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Corrupted Guardian Nullifier Eximus..... What Are You Made Of?


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How do people even mange to get past 20 minutes in survivals then? Since obviously Nullifiers are unbeatable! 

And wasn´t the complaint and the outrage in this thread about their resistances? Does not mean much when the health pool is tiny does it?


So how do thousands of players beat Nullifiers on a regular daily basis? Oh the mystery!


Except this ones does not even have a large HP pool. Outcry over nothing, really.

We're not saying Nullifiers are unbeatable (even though it is really, really hard to beat them). We're complaining that they're essentially a Stalker in every mission. Enough damage to oneshot, no use of abilities, and resists pretty much everything. Plus that damage cap on the bubble is really dumb. Takes me 4-6 hits with my Dread to get rid of the damn thing, and by then it's had time to see me and shoot me. Plus, some projectiles like Castanas just bounce right off the bubble and go who knows where. As I said in another thread about a similar topic, the game is supposed to be challenging but not nigh impossible. We really shouldn't have entire teams downed by a single enemy in less than ten minutes in a survival. And the fact that there are eximus Nullifiers just makes me want to run away from the void and never return. It has higher health/armor/whatever values, more resistances, restores all the shields of the enemies around it I'm trying to focus down, AND gets rid of all my abilities and can oneshot me at a decent range? Yeah, no thanks. The fact that the health value is still small doesn't matter. The fact that its little health is now resisting pretty much everything we can do, though? You really think that doesn't make a huge difference?

And as someone mentioned, the Arctic Nullifiers... just... no. Please God, no.

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How do people even mange to get past 20 minutes in survivals then? Since obviously Nullifiers are unbeatable! 

And wasn´t the complaint and the outrage in this thread about their resistances? Does not mean much when the health pool is tiny does it?


So how do thousands of players beat Nullifiers on a regular daily basis? Oh the mystery!


Except this ones does not even have a large HP pool. Outcry over nothing, really.

Allow me to reiterate


I think you missed the part where they nullify your powers and have High-damage sniper rifles. Sure, they pop like a bubble, but it might as well have an instant-death auto-aim laser stuck to it. Having low health is no excuse for a poorly designed enemy.

See that very last line right there?


That's the main issue with Nullifiers. As a concept, they're not a bad idea. The thing is though, the current iteration is such a sloppily designed and unengaging enemy. There's no healthy interaction between it and players, and it's existence is undeniably a band-aid solution to the "Press 4 to Win" problem.

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why do people think melee is viable in 120 minute survivals?

I'm sorry, even against regular infantry that's death and suicide. 
Walking into a Nullifier come that point, they have about enough power to uninstall warframe for you tbh.


They are managable up until a certain point - but their scaling is just broken. 

Dealing with them mechanically, Spawn rates, the sensibility that they carry harder than 5 regular Eximus units as a single unit is $&*&*#(%&, can nullify abilities AND bullets? What in gods name are Eximus shields then? (Hint, it's like comparing plastic wrap vs the destroyer of worlds).

Like I said, they can be managed. Players have coped to deal with them - but they are NOT a fair unit to implement into the game.

Their interaction and counter play to the latter scaling in the game is impossible to deal with when they're flooding the whole bloodied tile set.



My idea for a solution is to either fix the god damn interactions with the nullifiers and let bullets pass through (as it can serve as a counterpart to Eximus shields since they let abilities pass through) <-counterplay, rework them entirely, or remove them and give us something else.


For example, if they did rework them why not instead have them work their way to a certain point where they would then drop their nullifier bubble on the ground in which they can still keep the bubble mechanic and fixed slow drain. That way you have time to deal with them beforehand (<-coutnterplay). 

Change up that lanka and trade it in for something else.


As it stands now, they're in a horrible place imo.

side note: Rift + Nullifier please this needs to be fixed.

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Introduced in 1/2 of the factions to ruin efficient farming.


No lore, and the people playing normally get punished...


b-but their bubbl is destruyab- stfu, I know that, but their bubbles are still bugged when considering multishot.

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Cant believe I have missed the obvious detail in this OP:s picture.


Eximus Guardian.


Lower Guardians = Stalker


Meaning the Neural Sentries were in charge of the guardians for the Orokin?

Meaning the Neural Sentires ARE the Orokin?

Meaning the Orokin never left, just went full Cyberspace?

