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Punishing Rewards.


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Dear DE, 

With the recent core nerf its now way harder to keep up with the primed mods from the void trader. Instead off punishing us by revamping the rewards couldn't you use a diffrent way off punishing ?

I mean the game is way to soft on failures. If a mission is lost the host can keep his key.. They can disconnect to keep their key cancel the mission to keep key? Players should be punished for losing a match. For leaving a match for disconnecting on porpuse. There is no balance between losing and keeping. You will keep the key mostly. 

I have seen lots off failures because lack off teamplay. Please punish players by failing their objective, and leave the rewards as they were. Adding unneeded stuff just demotivates me and (Many others) It just kills the vibe. Punishment on keys should be a thing.
And if this punishment would happen could we get the revamped 100% garantueed drop on rotation c.

Edited by TeaBegging
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The real issue is BAD balance, that DE trying to fix all the time. By adding the Void trader they just broke that fragile balance of mods, now they trying to fix it by lowering the amount of R5 cores... Its like fixing a cup with duct tape, you can do it, but is it really the best way?


The problem is not the punishment, its the entire system that hopefully will be changed within U16.

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The real issue is BAD balance, that DE trying to fix all the time. By adding the Void trader they just broke that fragile balance of mods, now they trying to fix it by lowering the amount of R5 cores... Its like fixing a cup with duct tape, you can do it, but is it really the best way?


The problem is not the punishment, its the entire system that hopefully will be changed within U16.

I think the main issue is that first we get introduced awesome rewards/stuff. 

Then they get nerfed so hard that either the community gives up on it or quits the game. 

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Two problems I see with this:
-All it would take is one troll who gets a radiation proc or lets the objective die/escape/whatever and the host loses his key.
I've had a few longer T4 Mdefs or Sabotage missions fail/become uncomplete-able because of trolls in the recruiting chat.
Thankfully I didn't lose my keys because of them.
We really don't need to give trolls the power to force other people to lose keys and get no rewards.
Otherwise all it would take is one Loki/Zephyr/Valkyr/Nova to ruin sabotage missions and force the host to lose a key that is already hard enough to find.

-What about crashes?
Crashes still happen often enough to enough people that you would be punishing them with random key losses for nothing that they can do to prevent it.
It already happens often enough in endless missions (where keys are lost after the first reward cycle) and we don't need it happening in other key missions.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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I Rather have punishment on keys then by cores or prime parts.

You can't have everything in the game. Thats why the punishments are coming this hard.

Rather the keys then the rewards. I don't see any point off having keys if the rewards are terrible anyway.



One can have everything. Its all a matter of dedication.


Of cource a noob cant have all, but pro players with strong spirit will endure bad times and become true High Kin... where was I. Ah yes, problem is with balance and bad realisation of fixing it, trust me, DE dont give a flying duck about punishing players with keys, their concern is balance, that korean grinders ruin daily. They want to make WF fair to everyone, but instead just nerfing hi-end content...

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Two problems I see with this:

-All it would take is one troll who gets a radiation proc or lets the objective die/escape/whatever and the host loses his key.

I've had a few longer T4 Mdefs or Sabotage missions fail/become uncomplete-able because of trolls in the recruiting chat.

Thankfully I didn't lose my keys because of them.

We really don't need to give trolls the power to force other people to lose keys and get no rewards.

Otherwise all it would take is one Loki/Zephyr/Valkyr/Nova to ruin sabotage missions and force the host to lose a key that is already hard enough to find.

-What about crashes?

Crashes still happen often enough to enough people that you would be punishing them with random key losses for nothing that they can do to prevent it.

It already happens often enough in endless missions (where keys are lost after the first reward cycle) and we don't need it happening in other key missions.


Killing team mates shouldn't be a thing, Radation proc shouldn't give players teamkilling powers. If they want to test their testosteron they should go play pvp or other online shooting games. 

Crashes happen yes, those shouldn't be punisht. But crashing on porpuse should be. And yea you can't always know if done on porpuse. But many times it just feels like it. 

And there should be a in game report button, to report players for trolling. 


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So I report a Loki player for putting the key in an unreachable location during a T4 Sabotage mission.
Lot of good that did when I am still out a T4 sabotage key when those are some of the rarest keys in the game, and I have absolutely no way of getting that key back easily.

All this does is give trolls an incentive for trolling even harder in void missions by making people lose their rare keys.
And there is next to nothing that can be done to prevent it or undo it.

As for punishing crashes:
It would have to.
Because the game has no way of differentiating between "Router or game crashed" and "Alt+F4/Ctrl+Alt+Del"
Punishing for those things is needless and doesn't do anything helpful or useful for anyone.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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Killing team mates shouldn't be a thing, Radation proc shouldn't give players teamkilling powers. If they want to test their testosteron they should go play pvp or other online shooting games. 

Crashes happen yes, those shouldn't be punisht. But crashing on porpuse should be. And yea you can't always know if done on porpuse. But many times it just feels like it. 

