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Catalyst Alert Suspicions/conspiracy


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So the Catalyst alert that came from the the Gift of the Lotus...


Anyone notice how bizarre it was when you didn't see a single hostile?

Is it supposed to be that easy and free?


I did spot some Propaganda drones though.

And Propaganda drones means Vay Hek...


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it's for all the people QQ'ing about the tac alert being hard.


Eh, the fact that the current mission was set up so quick kinda tells me DE already knew in advance that the tac alert basically required cheesing the mission with certain frame abilities to have a reasonable chance of success rather than actually, you know, using a glaive/kestrel/etc. as the mission ostensibly was designed for.

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Ive been waiting 2 months for the catalyst and it comes up AFTER I logged off. WTH!!!!

you still have like 19 hours to get it


How to win this alert? i did get 1 target but 2. target is way too fast

I wish that DE nerf this mission so i can get cataclyst too

atm only big pros with mr 20 can win it

I used Loki for this so I didn't even know that they debuff you this hard (I always bring Loki for Grineer Capture/Spy/Sabotage missions because I currently can't afford the luxury of setting off the alarms)

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you still have like 19 hours to get it


I used Loki for this so I didn't even know that they debuff you this hard (I always bring Loki for Grineer Capture/Spy/Sabotage missions because I currently can't afford the luxury of setting off the alarms)


Thank you, thats great.

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Eh, the fact that the current mission was set up so quick kinda tells me DE already knew in advance that the tac alert basically required cheesing the mission with certain frame abilities to have a reasonable chance of success rather than actually, you know, using a glaive/kestrel/etc. as the mission ostensibly was designed for.

It's not like they had to prepare these enemies a month in advance to set them to spawn instead.

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Those drones everywhere... just debuffing me.... where are the enemies?

They are flapping my way... SHOOT THEM!! SHOOT THEM!!!!!!.... Ok... they are death.... where are the enemies?

It's night time... I dont see a single enemy in sight.... is the G3 comming?.... its so quiet.... the flapping....


I send him to Lotus..... why is his scream echoing..... I already send him.... WHY IS IT ECHOING?!

Run to extract.... there is nothing here.... I'm all alone.... WHAT WAS THAT SOUND BEHIND ME!!! ..... its another drone..... and another.... and another... and another.... AAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!! ORDIS! EXTRACT!! NOW!!


Ordis: Operator? The system needs you...


Shut up Ordis, no one will be able to get me while I have my blanket around me......







*flap* *flap*

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I've got to agree with both DE and all of the people who said the alert was too hard.


Sure, the community really was whining a lot. But on the other hand, that alert really is too hard. A challenge is one thing, but this alert exceeds the line of being challenging. It requires specific warframes (Frost) and specific tactics (sitting on rover spamming energy restores) in order to be complete-able. If those requirements are not met, then the mission goes past challenging, and becomes ridiculous.


In my honest opinion, what was wrong with the alert mission can be summed up in two words... Nullifier crewmen. Both powers and bullets can't get past their shields, the shields are huge too, and their sniper rifles do enough damage to two-shot almost any warframe. And armed with just a Glaive, you couldn't do much really.

Edited by Zerathos_Dagon
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