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Looks Like Ps4 Isn't Going To Do Any Better...


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I truly can't blame anyone who wants to let them burn, granted in the PC I wanted to see what would happen to ONE of them, didn't expect as many to go down that did, but hey, again after going ballistic myself the first few times, I found myself having to go farm up Nanospore, then the Cryotic, THEN those godforsaken isotopes, so 2-3 missions, to get the bits, to chip paint off a fomorian I already got my point for 6 runs ago, THEN joining a game where one uber #$&(% with his new Itzal speed blasts into the ship, and kicks over the Disruptor, and I'm still outside the ship dealing with a horde of enemies I would LIKE to use to level gear & garner SOME measure of reward for my effort in random mod drops.

Anyone REALLY find it unreasonable for folks to not want to go through all that? when the only meritable reward, can be gained by doing each ship 1 time as well as keeping a bit of content that had only existed for a few weeks, and even then during the majority of those weeks was only accessible to rank 15+ players.

Its not unreasonable, at all, best off just getting what fun out if it your able to, try not to get too wrapped up like the PC crowd did, and remember to enjoy what your doing.

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It's not that we're not doing any better, I myself am burnt out with it, atm. This event requires us to exclusively run Archwing for several days without pause. It doesn't help that Archwing itself isn't that exciting and it's the required number of runs to save a relay that causes fatigue. I'll feel differently tomorrow, but right now, Archwing can suck a fat one.


Edit: I also think an Archwing event this early was a mistake. I intended to level all the Archwing gear later but was forced to slap something together. DE should've allowed Archwing more time to mature before unleashing this marathon run style event on us.  

Edited by (PS4)CaulusOuranos
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I guess too many players concentrated on Pluto, and after that, Saturn. A bit of optimizing and we'd still have a clean sheet (Europa looks grim right now).

I would be great to hear actual facts how exactly Fomorians lose integrity:

- Number of runs?

- Does number of players matter?

- Does amount of inflicted damage matter?

Edited by (PS4)adrian80
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It's scripted, DE said it. No need to be so hard on yourself.

Show me where it says this, please. If it's true, I'm getting to Vandal, and not investing any extra time. If this really is true, all I'll say is that my disappointment is " Extraordinary" if DE was not forthright with this info. If it's not true, my disappointment lies with you, Twilight.

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I'm only annoyed because Saturn is going down really fast, Leonov was just abandoned. Everyone jumped ship to Kronia

I ran Europa at least 10 times. Saturn once. It may be that a lot of PSN members made the strategic decision to ensure Pluto and Saturn relays were saved and simply let Europa go to build up resources and throw extra runs at the others.

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Show me where it says this, please. If it's true, I'm getting to Vandal, and not investing any extra time. If this really is true, all I'll say is that my disappointment is " Extraordinary" if DE was not forthright with this info. If it's not true, my disappointment lies with you, Twilight.



People like this can never produce anything to back their claims, or they would when they made blanket statements like this. There's been too many posts on the forum, and zero supporting evidence to back this claim. Just another person with too much tinfoil on the inside of their hat that has fried what few brain cells they had. 




PS4 Region chat is depressing. Sadly, if everyone that was in the damn relay 2 hours hours before hand to watch it burn from the inside, or was talking nothing but **** in region chat ALL DAY about letting them burn, would have actually played instead of being ****, we would have saved it no problem. What self righteous people don't understand, is when playing a COMMUNITY EVENT, the event is based around the COMMUNITY participation.


Silver, you could rant all day on here, and it's going to get you no where buddy. The replies you get are the exact same issues that plague American society. No one wants to take part in something unless it directly BENEFITS them, that's why the first 30% is knocked down generally within 2-3 hours, everyone wants that ONE point, screw everyone past that though. The MINUTE they don't reap a personal instantaneous reward for it though they could care less about everyone else involved in it.   


Watching how much Saturn went down, 10% in the first hour, while Europa was lucky to get 1% in that same hour, I hope they all burn, every single one of them. I want to see every cry baby on the forums *@##$ing about how it's not fair that they aren't getting what XBone is getting, and we're not getting prime mods, and everything else that comes with these relays in the future. There needs to be a consequence to this pathetic excuse of a community. 


Maybe this is all just one sick social experiment....and there's a new theory people can run with. 

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With an attitude like that, it's no wonder the community is becoming more toxic. In truth the event was poorly designed; PC players can attest to that. At the very least, previous event mods should have been included in the drop table. Why suffer through content when the reward is not proportionate to the effort? I already have one job, I don't need a second. Besides most events can be completed in a few nights of playing, requiring over a week of effort is just tedious. In the end the event is the problem, not the community.

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There is really no reason for person repeat same thing for countless times without any damn reward, you get money and +1 score by doing it once, rest runs are just person wasting his/hers life. They barely get xp,credit or mods doing it. So you cant even run it for lvls up in your mind. Add the fact you need farm isotopes to even get "access"  for mission and you lose disruptor even if you dont use it per mission.


The event is just bad, horrible even. Asking person to do same @(*()$ S#&$ over and over again without any gain is like asking person to shoot him/herself in to leg.  They could tripled or even quadrupled exp gain for doing those missions, let them reward archwing weapon parts the rare ones.

