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Anybody Remember When Rollers Spawned Like Crazy Back In The Day? #nostalgia


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Back to U7, when i farmed Saryn *curse you, Kela!*, i got killed Roll'd by Roller army. Can't say it was awesome.


So... Here's a good advice for you, Tenno:

Don't  f... screw with the Rollers!


He did. And where is he now?

 I miss the old UI....

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Aaaah rollers. Such nostalgia. It would be a damned shame if they somehow rolled back into the game now wouldn't it?evillaugh.gif


Or someone releases that 6 feet tall super Roller prototype the Grineer have locked away in a Vault somewhere.


I swear it exist. We've seen the image!!!

One day it's comming for us! And it will spawn regular Rollers, which in turn will spawn seekers mines!


Anybody remember other nostalgic warframe times?


The friendly announcer on the Corpus ships and "Combat formation Bravo!"


Those days when the cameras for the laser doors only had a green/red light indicating their possition.


Kestrel being able to one-hit kill certain bosses


Vay Hek, spawning four decoys of himself, who all had yellow instead of grey armor (his old color scheme) which kind of ruined their effect as decoys. I guess he must have been somewhat genetic related to The Miz back then.

He made up for that with his insane shield recharge. Most of us new players would waste our entire primary ammo just to bring down his shield.

Edited by Othergrunty
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Back in Update 6, remember how much they spawned?



I made a video in response to their obnoxious nature back in the day. Good times....


Nostalgia! Remember when you could solo bosses with trinity link, afk next to them, and link would cause them to deal 100% damage to themselves? PRICELESS.


Anybody remember other nostalgic warframe times?



remember Kela with the infinite roller spawning

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*cough* Nervos *cough* ;)


I think i should be happy having joined late enough in early open beta that i never had to experience those.


Though i experienced the death cloud Toxic Ancients. They were better at stopping rushers than any laser doors.

Edited by Othergrunty
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Remember when they #*($%%@ everything u were doing and got u killed lots of time and were so annoying worst than any boss , sigh i miss those days please DE buff them make THEM WORST hate those things but at the same time love them

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i like the sound of a Roller only Tactical Alert.


take away... the Primary Weapon, but leave Sidearm. (and preferably take away AoE Blast Abilities somehow)

also, some of the Rollers need more HI-larious Eximus Types. gotta have some Arctic ones, fo' sure.


and they'll be just 'plain old Exterminates'.

haha. we'll trick everyone.


Rollers only, 350 Enemies to Kill.

here they come!

*cue Jaws theme music*2553761533_99106a16b8_b.jpg


Still better than Nervos


*cough* Nervos *cough* ;)




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Good times man (well no not really, it was stumble'ageddon), they did have a Tactical alert last year though which was nostalgic.


"Fleet Footed" if I recall, me and a mate actually discussed how much that reminded us of the "good old days" where Rollers where the deadliest Grineer unit :D



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I think i should be happy having joined late enough in early open beta that i never had to experience those.


Though i experienced the death cloud Toxic Ancients. They were better at stopping rushers than any laser doors.

Lets say you're going around at full healt and shield, then suddenly you see a Seeker. The game has just gone into hard-mode. KILL the seeker and destroy that little ball of doom comming for you.

If that nervo gets on to you it's only a matter of time, your friends may find you, they might save you. But basically....you're a living dead man/woman.

You can't do a single thing.





At least that was scary enemy.

Tactical alert: Horros of an ancient past - Nervos, and you're only allowed melee, revolvers or semi automatic rifles (ie: latron).

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