And there should be a in game report button, to report players for trolling. 


if radiation procs cause enemies to attack each other then why should we be immune to it? we aren't immortal, and thus get affected by the same things the enemies do. its the fact that there are trolls that get a kick out of purposely sabotaging an enemy. why not punish trolls?

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One can have everything. Its all a matter of dedication.


Of cource a noob cant have all, but pro players with strong spirit will endure bad times and become true High Kin... where was I. Ah yes, problem is with balance and bad realisation of fixing it, trust me, DE dont give a flying duck about punishing players with keys, their concern is balance, that korean grinders ruin daily. They want to make WF fair to everyone, but instead just nerfing hi-end content...

True and thats what separetes players.

Dedication. Players that have been since the start off warframe. There are some players that play the game alot and want to be rewarded for their playtime. Same goes for those "noobs' they want to get their starting gear powerfull and enjoy the game. Instead off removing those cores and punishing those high end tenno and those new starting tenno. 

Right now most off us went through that grind at the start and oh boy it was hard, but I love the game with passion, But if nowcomers have that grind feeling at the start it might demotivate them. 

Getting keys is now harder yes, But losing keys is not. The keys keep stacking so therefor you can get your storage up. But if you lose those keys things get more serious and more dedicated. Unless you have trolls/leechers on your team but thats a diffrent story.


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So I report a Loki player for putting the key in an unreachable location during a T4 Sabotage mission.

Lot of good that did when I am still out a T4 sabotage key when those are some of the rarest keys in the game, and I have absolutely no way of getting that key back easily.

All this does is give trolls an incentive for trolling even harder in void missions by making people lose their rare keys.

And there is next to nothing that can be done to prevent it or undo it.

As for your idea punishing crashes:

It would have to.

Because the game has no way of differentiating between "Router or game crashed" and "Alt+F4/Ctrl+Alt+Del"

Punishing for those things is needless and doesn't do anything helpful or useful for anyone.

If you have zero tolerance towards troll then the game will take a diffrent direction.

Many off these trolls just annoy people because they don't get punished. What if someone that is MR18 is trolling and their account can get suspended for trolling. Than they might have to rethink off their actions before annoying others. 

No it might not bring your key back. But it might remove a troll from the game. 

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I agree completely, maybe it's time for us high level high dollar gamers to do some long hard thinking about the time it will now take to even aquire the R5 cores to level a primed mod. 528

*I will wave my e-peen freely around here while thinking that means something*



Trust me, spending money doesnt mean your opinion is more valuable than someone who didnt spent a cent on this game. As already mentioned by vaugahn.

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The issues with void rewards primed mods and cores are like a snake eating it's tail

We buy a primed mod set and spend our ducats

We farm hella cores to rank the mod by doing nothing but tier four survs in thirty minute intervals.. by the time we can max the primed mod we have enought ducat fodder to start the process again

Then we sell the primed mod maxed out for over a thousand plat repeating every few days

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its was best left as it was and for DE to honor their own words instead of  looking like a blatant liar and take them out. as a youth growing up my grand parents say that a person or people is as good as the words they speak, if you have no backbone then youll say one thing and do

the opposite which will make you not to be trusted even when you honestly need the help to survive<< because no one will believe you.

Edited by ranks21
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The issues with void rewards primed mods and cores are like a snake eating it's tail

We buy a primed mod set and spend our ducats

We farm hella cores to rank the mod by doing nothing but tier four survs in thirty minute intervals.. by the time we can max the primed mod we have enought ducat fodder to start the process again

Then we sell the primed mod maxed out for over a thousand plat repeating every few days

Which should get a LOT of people to buy plat (just because it gets handed from player to player it doesn't get DE less money) so it wouldve been a very profitabel system, unfortunately it seems they figured stretching the grind might get people to actually shell out the ~500 dollar needed in Rare Fusion Packs to upgrade a single primed mod instead, which is ridicolous whalemilking.

I'm really sorry, but unless T4 Survival or anything with a similar accessability to R5 cores is restored, my time of playing Warframe has come to an end. Which is quite sad (even for DE) because i've had 50 euros put aside waiting for that elusive 75% token to pop up for over 8 months now and now i'll willingly break my login streak and walk away just to protest this decision, while i would actually still enjoy gameplay.

Here's hoping i'm not the only one to do this and they revert the changes or find a different way to make that type of lategame content accessible again, maybe with the raids. But until this is resolved, i'd rather not feed stats into their system proving this type of action works. And i'm sorry, if there is a motive other than getting people to buy fusion cores for plat behind this, they would've had AMPLE opportunity to state it by now.

Just look at Sheldon on the Dev Stream (54 minutes 50 seconds), immediatly trying to cut off Rebecca and sweep the topic under the rug. That was the poorest uncomfortable laugh i've ever seen a developer having to pull on stream. I don't know if it's corporate orders or what other reason they might've done it for, but since DE are unwilling to tell, i have no other choice than to assume the worst case scenario of an attempted moneygrab.

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