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About The New Warframe...


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DE has confirmed this "Draconic" Warframe will have elements based on the energy color chosen during customization.


So far, excluding the first weapon, The void trader has loosed two weapons with the 'Prisma' prefix.

Featuring the slightly enhanced stats and a more vibrant color scheme.

(expected a little more shiny color coating on the Prisma veritux but that's besides the point)


PRISMA is derived from Prism or Prismatic, which references a prism's ability to warp white light into a rainbow.

signifying color or a colorful variety. 


Which is the idea behind the new Warframes elemental abilities.


Which brings me to this conclusion:




I hope I'm wrong




unless his parts are incorporated full time into his inventory, this may be











But seriously DE.

Don't you DARE do this to us.

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I don't know. I think it would be kind of amusing if it was a warframe from the trader. The parts would probably be tradeable(so, I guess a prime with no regular variant), but that would definitely encourage people to work on ducats.


Would be especially funny if he spawned with one of the parts needed on Orcus.

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I seriously doubt they would put any frame on the void trader, just imaging the backlash, even DE wouldn't go that far.  The most likely situation is that he will drop from either a new boss(raid), or from one of the bosses being reworked.   If It is one that is being reworked they may move the frame that currently drops from them(saryn for example) into clan tech. 

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If anyone honestly thinks they'd put this frame in the Void Trader's shop...then I have a Solar Rail I'd like to sell you really cheap..


I mean really.... Vauban is a PITA and they've never duplicated his method of appropriation...this would be a million times worse.


Plus he sells items for ducats and if you put a frame in there it will cause all kinds of backlash....

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I think that there's a lot of chances that J3-Golem will make a come back for U16, and our dragonframe will be dropped from him. No panic. :p

What about the new Tyl Regor? He's still being released with the underwater tileset, isn't he? Didn't see him get mentioned in the Devstream overview. :(



it's already been confirmed to be a dragon themed warframe .....

Did you even read the first line in this thread?

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What's their usage now? Because so far, nothing has been stated.

Most likely it will serve as keys for another locked boss/mission type.


But I think it's also possible DE might turn the keys/beacons into some other currency/items, like compensating us with cores or something.

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Most likely it will serve as keys for another locked boss/mission type.


But I think it's also possible DE might turn the keys/beacons into some other currency/items, like compensating us with cores or something.

I see it as the former. 

I don't like thinking negatively, but this seems like their only usage. 



Buuuuut maybe it'll be used for some kinda optional boss or somethin'. Idk.

Edited by ScrublordPrime
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