Then ppl who dont want to quite literally wastes their time would actually get rewarded for their efforts. Its same thing for jobs, you dont go there just waste your time, you go there because you get paid for it. What is your paycheck in this event? saving relay? place where you visit only when void trader is there and/or give medallions for your syndicates? you dont need multiple relays for that, just one is enough. You cant go there for chat because over 95% of time, nobody talks there, social place yet no one talks there.

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There needs to be a consequence to this pathetic excuse of a community. 


This event is like an SNL skit, starts off fine...but then it drags on way too long and ends up ruining what started as with an interesting premise. It's a game...why is it so difficult to understand that some people would prefer spending their free time doing something they actually enjoy?


I farmed enough to make 20 disruptors. I've been running each alert twice and that's really 1 time too many since I'm terrible at Archwing and don't enjoy it. I can't hit anything with the gun unless I stop moving (and there's no cover)...so I stick with melee (max health/armor/shield Odonata), which is just button mashing with a nausea inducing camera. I have about a 1% success rate reviving allies because I end up flying past them, getting disoriented and running out of time.


15:10 at least made Archwing playable with the loot vacuum and increased energy orb drops...but it's still not for me. If DE wants there to be consequences for not participating in their un-fun event where I don't feel like I'm making an appreciable difference, fine...if I don't like what they do in the future I can always play something else and not buy more platinum.


I've got to believe DE knows this event is rubbish...otherwise I can't look forward to future updates because it would mean I don't trust the people making the content to have a modicum of common sense. We already know they are planning future relay enhancements to make each unique and serve more of a purpose...it would not be shocking or surprising if a destroyed relay was re-built new and improved!


Embrace whatever the outcome is and don't take things so seriously...it's just a game.

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I totally understand, yes the rewards are lacking right now, but we don't know what the future holds for them, and what future rewards and content will be missed. I would even go so far to say they didn't promote the event very well, giving no other incentive to save them than the trader and gear which can be had for 10 total runs. Maybe they should have showed more of what the future had in store for each of the different relays to give more of a connection to them and show their real potential.

My only sourness is with the openly "LET IT BURN" people. That is toxic, and spreads like a cancer through a community. If my attitude was toxic, we would have saved the relay, because while everyone was holding their let it burn parties in all the different region chats, there were entire smaller clans and alliances out there still trying to save it for the people that see the potential, and understand that we may not immediately see the rewards. That includes myself, my clan mates, and alliance mates.

Do people really think DE would have designed SEVEN relays, and not have something in store for them in the future? They already said in the dev stream they had unique plans for each relay.

It's funny, Pluto got saved, yet an easier planet falls.

Edited by (PS4)excat_56
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Except that the attitude is not just to let it burn but to invest their time wisely. Yes, the Void Trader is coming next week so we need to do tower runs as well. There just isn't time to farm isotopes and cryptic for absolutely no payoff. Besides the event is downright boring. I play Warframe to have fun and work towards something, this event fulfills neither of those things. Again, it's just a bad event. Besides, not all other relays will fall and the PC version is no different so why complain over something that DE will have to address anyway? Don't be so serious, it's just a game.

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I've run three missions or atleast two on each relay. But work, life, and just having the time to get components is a real pain. My friends told me that there was a suicide group on one of the doomed relays acting like they had drank the kook-aid. If anything the observation of human nature could generate a couple papers on how the community is reacting to this event.

Edited by (PS4)FriendSharkey
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Except that the attitude is not just to let it burn but to invest their time wisely. Yes, the Void Trader is coming next week so we need to do tower runs as well. There just isn't time to farm isotopes and cryptic for absolutely no payoff. Besides the event is downright boring. I play Warframe to have fun and work towards something, this event fulfills neither of those things. Again, it's just a bad event. Besides, not all other relays will fall and the PC version is no different so why complain over something that DE will have to address anyway? Don't be so serious, it's just a game.



I'm sorry if seriousness and open dialogue about something bothers you. Some people play games seriously, because they seriously enjoy it, and it's the small amount of time they may get away from the hustle of everyday life, and events like this are designed for a reason. I for one wanted to see what the developers had in store for all the relays in the future.


I offer you a counter view though. 


Say you want to go out and go do something, a one time even, say a private concert of your favorite band, and it's their last show ever before they break up, but it has a group requirement of 100 people, but you can only find 40 people that want to go with you. Well, it looks like you and those 40 other people are crap out of luck. Despite how hard you and those other 40 people worked, you are still depending on others in your success of being able to do it. 


You know for darn sure that if DE would have said if we saved every relay, all participating players would have gotten a legendary core as a reward, that they would be taken down in hours. Yes, hours, because it is possible. Every one the comes up, the first 2 hours of it being up, when the community is getting their 1 required point, there's been no less than 20% damage dealt. So...if everyone did 5 runs, which takes MAYBE 15 minutes in total to do and you go on about your business, it would be done right there. No grinding needed. People wouldn't need to put in 40+ runs on one to take it down. 


To each their own....

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