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Why Is Stalker Allowed To Unpause My Game? Why!?


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I just got my new Kubrow from the Incubator and took him to Venera, Venus to get him leveled up some.


I pause the game for a moment to check something.


Stalker decides "Naw son, ain't got time to wait!"


My game is unpaused by force and he kills me.


Edit: YES. It was Solo mode. Meaning the game WAS ACTUALLY PAUSED at one point.

Edited by Kaiczar
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It's a little key called esc. 

I use the esc button to check the team out sometimes and it doesn't pause at all. Still get shot at. I tjust thought maybe there was a button i didn't know about but yeah even in single player the game behaves like a multi. Always on.

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I use the esc button to check the team out sometimes and it doesn't pause at all. Still get shot at. I tjust thought maybe there was a button i didn't know about but yeah even in single player the game behaves like a multi. Always on.

Nope. In solo it pauses the game completely. Unless stalker decides to break the rules. 

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It pauses the game only if you're in solo mode.


It might do it of you're on online without any other players, but I'm not entirely sure.


Nope, I've played on 'Friends Only' mode, while I'm the only person in the 'Team' and it doesn't pause the game then, main reason I run Solo mode is so I can pause it to be honest in case I need to for whatever reasons.

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Nope, I've played on 'Friends Only' mode, while I'm the only person in the 'Team' and it doesn't pause the game then, main reason I run Solo mode is so I can pause it to be honest in case I need to for whatever reasons.

Another instance of it pausing is if you're in Solo mode, and you join your friend who is NOT in Solo mode, and they leave (causing a migration). That puts you in solo and you can pause as well.

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-Stalker and Hek laugh maniacally while skipping into the distance holding hands and into the sunset where they become Tenno crispies because you know the sun is really hot and all-

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-Stalker and Hek laugh maniacally while skipping into the distance holding hands and into the sunset where they become Tenno crispies because you know the sun is really hot and all-

I see you're a fan of necromancy.

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