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Actually Impossible To Pay For Mod Upgrading/ducat Items. Deep Explanation Within. Please Support.


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Because Warframe is about getting EVERYTHING. 


I say this because each item is unique.



But the massive grind is the reason I stopped playing. DE doesn't want you to have fun they want you to grind and stay for as long as possible now. Which is going the wrong way because you got enough content to keep players around for a long &#! time.

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I agree for the most part, Ducats (with heavy work) are achieveable each 2 weeks...however, the fusion cores, and especially credits, are totally and completely impossible for most players. and very soon will bleed all of the heaviest farmers DRY.


For most of my friends that i play with, they are telling me the bubble has already burst and theyre too depressed to reach out to new content and new items...thats something both i and DE shouldnt have to hear.


It's depressing,  the economy needs a massive boost, before it crashes down.

Edited by SnakeWildlife
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You don't need to have all modes maxed to 10.

You don't need to buy every stuff Baro'Ki'Teer comes with.

You don't need to be best of the best, just because you are MR-19 nolifer.

You are playing this game for too long, and you can't realise such simple things? "Tainted and ruined beyond salvation."

Your desires to have everything is your fault, not DE's one. Stop being that childish.

"I'm powerful mr-19 pro, and I need to have it all." Why? "Because it exists!"

If I'll place a mountain near your city, you are going to climb it, just because it exists, right? This is what your "logic" tells.

That's only your fault. Stop talking this "Year of quality."

You are only hurting yourself, Tenno.


my &#! makes better arguments i dont need to rank them up to 10? WHAT GOOD ARE THEY THEN? i could use the normal version if i didnt want it rank 10 i dont need to buy them? MOST OF THEM ARE PRETTY USEFUL so how dare you to tell people they dont need it. also whats the point  of getting better equipment if not competition pfft  stop your boot licking already filthy peasant

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I agree for the most part, Ducats (with heavy work) are achieveable each 2 weeks...however, the fusion cores, and especially credits, are totally and completely impossible for most players. and very soon will bleed all of the heaviest farmers DRY.

For most of my friends that i play with, they are telling me the bubble has already burst and theyre too depressed to reach out to new content and new items...thats something both i and DE shouldnt have to hear.

It's depressing, the economy needs a massive boost, before it crashes down.

That sounds depressing... and very contagious. But for spending so many hours on a single game each day like that, that's probably the best you can hope for. Maybe you can try some new games to refresh, like Dragon Age, Elder Scrolls, etc., or getting yourself lost in Skyrim for few thousand hours.
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I must really be farming the void incorrectly.


Loads of people in this thread say thats easy but here are my experiences:


Tier 1 keys: Main reward is more keys. Very hard to get a prime part.

Tier 4 keys: So many fusion cores. You slog your way past an army and captain vor just to get some cores.


Right so that is two tiers out. Then on all survivals and defense if you can gather up a decent group the 5 and 10 min rewards are cores, forma, orokin cells. So maybe you get something at 15 and 20 and most of the time it is only worth 10 ducats.


I know there must be a few good tier to reward levels out there. What do people recommended? Even then though lets say people suggest mobile defense tier 2 it is quite hard to stack up on a large surplus of that particular key.

Edited by MDRLOz
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I must really be farming the void incorrectly.


Loads of people in this thread say thats easy but here are my experiences:


Tier 1 keys: Main reward is more keys. Very hard to get a prime part.

Tier 4 keys: So many fusion cores. You slog your way past an army and captain vor just to get some cores.


Right so that is two tiers out. Then on all survivals and defense if you can gather up a decent group the 5 and 10 min rewards are cores, forma, orokin cells. So maybe you get something at 15 and 20 and most of the time it is only worth 10 ducats.


I know there must be a few good tier to reward levels out there. What do people recommended? Even then though lets say people suggest mobile defense tier 2 it is quite hard to stack up on a large surplus of that particular key.

Well, there is T2 Mobile Defence Keys (and by god, I have a good stack of them). 


T4 Interception rewards quite a few nice parts, and T4 Exterminate/Capture also rewards Prime parts relatively frequently. 


