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Chroma, The New Dragon Frame (Teased In Devstream 45, 46, Tennolive) Anticipation Megathread


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In as much as I speak for myself as a colour blind person, I'm admittedly less interested than I was originally for the new frame; colour is fascinating but I like it in a realm that doesn't affect gameplay if I can help it. Now, with the mod colour thing, it wasn't so bad as they added the little "Top of the card" stars from 1 to 4 to tell you the rarity of it, Common - Uncommon - Rare - Legendary. Seeing as the colour palettes lack in the way of labels beyond their grouping name and which ones you have favourited/equipped...not quite the same ease of use at present.


As I've stated earlier elsewhere, either they've taken into account needing to make it easy for people to tell what Colour does what, so this frame will come along with some (I'd admittedly argue necessary) further Colour Blind accessibility UI stuff and everyone can benefit from a nice simple symbol or label (just look at the nicely named Dojo pigments).


But, and I mean no disrespect, I find it more likely to expect that it'll be released, no correlating mitigation will come with it and another protracted "Can you give us something to tell what's going on?" thread will arise in UI.


Now, this is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate foresight and consideration; the Devs know that colour blind people play the game, and they've made Warframe very much built on the idea of 'as accessible as possible'. They've made some good efforts with the immediately important stuff, and, by logical rights if Colour is now a Primary factor in this Warframe's ability pool and its use, then colours should be getting something akin to the 'Mod Rarity Star' at the least so they can sort of pre-empt concerns.


Sadly, I'm not going to expect anything more than 'Warframe is released, colour choice is same as it is now; gauge it by highlighting on a frame' at this point in time. Mechanically though, yeah, it'll be different alright. Props for creativity, I'll probably acquire the frame but I cannot see myself truly being able to enjoy it when it's...well...based on that which I find difficult. The number of times I've thought a frame is a cool Yellow when they're apparently using Infested Green is...a lot. That confusion now affecting my ability to use a frame proper? Come back interest, come back...


Although I suspect that for sheer practicality, because energy colour does play a large part in this frame's use, aesthetically it should have more notable energy line parts, so you can tell more readily what you or someone else might be using. Assuming you can tell what colour it is, of course.


Apologies for the rambling, but well, a question was asked.



Thanks for providing your insight! When I heard that energy color was going to determine the elemental effect of the frame, the reaction from the colorblind members of the community was the first thing that came to mind for me and I certainly hope that this time around it was in the forefront of consideration for DE as well. Back then, the reaction from DE Pablo was to initially insist that everything was okay and color blind friendly because he had run the designs through a "colorblind simulator" and found it, himself, to be easily distinguishable, and it took a lot of fighting back from members of the community to convince them otherwise in order to see a better option brought in. I hope they learned from this experience, for the sake of my fellow tenno who deserve just as well to enjoy the new frame when it arrives!

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im done speculating ready for it to come out  , and as far as comparing stat helmets/energy color mechanic  ITS NOT THE SAME helmets are removable the mechanic is changeable, the helmets have positives and negatives , the mechanic positives are changeable NO Negatives

You have 20+ Warframes you can change whatever scheme you like, dont  like it? its not the frame for you and we can move forward from there

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I'm definitely thinking a dragon theme (but not much like the fan concept) because I've weighed up the evidence in my mind for a while now. Its elemental damage depends on energy colour - this sounds very much like the elemental dragons of my childhood (AdventureQuest, anyone?). Steve said people weren't thinking "nerdy enough" - although chemistry or alchemy could very well fit here, I doubt it's a science frame and thus I'm willing to believe it was a reference to D&D who have dragons in the name. It was said to "shock even veterans" - I'm not entirely sure what to make of this one, but I guess it could look incredibly different from the other frames because whilst they tend to be either techno-organic or composed of materials like what seems to be cloth, the dragon warframe would likely be scaled with the closest approximation of its look being Oberon's shoulderpads.

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I'm definitely thinking a dragon theme (but not much like the fan concept) because I've weighed up the evidence in my mind for a while now. Its elemental damage depends on energy colour - this sounds very much like the elemental dragons of my childhood (AdventureQuest, anyone?). Steve said people weren't thinking "nerdy enough" - although chemistry or alchemy could very well fit here, I doubt it's a science frame and thus I'm willing to believe it was a reference to D&D who have dragons in the name. It was said to "shock even veterans" - I'm not entirely sure what to make of this one, but I guess it could look incredibly different from the other frames because whilst they tend to be either techno-organic or composed of materials like what seems to be cloth, the dragon warframe would likely be scaled with the closest approximation of its look being Oberon's shoulderpads.

i would love an alchemist frame

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I haven't read all posts but i'm thinking about a crystal based warframe, some time ago in a devstream DE showed us some icon concepts for earth like powers. What if they're for this new warframe? Crystals can be of many colours and propreties, so it makes sense that changing the colour would affect the damage type.

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I haven't read all posts but i'm thinking about a crystal based warframe, some time ago in a devstream DE showed us some icon concepts for earth like powers. What if they're for this new warframe? Crystals can be of many colours and propreties, so it makes sense that changing the colour would affect the damage type.

those icons were only examples of what an earth based frame's power icons would look like. those icons are connected to nothing whatsoever so that isn't really gonna happen

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I actually like the idea of changing elements based on colour but... I'm sure their justification for removig arcane helmets was so that stats dont effect the appearance of your WARFRAME and vice versa. I hope they give back arcane helmets if that's how it is, thoughts?

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I actually like the idea of changing elements based on colour but... I'm sure their justification for removig arcane helmets was so that stats dont effect the appearance of your WARFRAME and vice versa. I hope they give back arcane helmets if that's how it is, thoughts?


Arcane Helmets?, you mean them helmets that give you a sat boost or something?, yeah I hardly used them or seen any use for them, besides them just as cosmic 

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Arcane Helmets?, you mean them helmets that give you a sat boost or something?, yeah I hardly used them or seen any use for them, besides them just as cosmic 

they can be pretty useful in helping max builds it seems, but de discontinued them as they didn't like making gameplay reliant on appearance (or the limitation of). which is pretty ironic given that's exactly what this new frame seems to revolve around. but who's to know until the frame is actually released, for all we know the energy colors they discussed could be exclusively for the abilities and have now effect on the frame itself aesthetically wise. 

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I actually like the idea of changing elements based on colour but... I'm sure their justification for removig arcane helmets was so that stats dont effect the appearance of your WARFRAME and vice versa. I hope they give back arcane helmets if that's how it is, thoughts?

Just make a new separate, buildable "aura slot" item that you can add to any helm if you want to go the stat-boost route; independent of helm type. Essentially, you would have 2 aura mod slots per frame.

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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they can be pretty useful in helping max builds it seems, but de discontinued them as they didn't like making gameplay reliant on appearance (or the limitation of). which is pretty ironic given that's exactly what this new frame seems to revolve around. but who's to know until the frame is actually released, for all we know the energy colors they discussed could be exclusively for the abilities and have now effect on the frame itself aesthetically wise. 


Ahh I see, well that makes more sense, but yeah still wonder if we'll get any update from the Devstream. 

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At least there's no elemental helmet ever existed.

And the color only affect elements not stat.


And i kept using blue or black for my Ember's energy in hope of it will deal higher fire damage.

Edited by Dartiel
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Jee...Mesa had an art appearing Limbo had a teaser and this Frame is just mentioned?De you are gonna need to fix your PR in the future if that is how you are going to show new content.


PR? and what ever it is I agree, this is silly, just telling us this, no wonder why players are leaving.

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