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Coming Soon: Devstream #46!


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It's the same question as before:



It's possible to have independable customization on dual/akimbo weapons? Since Warframe always work on the customization part like any other part of the game, why not see this as feature? Let us customize "Left hand" and "Right hand" the way we like. I really want to use each skin of our Tenno-made skins for Akmagnus at same time, one in each hand. Same for melee. I want my Dual Zoren with the Day Of The Dead on one hand and the Tenno-made skin on other had. It would be awesome. Or just a black hand Zoren and a white hand Zoren.


Keep the awesome work, and thanks for this game :D



Oh, almost forgot: any spoiler about the Twin Queens visual?

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- There are currently 22 corrupted mods, all from one source, resulting in heavy dilution. Could you take a look at this?

- Could B rotation in Void missions, especially in Defense and Interception, get some love? They are as rare as Cs, but often contain items that are considered trash by players (especially keys in T1), sometimes they have no primes at all.

- Defense and Interception droptables still seem to be designed around ABCCCCCCC rotation rather than AABC.

- The Nullifiers have been out for a while now. Will you make any changes based on the feedback collected in the meantime?

- Eximus units currently only drop Oberon parts, which is not only a band aid, but also very disappointing. How about giving them the droptable of their normal counterparts, with a higher chance for rare drops? If you can't put Oberon elsewhere (for now), it drops shouldn't be affected by it.

- Can you rethink the way keys are awarded? Survival and Excavation key rewards are fine, as they are guaranteed at B rotation, but Defense and Interception don't have any guarantees. Playing to C rotation for a CHANCE at a key is often disappointing (*cough* Natural Talent). Also, T4 Keys are currently Interception exclusive, and that gamemode is not only not liked by everyone, but it also gets annoying.

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We need something good.I just wanna suggest that something should be done to take the game to a competitive level like cs and stuff maybe a multiplayer hi tech weps game and other things the dark sector thing is pretty useless for some small clans make it something good thanks.

PS Rebecca ur hot :P (non-offensive)

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 - Do you plan on "rethinking" enemy, and "general" scaling? Right now it only mostly impacts the AI, while leaving frames, abilities and weapons untouched, which seems to make balancing them for both "leveled" as well as Endless content a bit of a nightmare, since most damage based abilities and weapons geared towards leveled content fall short pretty fast in any endless mission, while weapons seemingly created with endless scaling in mind often seem to be too powerful for most of the leveled content.


 - How will raids work? Several "mini" bosses? Only one "big one"? Considering WarGUNSframe doesn't have any of the "traditional" MMO classes, such as Tanks, DPS and Healers, which way are you planning on making raids function? Will the boss/bosses have specific mechanics/tactics tied to them?


 - Some augments seem to make their abilities VERY powerful and can even sometimes render other FRAMES "redundant", like Loki's Irradiating Disarm being borderline overpowered and clearly stepping on Nyx' territoy, making her feel left out and once again, redundant in any team that already has an "IR Loki".  Maybe too much "Loki love"?^^'

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When will Nullifiers cease to exist?


What brought them here in the first place? why now? 


If they have the nullifying technology, why don't they use it all around their ships to counter our skills?




Ok now gettion serious



As a veteran player, playing since closed beta...and not like many, i find it a lot of fun and joy to get new weapons and level them up. I do not like the new weapons with new mechanics no. I'm talking about regular weapons. Normal. Just rifles or guns with normal features no alt fire....when are we getting more weapons?

Edited by Domaik
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Archwing: can we expect some level design /mechanics change to improve the archwing speed? seriously, it feels really slow now. 

what can we expect from the sharkwing levels? anything new from that front? 

underwater levels: first archwing (well, sharkwing) and normal level? 

do you have any plans on making archwing skills take from the skills of the warframe you are using?


estimates on when the lore will be revamped? U20? any sneak peeks on that front?


can we have a little look on raid levels? really curious on how they will be different from normal levels.


warframe passives: when? any ideas yet?


relay revamp: anything on this, really. 

void trader: any chance he will sell more items at a time? or rare prime parts? seriously, he's bound to have something now, with how many we sell him. 


what about tyl regor? 


when will the next prime come out? I really want to grind for it right now.


syndicates: any syndicate assassin concept art to show?

will you make more syndicate weapon mods? 

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The need to resort to the recruitment channel has long been a pain point for doing any mission locked behind a key.  The ability to drop into a match with randoms effortlessly is one of Warframe's greatest strengths as a co-op and yet the private key experience is the polar opposite of this.  What plans are in place to make this experience less agonizing? This is especially important for those of us with social issues that makes dealing with recruitment-channel matchmaking completely unbearable.

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Are Raids going to be mastery locked?


With the upcoming raids in update 16, I think it will be a great idea to put a mystery rank requirement on them (hopefully different requirements for multiple raids in the future)... I believe this simple system will benefit warframe in the long run!


1) This will give a much needed purpose to mastery rank other than a cap on rep farming or a requirement for certain weapons.


2) Considering De have said that raids will be difficult, this can provide public players with a much better squad to fulfill their missions... Although I'm not saying mastery rank = skills, it's still true that Higher mastery ranked player = Higher PROBABILITY of a being a good player.


What do you guys think?

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What about Kubrows, Sentinel, Archwing and other features that have been seemingly forgotten? Considering they seemed to have been touched for a litte while and then nothing (despite the hype made towards some of them).

Edited by RahuStalker
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Will there be new corrupted mods added? (More speed, less damage for melee. Increased Range, but lower duration for Frames ect.)


Have you ever thaught about re-doing the Sentinals HP/Shield stats? (Since Helios is a Corpus based Sentinal, it'd make sense for him to have, say 250 shields, and 150 HP, like Shade has 350 HP and 50 Shield, opposed to 200/100)


Any more possible new Archwing type missions? (Something like a Spy mission, combined with Interception. Cap a point for 30-1 minute, and you get the data, repeat 1-3 more times)


Kubrow upkeep is pretty scary for newer players, any chance of that being updated?


Warframe passives? Are they doing to be getting more, like Mirage, and Mesa have. Passives change up gamplay, and make them more intresting.


A possible consumable, like a Stun, or flash bomb you cna deply to quickly blind enemys in a panic, but much, much less powerful then Excaliburs Radial.


Change Mirages 4 to check for LoS for its blind, like Excalibur.

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Given that one of the design goals for this year is an increased focus on polishing old content, what overarching balance targets are you using? For example, are there first-pass burst DPS/sustain DPS targets for weapons, and if so how do you tweak from that starting point?

What broad role do you see warframe powers filling? Is the ultimate-spam that gets used so often for high-end grinding a degenerate playstyle? Many frames are capable of sustaining buff powers indefinitely with certain mod loadouts. Is this intentional/desirable, and if so are we going to see a shift to modal or circumstantial powers in the future?

Is the scaling discrepancy between weapons and powers (even non-crit rifles are capable of something like a 60-fold increase in burst DPS thanks to the high availability of multiplicatively-stacking damage increases, while frame powers can only achieve roughly a 6-fold increase, requiring heavy sacrifices) in a good place, or is smoothing it out a design goal?

Ammo as a concept has been only very slightly touched since at least open beta. Any thoughts on its current state (e.g. the balance of consumption/replenishment/reserves)? What purpose should ammo serve in the gameplay flow?

Edited by MaleMan
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