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What Are The Orokin And The Sentients?


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I believe the Orokin to have been winged spiderfolk because of the awkward places they put their treasure/storage rooms.

And, just think of how much a pain in the rear it would be to have to jump down a pit of lasers, fly up into the air and avoid more lasers, slide over some freezing ice panels and dodge under a descending door just to get a box of crackers? Surely it would be for humanoids, but not for winged spiders.

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They are you're imagination pure and simple to me at least lol. DE has given us a very general story line from which you can imagine them to be pretty much what you want them to be and how they would look like in your head. I think it's part of the attraction of the game. The broader lore of the game that gives the players some direction but really allows you to ask questions and try to frame the story of the game in your own mind as you see it. In my opinion it's kind of cool how they haven't gone and told us who they exactly are and what they exactly did with all the details. I think it's more fun where you can just fill in the blanks yourself.

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My baseless assumptions:


The Orokin are what humanity ultimately turns into. Or more specifically, they are the ruling class of what humanity eventually turns into. The Sentients are a bunch of their AI creations that have gone rogue. I mean, it's in the name: "sentient" means capable of feeling and responding to stimuli. You wouldn't call them Sentient as a proper noun to delineate them unless there was something similar to them which was not.

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 My opinion?


 Orokin = Absolute pinnacle of Humanity as a species. Able to expand rapidly across the stars and even, eventually, invent Void travel technology.


 Sentients = A form of life the Orokin never learned the true name of, hence just calling them 'Sentients' - almost like it was surprising enough they could be life in the first place. Sentients were, apparently, nearly completely immune to everything the Orokin had to throw at it. The war was going very poorly until the Orokin invented the process that created the Tenno. Something about the Tenno renders them immune to whatever the Sentients could do to wreck the Orokin. It is safe to assume that the Sentients are a form of life that the Orokin only met because they started using Void travel. It is possible that the Sentients come from the Void or somewhere beyond the Void. The Tenno are made from the Void. This is probably going to be significant.

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Speculation free info:




The reason for the "Orokin-Era" and most likely the rulers of the "Orokin Empire" We have a number of codex entries that seem to be set during the Orokin Era and the characters featured within seen to be humanoid and compatible with current human social expectations. However we have no information currently that suggests that _all_ the members of the "Orokin Empire" were considered "Orokin".


The "Emperors" of the Orokin Empire are referred to as "cold and gold" and "breathless" (Which may be metaphor or may be descriptive of their person, emotional state or outfits)


That is the only hard information we have.




Use "Worm ships" that come out of "punch" (That is the phrase used for the Void-realspace transition made by the solar-rails)


They can "Swarm" in "Overwhelming numbers"


They or their technology have a "A great, faceted eye" and when "eyes open and the heat blinds me" they are capable of disintegrating a Warframe and Tenno.


At least one fight against the Sentients took place in another system with an "alien blue star"

Edited by SilentMobius
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Speculation free info:




The reason for the "Orokin-Era" and most likely the rulers of the "Orokin Empire" We have a number of codex entries that seem to be set during the Orokin Era and the characters featured within seen to be humanoid and compatible with current human social expectations. However we have no information currently that suggests that _all_ the members of the "Orokin Empire" were considered "Orokin".


The "Emperors" of the Orokin Empire are referred to as "cold and gold" and "breathless" (Which may be metaphor or may be descriptive of their person, emotional state or outfits)


That is the only hard information we have.




Use "Worm ships" that come out of "punch" (That is the phrase used for the Void-realspace transition made by the solar-rails)


They can "Swarm" in "Overwhelming numbers"


They or their technology have a "A great, faceted eye" and when "eyes open and the heat blinds me" they are capable of disintegrating a Warframe and Tenno.


At lease one fight against the Sentients took place in another system with an "alien blue star"

The common soldiers thought of Tenno as monsters and were equally afraid of them as they were of the enemy.

Orokin advanced weaponry failed.

In fact it was somehow corrupted by the enemy.

The mechanical can kill them. The bullets from a gun, the sharp edge of a sword, the explosives from a granade.

Allso the worm-ships were an armada and their ships used at least 2 Discs for travel, moving in a snake-like motion. The ships used energy weapons.

When the Tenno were developed the war was all but lost. The Empire had lost everythig, no doubt building the Void Towers as bastions in wich to hide.

Note: we still have NO visual description of the Emperors visage. But going by the look of the Primes and the Corrupted, a good guess is they were a combination of them.

Technocyte allso may have been a factor in the Tennos success in battle.

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^This^ Read ember prime's codex if you don't believe the orokin were human.


Remember we have no confirmation that those people were considered "Orokin" even if they were around during the Orokin era. For all we know only the "Cold and Gold Emperors" were "Orokin" and the rest were simply "people" as we would understand it.


"Orokin Empire" could mean "Empire ruled by the Orokin containing vassal humans" just as much as it could be "Empire of an entire race, all of which are called Orokin"

Edited by SilentMobius
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Remember we have no confirmation that those people were considered "Orokin" even if they were around during the Orokin era. For all we know only the "Cold and Gold Emperors" were "Orokin" and the rest were simply "people" as we would understand it.


"Orokin Empire" could mean "Empire ruled by the Orokin containing vassal humans" just as much as it could be "Empire of an entire race, all of which are called Orokin"

We know from Ember's codex they made the tenno and we know the orokin made the tenno... 


And nothing about the description of the emperors implies they weren't human. I don't see why we need to come up with a new species that has never been talked about.

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The way I see it the Orokin,

1) Created life that gained self-awareness and fought back. Frankensteins monster.

2) Orokin as they traveled outside Sol System, came into contact with an intelligent race for the first time. Conflict began, and it turned out the aliens had a real talent for stealing technology.

3) The Machine uprising. The robots left from the Orokin are everywhere, Cephalon AI;s, Neural Sentries, moas, hyenas, not to mention the actual Orokin Drones and the Fusion Moas- discovered by the Corpus.

Logical reasoning puts machines in a very important place during the Orokin Era.


Personally I think the machines have been done allready, Battlestar Galactica did it best.

The Frankenstein story have been done in Starcraft in a good way.

The alien encounter have the most freedom and less restrictions.


But, Halo allready did the Covenant and the Energy-beings Forrunners.


DE need to make this story their own, and put their twist on it. The Void is probably their best tool to do this.

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