And before I forget: Sabotage Keys. And I think I am gaining a small stockpile by now. 

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Because Warframe is about getting EVERYTHING. 


I say this because each item is unique.



But the massive grind is the reason I stopped playing. DE doesn't want you to have fun they want you to grind and stay for as long as possible now. Which is going the wrong way because you got enough content to keep players around for a long ! time.



Like.. No. Warframe isn't about "getting everything" and your reasoning about it could be said.. quite literally about any game that exists. It's a very very weak arguement as to why EVERYTHING should change to accommodate you and other people. 


I've been saying this for a while. People are entirely too hypersensitive about how this game is structured. As mentioned before legendary mods take about 132 cores to rank to 8.  RANK 8 dude. have you seen the stats at rank 8? They're very little distance away from being topped off. And if you want to min-max everything then YES it should take a buttload of time to do it. 


That is a WORLD of difference and gives supports my confusion as to why everyone is freaking about the core "REDISTRIBUTION" ( I like that word rather than nerf.) I LIKE that you can now go other places in the star map to get something to help you progress further. I literally hated ONLY being able to do T4S for one item.


And i'd really like people to stop putting words in "DE's mouth" when talking about stuff. Unless DE has come out themselves and stated "We don't want you to have any fun we want you to grin and stay for as long as possible now" Then you're talking out your nether regions. Honestly.

Edited by BlutAdler
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from this topic, i think the "gotta catch em all nature" of warframe has been exposed enough, i had never tought about that, but is actually true, the game play can be fun, the lore can be interesting, but in the longest term, i play this because i too want to have it all

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from this topic, i think the "gotta catch em all nature" of warframe has been exposed enough, i had never tought about that, but is actually true, the game play can be fun, the lore can be interesting, but in the longest term, i play this because i too want to have it all


You play any game because you want to have it all. Otherwise what is the point of playing. It's human nature to want to have all of something. 


It's not a reason to complain that you can't get it all as fast as you want to get it.


That's my point.

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You can gain 25 R5 cores per hour running Triton, Neptune Excavation with a good squad, and will provide bucktons of T3 keys for ducat farming that you can keyshare with said squad or another squad.
You can gain nearly 200k credits per hour running 5 waves on Seimeni, Ceres with a good squad and leaving constantly.


With the time that you play Warframe every day, you could be able to rank up two Legendary mods in less than a week and still have plenty of time to fool around with anything else in the game.  Doesn't mean you should since this is an absolutely unhealthy obsession you've demonstrated.

Edited by Sonitorum
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I had period of playing a game too long, it simply became too boring so I decided Anime is better to use my free time...  though now that the easy to earn fusion core in t4 surv is over will i go with the assumption that I will not bother spending 2-3 hours a day just farming inside the warframe universe, too much time...

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Great post, OP, thanks.  Hopefully this will get them to listen.  As someone who has spent a lot of money on this game, this constant push towards mega-grind (and I mean mega not just the good ole days of normal grind) has completely burnt me out.  I can barely log in and run a single mission these days before I'm just fed up with it.

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Great post, OP, thanks.  Hopefully this will get them to listen.  As someone who has spent a lot of money on this game, this constant push towards mega-grind (and I mean mega not just the good ole days of normal grind) has completely burnt me out.  I can barely log in and run a single mission these days before I'm just fed up with it.


The game doesnt burn you out. You burn yourself out from the game. It's good to take breaks sometimes. 

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That'd be okay if Primed mods weren't introduced essentially once a week.


The thing that people like you aren't realizing is that the unwarranted R5 droprate nerf (now 25%, before 77%) wasn't necessary, nor needed, by any stretch of the imagination. I don't know if I can stress this enough, but pre-nerf, maxing Primed mods, and R10's in general was already one hell of a grind. It was in the perfect spot though, and shouldn't have been increased by like 3x. I don't have a problem with the Ducat grind though.