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Introduced in 1/2 of the factions to ruin efficient farming.


No lore, and the people playing normally get punished...


b-but their bubbl is destruyab- stfu, I know that, but their bubbles are still bugged when considering multishot.

that so much, same with interception, the people who play casually or normally get punished because some people go farm or grind it or w/e, I myself don't even play t3/4 void anymore, because frankly, I play this game to have fun as a bad &amp;#&#33; space ninja who blows S#&amp;&#036; up and destroys everything in it's way, not a space ninja who can't do S#&amp;&#036; against a corpus with a never explained funny head which litterally takes away everything that makes warframe more fun then other shooters.


this is how I see nullifiers:

the moment you encounter 1 you go from warframe to average shooter with nothing special, seriously lets face it, when abilities are taken away warframe just becomes any of the 9000000 shooters out in the market.


and lorewise? shii don't even get me started, introduced with no explenation, and lets not forget that the on ly reason we tenno aren't extinct is because of our abilities which can change the tide of a battle, take that away and we're just a lvl 100 grineer/corpus or w/e, just boring and pointless.

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not even seeing what the issue is here. instead of starting with 4 spam at 65m you have to hit him a few times then 4 spam at 65m? is that little delay the problem? why should everything have an elemental weakness?

Read a few posts above you on why Nullifiers in general are bad design not excused by their tiny health pool.

Not having any elemental weakness and having a resist to everything thrown at it only compounds the issue of Nullifiers warping the game.

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Read a few posts above you on why Nullifiers in general are bad design not excused by their tiny health pool.

Not having any elemental weakness and having a resist to everything thrown at it only compounds the issue of Nullifiers warping the game.


it NULLIFIES stuff. it has like 13 hp. equip your little roflcopters and slide attack it. you act like they are some plague thats overunning the game. its not that bad

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it NULLIFIES stuff. it has like 13 hp. equip your little roflcopters and slide attack it. you act like they are some plague thats overunning the game. its not that bad

try doing that 60 minutes into survival. Now try it 120 minutes. Now 180 minutes. Can't be done XD

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it NULLIFIES stuff. it has like 13 hp. equip your little roflcopters and slide attack it. you act like they are some plague thats overunning the game. its not that bad

They're not a blight on the game.


There's nothing wrong with an enemy that nullifies. That's not the issue. The issue is that these enemies, the Nullifiers we have now, are so poorly designed, on top of that, they eliminate all methods of fighting them directly or indirectly.


I'm not arguing the enemy is hard to kill. 


I'm arguing these enemies are so badly designed that the best method to dispatch them, that keeps being parroted, is downright suicidal and is something you would never suggest doing towards another enemy at the higher levels.

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By eliminating 99% of your options on a single enemy type? I agree.


Which enemy eliminates 99% of your options?


I hope you're not claiming Nullifiers do that, because that would be absurd. The over-the-top hyperbole doesn't really help your case.

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•The bubble has a damage cap function. This means that even if enough damage was dealt to pop it from max size, it drops by 25% it's size instead.

•As the shield also has a regenerative function, the effort in taking down the shield is easily undone.

•The Nullifier cancels your Warframe's 4 abilities, dramatically limiting your options in fighting it.

•Since the Nullifier uses a High-range weapon Non-Hitscan weapon, you have to fight it at a range.

•Since it has enough damage to 1-shot you, Fighting it up close is suicide.


These are what make it a poor design. Shooting it means you have to focus on it to the exclusion of other enemies until it dies, as it'll just regenerate and be a pest, but shooting it is pointless because the shield itself is made to withstand a barrage of hits. You can't fight it up close to bypass the shield as it nullifies your powers and has very high damage.


The nullifier punishes you regardless of how you choose to fight it, whereas something like the Bombard is dangerous because instead of punishing every action you take, it beats you through having extremely high numbers. The Bombard has very high numbers in armor, health, and damage and the Corrupt version's rockets aren't as visible as the normal variant.

Again. 99% of your options are made less than optimal.

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their flesh.... they have no weakness!




Surprised no one has posted a Slowpoke yet.


The things I find FAR more shocking in the codex:

a)  Orokin Power Generator defense objectives have 'Flesh'.  Which probably explains why they go from fine to destroyed in a couple of seconds if high level Infested get near them.

b)  Corpus Locust Drones have 'Cloned Flesh'.  Do the Corpus make them out of Grineer organs or what?

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