Edited by VioletX
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Feel better mogamu! Love his vids. I thought I heard burnout in his voice recently, but maybe it was health issues. Take care of yerself, man!

Calypso... Thanks for the trinity build lol.

I understand burnout. I also understand people who's only contribution to this thread is whining. Both situations are symptoms of a greater problem, and both are easily solved: move on. Eventually you might be back (or making less whiney posts.) Besides, we all suffer from one or both problems from time to time.

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If you remove the smart portion of the word,yeah that define you well.

SO easy to pick apart...NOT worth tarnishing my 0 warning point record....Good day SIR!


Honestly I never saw a point in Warframe vids... I just play and find out on my own what I need to know.

It isn't like games where there are new things added all THAT frequently or like some games,moddable by players to add content where you'd kind of NEED to see it beforehand rather than waste disk space installing it... Again...Just me.

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Youtubers will come and go, some will stay, some wont. That says nothing about the longevity of the game. As long as Warframe is profitable, it will be ok. And anyone who does a little reading about the game knows how profitable it has been. So no worries about that.

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I'm always playing other games if I'm not on Warframe so it's whatever. My time is never revolved around Warframe when there's other games to play. New content comes out, finish that content and the cycle repeats itself.


I've accumulated quite a lot of hours and come to terms that the game is no longer all about me, but about newer players who I once used to be at a time.

Edited by Trowicia
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I don't know who is Calypso.

I don't know who is PotatoPowered.


If someone feels burned out, well he's free to leave. Simple as that.


Especially if he's a youtuber, better to leave than make forced videos.

Everything he says, the only guy i know dat makes youtube videos about warframe is Mogamu and warframe gets pretty boring and u gotta have some months without  playing so u come back later

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Dunno about most you but i got rid of my tv years ago and now youtube is my 'tv'.


Many these indie tubers are far more entertaining than big buck hollywood stars to me + I can relate to these people way better since they do the same thing I do for fun: play video games.


Love or hate the tubers, they do have a big influence in bringing in customers for game makers. I mean I know a dude who has 8+ mill subs and it's all due to one game.


I personally am not a fan of this calypso guy but respect his (and other's) decision; if game becomes nothing more than a job that you do for free and start to loathe then...move on man!

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Unfortunatelly he has some health problems and probably won't be able to make videos:


Um, no. He said that's why he hasn't been making any recently - and that he was recovering and wanting/hoping to keep pumping out WF vids. Please don't dilute the truth.

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LMFAO at all these people being like "Ya I've got 2k+ hours on this game and its really sad there is so little to do."


That's nearly 3 months of in game time! As we approach the 2 year mark that means you've spent 1/8th of your time over the past 2 years playing Warframe. You are going to get tired off it eventually.

Edited by immolator1001
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