If DE just upped the droprate of R5's to 65/70%, I would be completely fine. 


plz dont overgeneralize : 'ppl like you' especially when you have no clue what you are talking about


i completely understand the r5fc issue, and i agree with DE's decision to move some rewards/incentives out of the void (maybe i wouldnt have done it exactly how they did it, but whatevs)


your complaint as well as the OP's is that 'IT'S TOO HARD TO GRIND FOR THE STUFF I WANT', sry bro, boo hoo


ppl complained for months that DE gave the players no long term goals, so DE has been dropping non-stop super grindy prime mods


now ppl are complaining that they cant keep up with the prime mods and are not able to max them all as fast as DE is putting them out... sigh


THAT WAS THE POINT, DE did not expect/intend for players to be able to keep up with them (even though plenty of hardcore farmers DO keep up)


and for anyone trying to strawman with : 'ya great argument, DE is releasing content that they dont want players to be able to use' ; that's just a bunch of junk, ive got several prime mods that are not maxed, but i still use them, and there is no necessity to get/max everything, thus CHOICE


the : 'im a completionist' statement is NOT an argument, it is a whiny entitled cry, similar to any of the previous statements calling WF p2w becuz of founders packs or prime access




IF the game was nothing but a constant sidescrolling screen with blocks coming at your avatar and if those blocks hit your avatar u would 'die', THEN the game would be 'forcing' you to dodge blocks or risk dying/losing


Warframe does not have such a scenario, and the weakest/loosest analogy i can think of is : IF you dont rank all gear up to 30, THEN you might not have the max attainable MR AT THE MOMENT


which again, is completely arbitrary, there is no need/necessity to be MR19 (the highest available atm), im sitting at MR18 myself and im in no rush


there is no necessity to even get/obtain all mods ingame, not even for the most difficult missions, not by a long shot


but whatevs, its seems like the majority of rational discourse in here is falling on deaf ears... =/

Edited by CY13ERPUNK
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You dont have to post.


If you are going to, at least give us some evidence as to the contrary. You seem to think we're concerned about the grind being too hard? Well you mustnt have read the first post...because i explain, that it is IMPOSSIBLE to.


Theres difficulty, then there's just no possible way something can be done.

Edited by SnakeWildlife
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I agree with the OP about the ducats.


While I am not a completionist who needs every single item, I am someone who wants that primed mod, and possibly that unique skinned weapon. Even playing almost daily, and farming the void for at least half to 3/4 of the time, the amount of ducats I get from getting rid of parts I don't want/need is too low for that. So I end up pawning parts I actually wanted to keep. Now in order to avoid that I spend the next couple weeks trying to farm the void more, hoping to get things I don't want but are high in ducats just to get these mods that may or may not ever be available again.


I guess I just don't want to feel like I am not accomplishing anything if I am not in the void or farming for void keys... I would like to enjoy some of the other parts of the game without the pressure. 



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You dont have to post.


If you are going to, at least give us some evidence as to the contrary. You seem to think we're concerned about the grind being too hard? Well you mustnt have read the first post...because i explain, that it is IMPOSSIBLE to.


Theres difficulty, then there's just no possible way something can be done.


again clearly, unless someone is agreeing with you, you completely ignore any rational thought


this is the problem with your OP, you are limited to one specific way of looking at it, and refuse to acknowledge that other options exist


getting thru to you is like trying to convince someone that the world is a sphere when they insist that it looks flat from where they're standing.... =/

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plz dont overgeneralize : 'ppl like you' especially when you have no clue what you are talking about


i completely understand the r5fc issue, and i agree with DE's decision to move some rewards/incentives out of the void (maybe i wouldnt have done it exactly how they did it, but whatevs)


your complaint as well as the OP's is that 'IT'S TOO HARD TO GRIND FOR THE STUFF I WANT', sry bro, boo hoo


ppl complained for months that DE gave the players no long term goals, so DE has been dropping non-stop super grindy prime mods


now ppl are complaining that they cant keep up with the prime mods and are not able to max them all as fast as DE is putting them out... sigh


THAT WAS THE POINT, DE did not expect/intend for players to be able to keep up with them (even though plenty of hardcore farmers DO keep up)


and for anyone trying to strawman with : 'ya great argument, DE is releasing content that they dont want players to be able to use' ; that's just a bunch of junk, ive got several prime mods that are not maxed, but i still use them, and there is no necessity to get/max everything, thus CHOICE


the : 'im a completionist' statement is NOT an argument, it is a whiny entitled cry, similar to any of the previous statements calling WF p2w becuz of founders packs or prime access




IF the game was nothing but a constant sidescrolling screen with blocks coming at your avatar and if those blocks hit your avatar u would 'die', THEN the game would be 'forcing' you to dodge blocks or risk dying/losing


Warframe does not have such a scenario, and the weakest/loosest analogy i can think of is : IF you dont rank all gear up to 30, THEN you might not have the max attainable MR AT THE MOMENT


which again, is completely arbitrary, there is no need/necessity to be MR19 (the highest available atm), im sitting at MR18 myself and im in no rush


there is no necessity to even get/obtain all mods ingame, not even for the most difficult missions, not by a long shot


but whatevs, its seems like the majority of rational discourse in here is falling on deaf ears... =/

Again, the point went right over your head.


I don't want to/can't say "shutup" on the forums... but boy if I could. The Primed mods WERE a long grind, and a reasonably lengthed long-term goal before the droprate nerf. I literally cannot stress that enough. Moving them out of the Void was good, yes. But a drop rate of 25% considering the ever-increasing amount of R10's that are coming into the game, is not good. This isn't about being a completionist (atleast for me, it isn't), it's about having reasonable and obtainable goals in the game. Now you cannot farm R5 cores (which was fun for me, and not some "mindless task I did that felt like a job") without it just feeling like blatant gambling and a waste of time.


Also, don't group me in with the "NEED EVERYTHING IMMA COMPLETIONIST" group of people. I don't care about that stuff - hell, I've been playing for 9 months, but I'm still MR8. I take this game slowly, and play how I want for fun because I'm the type of person who gets burnt out easily. That being said, I'm still not going to purposely let myself pass the opportunity to get stronger (Primed mods), and I don't want to feel like I'm not progressing at all (need R5's to level up Primed mods). So, you should see why I don't like this change. I don't want to constantly grind, and I want to play how I like. Before I couldn't reasonably max Primed mods within a few months, which was fine; I just got them to Rank 8. But now, I can't even level them up at all. 

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Dear OP, while I agree that the ducat prices and credit costs need to be toned down, I don't agree with your reasoning to it. I think this is indeed intended by DE so that players have "something to work on" rather than finishing the content way early. Im not sure how it is "impossible" because you can still rank up all the mods to 10. it'll probably take you longer than 2 weeks perhaps. so what? just keep on progressing. you'll max all of those, eventually.

talking about being a completionist on an unfinished, buggy, constantly updated video game is absurd. you wanna be a completionist? wait until the games finishes if you mind. until then, just continue progressing.

Edited by KuroShiranui
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This thread has been derailed too far from it's original intent simply because of different playing styles. No one should dictate what should be fun or how the game is played. Whether or not a player can obtain every item in the game is irrelevant to the topic at hand. The main problem is the game is expanding too fast for even the most hardcore players to keep up. Thus primed mods are not long term goals but rather unobtainable goals. Again it's irrelevant whether players focus their resources towards certain mods while others want them all maxed. The inherent issue lies in the impossibility of completing all the game's content.

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i think the same-polarity mod increased fusion energy should be done away with and all common, uncommon, and rare mods should have their own base values (based on rarity and rank potential) of fusion energy to use when powering any other mod.


the credits costs truly needs reduced bigtime for fusing mods, especially when using the spare "junk" mods in high amounts.  maybe like 100 per mod.


T1 void runs should eliminate all keys as rewards so as to increase prime part drops for ducat selling.  excavation and doing spy 2.0 missions are wonderful for gaining keys.  and i tend to buy 3 keypacks from syndicates a day to help keep key stocks rising/steady for the amount of runs done over the course of a week.


These simple changes should help out.

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